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viernes, 25 de febrero de 2022
Why a war in Europe is dangerous and the origin of the Third World War
Since the times of Alexander the Great, Europe left that part of the planet occupied by a majority of the white race, and this race became aggressive cultures, which we can now call warriors, with more inventions and social organization than in the rest of the planet.
Unlike the cultures of Asia whose expansion was linked to the horse, the camel and the wheel, the expansion of Europe was linked above all to navigation.
The Roman Empire was based on the control of the Mediterranean and from there they expanded to continental territories of Asia and Africa, later, with Spain and Portugal, the domination of the Atlantic began and they were joined by England, France and Holland, who converted the oceans of the world on the main trade routes, and since the time of Alexander the Great, Europe left that part of the planet occupied by a majority of the white race, and this race became aggressive cultures, which we can now call warriors, with more inventions and social organization than in the rest of the planet.
Unlike the cultures of Asia whose expansion was linked to the horse, the camel and the wheel, the expansion of Europe was linked above all to navigation.
The Roman Empire was based on the control of the Mediterranean and from there they expanded to continental territories of Asia and Africa, later, with Spain and Portugal, the domination of the Atlantic began and they were joined by England, France and Holland, who converted the oceans of the world on major trade routes, and their trade came to include the slave trade.
It can be said that Europe gave rise to the so-called Anthropogenesis, in which human beings became a great agent of change and evolution with human influence of nature, by transporting species, expanding agriculture, livestock, fishing, with species different from native to each continent, as well as with human races, making America their laboratory for experimentation.
From that moment, continents such as the American, African, Asian and Oceanian continents were involved in wars between European empires.
At the end of the 20th century, Europe created the First World War that originated because new powers like the Prussian Empire wanted part of the spoils, in Africa and Oceania. For the European powers that began their expansion with thieves, rapists, and murderers taken from their prisons, and who became conquerors, pirates, and settlers, turned the continents into booty.
The first world war, like the second, has as its origin the Prussian Empire or origin of today's Germany, which after sheltering the Goths, Visigoths, and Aryans from Asia, with them destroyed Rome, and its Western empire. , giving rise to feudalism, another form of social organization where slaves were replaced by serfs, who were human beings who could not be bought and sold, but were condemned to be born and live for feudal lords, in their farms, castles and properties, but after the great bubonic plague, which killed half the population of Europe, the serfs were replaced by laborers and the masters, by bosses, who rented out human labor, giving rise to wages, and capitalism, thanks to the expansion of trade with China, along the Silk Road.
The wars of the Crusades and the invasions of the Mongols, and the Arabs, with the Moors in the Iberian Peninsula, allowed the Europeans to become the accumulators of knowledge of a human species, surpassing the Chinese and Muslims, especially after the invention of the printing press and the marketing of printed materials, where Germany once again became the center of this revolution.
The discovery of America, the Pacific and navigation routes such as the Strait of Magellan and inventing interoceanic transit through Panama, part of the Viceroyalty of New Granada, and through the Viceroyalty of New Spain. today Mexico and the northern triangle of Central America, through Nicaragua, allowed not only to change the world order of the economy, of nature, but also the accumulation of information, which initially used written Spanish as the lingua franca, and then other languages like the Portuguese, and English, as Russia expanded through North Asia.
The navigation and the written languages of Europe, added to trade and naval transport, made Europe the engine of change on Planet Earth, until now, in which it competes with the United States and China, the two new non-European powers, since Russia It is the last European white empire in the world that survives thanks to world wars, communism and the wars of independence, which destroyed the colonial power of the other European empires.
Today the last white empire in Europe, competes with the new empires of America, the North American empire, which appropriated most of Europe, through NATO and with China that expands thanks to its industry and commerce that has more than 4000 years of history.
Russia's conflict with Ukraine, which was part of the Russian empire for 500 years, and has been a Russian colony ever since, is the first fracture of the Russian empire, which would later become the USSR, and later the pact of Warsaw, which allowed the KREMLIN to control a quarter of the planet earth.
The Cold War in which Russia, that is, the KREMLIN lost, liberated the countries of Europe, the East and the USSR, and was a revenge of the European empires, since Soviet communism was the one that inspired, sponsored, armed the former European colonies to free themselves, in order to weaken the other European empires that since Napoleon have invaded Russia to strip it of its enormous territory.
But until the 21st century, the original Russian empire had fought against external enemies, and against nations of different languages, religions, and cultures, to which 1992 gave their free will after the defeat in the Cold War. A new form of war that, like the war on drug trafficking or terrorism, does not only confront armies, but uses communications, the media, satellites, commerce, industry, and even nuclear and mass extinction weapons to destroy the economy of their enemies, which results in humanitarian crises that suffocate the defeated.
Today the Russian Federation is waging a war in which its population is divided, since it is a war against Ukraine, the cradle of many Russians, their relatives, their friends, and what they do not want is to be governed by a new Tsar who it is what Putin has become.
The Achilles Heel is what was once its greatest strength, the succession in power. This is the main achievement of the United States, which invented the system of elections or popular voting, to elect governments, put a time limit on mandates, and mechanisms to remove total power from the rulers, who cannot at the same time decide what laws are in force in their domains, nor who is guilty or innocent, nor can they use the resources of their country as they please, nor do they have to answer to anyone, a system where the most important thing is the time limit of the mandate, and that it is not concentrated in a whole human being.
Europe, evolved from the republican system that originated in Greece, and Rome before they failed becoming empires, to what is called parliamentary monarchy, where the King has no power but only representation. Power is distributed in a Prime Minister, a parliament, and a judicial system.
Russia evolved from an absolutist monarchy in which the King had all the powers like Louis XIV of France, or Catherine the Great of Russia, to communism, where power was concentrated in the Secretary of the Communist Party, who could rule until his death, the Secretary General of the Party, and Congress, who were actually puppets of the General Secretary of the Communist Party, that is to say, they were a captive public that they manipulate through a show where everyone fixes their attention on the leader, just as nationalist socialism did of Hitler.
The problem with North American democracy is that it has become a commodity like everything else in capitalism, and now the presidential succession is won by the one who raises the most money for the company and that the Political Parties have been replaced by the media, their powerful owners, because now the media are the ones that sell the image of the Party's candidates, besides they even lead the United States to war, since the Spanish-American War, in the newspapers of the United States they forced the government to invade Cuba.
Today the TV, internet, radio and press media of the United States are the ones that monitor the presidents, politicians, and all the human beings of that country, they tell them what to buy, what to see, what to listen to, what to believe, and it is more, who to vote for.
While the problem of succession in Russia has become a problem where the army, the police and the allies of the ruler have the last word, in the United States and Europe those who have the last word are the owners of the big media, they They put in and remove rulers, and manipulate voters as they please, leaving to the Political Parties the role of making up the power of the media.
In the Ukraine War with Russia, the danger is that it is a War in Europe, which is now the world's tinderbox, since it is the place with the most weapons of mass extinction, soldiers, fanatics, old and violent people in the world who have lost scruples for more than 2000 years and have been trained to invade and subdue other human beings.
Today Europe or USA today allies in NATO, which originated this treatment of the planet called anthropogenesis, and which is responsible for climate change, extinction, planetary pollution and global violence that has now even become family violence, neighborhood, national in its former colonies, from where the invaders of Europe and the United States now emerge, is about to decide the fate and death of the entire planet in a stupid war, whose real purpose is to attack Russia, a power nuclear with the ability to end THE EARTH.
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