jueves, 26 de diciembre de 2019

Donald Trump's dirty game

We start from the fact that Donald Trump is a player, not a politician, or a strategist
The difference between a player, a politician, a strategist and a player is that the politician is someone who thinks especially about what is convenient, a strategist about the right thing and a player on luck.
To play is to rely on chance as a determining factor, this explains why we call lottery game, gambling, card game etc.
Donald Trump not only was a player all his life but he invested a lot of money in casinos and gambling.
Based on this psychological behavior, I can affirm that the game that takes place in Syria, by appropriating the oil of that country is to weaken the army and government of Al Assad, the president of that country, because it is more expensive to keep soldiers guarding that oil with the serious possibility that he has to flee if there is an armed confrontation.
If he loses in that confrontation, he will have lost what every player loses, money above all, then confidence and finally prestige.
The army of Al Assad, is now the most powerful army in the Middle East, because it has a victorious war experience, which after defeating the Islamic State, Al Qaeda, Israel, the United States and their allies, such as England and France.
Al Assad also has the support of Russia, which has the army with the best long-range weapons in the world, Iran, which has the army with the most victorious war experience in the Middle East, after defeating Saddam Hussein and Iraq, and along with Syria defeat Al Qaeda, Saudi Arabia, United States, Islamic State, France, England and Israel, with the help of Russia.
On the contrary, the United States has a defeat in Vietnam, another in Afghanistan, and now that of Syria, plus a psychological defeat in living the rejection in Iraq, which does not thank them for their presence in that territory, which weighs on the moral of Your soldiers
A new defeat in Syria would be a breaking point for the US military and therefore a high risk that can show the world that the United States is vulnerable.
Donald Trump's bet that keeping Syria poor and with a blockade like Cuba and Venezuela more without the possibility of financing the reconstruction of war-torn cities and towns, has an enemy under control, can be expensive.
 In Latin America, Donald Trump's bet is to keep the supply of raw materials and the market for his products under his control, which China now disputes, but slowing down Hispanic migration on its southern border.
For this he insists on the construction of a wall, on deportations, and on the persecution and discrimination of Latinos within the United States.
Their bet is that Latinos give up or at least feel afraid of trying to enter their country illegally.
On the other hand, he is interested in demonstrating that socialist governments such as those in Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela are bad, because they make their population suffer.
For this it maintains and now it has multiplied the mechanisms of blockade, so that the economy of those countries suffers and its inhabitants in passing, and that despair leads them to knock down what they call dictatorships of Ortega, Maduro, and Cuba.
But in this bet there is a migratory wave, which at first I blame the national governments of Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Central America, but seeing that the United States supported people who without winning elections were proclaimed presidents, such as Juan Guaidó, and Jannine Añez in Bolivia, the perception of people is changing, they realize that it is a new interventionist adventure.
The interventionist adventures already hit Cuba in Bay of Pigs and failed but it has had recent success, in Panama, Honduras, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia through the so-called War on Drug Trafficking.
Ecuador experienced the war on drug trafficking since the government of Jeorge Bush Jr., and in 2000 it was part of the Plan Colombia until 2008.
The Colombia plan was a Pentagon strategy to control the armies of Ecuador, Peru, Colombia and Bolivia, and justify the presence of military bases, so that what happened in Venezuela with the arrival of Hugo Chavez did not happen in these armies.
The military bases were located in Ecuador in 1998, during the government of Jamíl Mahuad that the Manta Base gave them, but the government of Rafael Correa took them out.
Then the right-wing government of Uribe in Colombia allowed them to put 7 military bases and that of Peru 4.
When Rafael Correa left power, his successor, Lenin Moreno, a member of the Rafael Correa party, Alianza País, for 6 years his vice president and for 4 years his delegate to the UN, for the disabled, with a salary of 16,000 dollars a month , which along with bribes received and placed in a secret account in Panama, at the Balboa Bank, on behalf of his daughters, allowed him a great life, relationships, apartments, trips and money before being the success
Once in power he stole his party, betrayed Korea, changed his government program to the neoliberal right and allied himself with Rafael Correa's most economical enemies, including Donald Trump and the Pentagon.
This alliance was in exchange for the United States to guarantee him 4 years in power, but the Americans asked him to be allowed to put the military base back in Manta, and asked for another military base in Galapagos, which they already had during the Second World War and left these islands in 1946, after having helped Peru cut half of Ecuador's territory in the Amazon, in 1941, in exchange for the provision of rubber for war, from Iquitos, rubber that since 1886 in most of it came from the Napo, Putumayo Rivers, which were part of the Ecuadorian territory, not recognized by Peru.
Trump also asked for police control through DEA ​​agents who would persecute drug traffickers, and those linked to the FARC guerrillas, and the control of the Army, to operate as anvil and the Colombian army, as the hammer, in order to end the guerrilla.
Today with the signing of the Peace Agreement between the FARC and the Colombian Government, something unwanted by the Colombian right that won a popular consultation against the peace agreement, this agreement is not to the liking of the United States, because peace in Colombia means the departure of military bases in Ecuador and in Colombia.
 Today the breach of the Peace Agreement by the Duke government in Colombia, plus the presence of Walter Arizala aka Guacho, the Ecuadorian dissident of the FARC, who trafficked drugs, killed the military and Ecuadorian journalists, plus the rebirth of the FARC, with the dissidents and the still present guerrilla of the ELN, the United States justifies that Ecuador has American boots in its territory violating, the express madato of the constitution of this country in its article 3 numeral 2, and especially in its article 5
This applies to the Pentagon, the CIA, National Security and the DEA. from United States. and other military or security forces of any other country.
The presence of US troops and the DEA has so far meant an increase in coca cultivation and not a decrease in cocaine trafficking to the United States, which is not justified by the so-called war on drug trafficking in Ecuador and Colombia
But Donald Trump, used his military power, of seduction in exchange for credits and trade agreements, the IMF, the OAS, then through PROSUR, the Lima group did not block, nor the tariff rates so that Lenin Moreno violates the constitution of his Country and serve you.
 In this way he obtained from Julian Assange, a persecuted from the Pentagon for revealing information confidentialities of the United States and creator of WikiLeakes a portal to betray dictators, businessman, rulers, politicians, armies and corrupt governments, and human rights violators were delivered first to England, and after 13 months in jail in that country to the United States, where he wants to be sentenced for life,
In addition, he managed to get Ecuador from UNASUR to take away its headquarters, with which the South American Defense Council, which freed the South American armies from American manipulation, almost disappeared, also weighing only Venezuela as a member.
Ecuador was able to join the other countries that make up the so-called Lima group and to which since this week Bolivia has joined, which also left UNASUR together to act against Venezuela and the government of Nicolás Maduro who lives a block of terrible consequences For its inhabitants.
But this blockade has generated a migratory wave that now hits the economies and conscience of South America, which is experiencing a critical moment translated into the return of Socialism of the 21st Century to Argentina, the electoral crisis of Bolivia, the end of the neoliberal lie of Chile, the national uprising of Colombia, the dictatorship of Vizcarra, and Añez in Peru and Bolivia, and discontent with Bolsonaro in power and Lula persecuted in Brazil and the economic crisis in Ecuador plus discontent over the persecution of Correa and his supporters that has generated the rebirth in Colombia the most corrupt army in the world and in Ecuador the most corrupt justice in the world.
So from a stage of great profits in the game, Donald Trump has entered the phase of great defeats that begin with the impedance or political trial, for using his power and taxpayers' money for personal gain, not filing taxes and obstructing United States Congress investigations and protest.

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