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sábado, 12 de marzo de 2022
Why Gabriel Boric, the new president of Chile, renews communism and the Latin American left
Caros Marx, who created the communist ideal, saved the human beings who worked as workers in the cities of the Industrial Revolution, who became the worst of the species, because of peasants who could use their knowledge, experience, reasoning to care for animals and plants or fish, became appendages of machines, automatons of flesh and blood, which repeated monotonous movements, which annihilated their reasoning, their memory, for up to 14 hours a day, they repeated and repeated the same thing, until the only way to recover their humanity was through alcoholism, which gave them back their souls, allowed them to rebuild their relationships with other human beings every weekend, but turned them into dependents, who finally ended their existence as tuberculosis patients, alcoholics, or as miserable beings.
The serial production engineered by Henri Ford degraded them even more, but by improving their economic income and lowering the price of automobiles, it gave them another dimension, the dimension of small owners. It also aroused creative and innovative talent, as serial production extended to everything from food, medicine to airplanes.
Industrial production required more and more skilled labor, which was prepared in universities, which in turn restored human beings to their condition, freed them from manual labor, which became the most degrading work so far, in which easily the workers are replaced by dumb machines, which shows us the degradation to which the species has come.
But the workers of monotonous, alienating routines, from the countryside and the city managed to group together, to save their humanity, their talent, create rights, show themselves less vulnerable, this was possible thanks to the communist ideology of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, which made them recognize that they were victims, that the way to stop being victims was through organization.
Communism then encouraged unions, student movements, workers and finally the liberation of the colonies of the great European empires.
While capitalism turned money into a god, but at the same time awakened the imagination and personality of each human being, communism robbed them of their right to own things, turned them into fighters for wages and rights, for fewer hours of work. , but he took away their personality, turned them en masse into sheep, into a fold, and into submissive, into blind followers of leaders, bosses, warlords, like Stalin.
Communism conceived that power, wealth and knowledge should be distributed equally among all human beings on the planet, but later socialism thought that this was not possible, that the wealth, power, knowledge and information of each country should be distributed equitably, but only for the inhabitants of that country. Finally, communism was distorted in the so-called Socialist International, which sought to create a communist empire, based on alliances or subjugation of other countries, for which the army and the secret police were the tip of the spear, the communist party was the network, which would trap the inhabitants of other places or countries.
This was successful in Russia and China. While Germany decided to create another form of communism, called National Socialism, or the Nazi Party, where private property did not disappear, but the workers had education, health, housing, salaries, no one would be unemployed, full employment would be created, in exchange of absolute submission to a fanatical cult of a leader. This leader would concentrate everything, power, wealth, knowledge, and information, which would become propaganda.
The Marxist doctrine was replaced by propaganda, by the monopoly of the information media, education, by the persecution of dissidents, traitors, renegades, opponents, who finally became prisoners of concentration camps or gulags. The Soviet Union became the property of the KGB, of Stalin, and the successive general secretaries of the world communist party, the same thing happened in China, and in Germany the country became the property of Hitler.
Lenin and Stalin, Fidel, the secretaries of the communist parties of Eastern Europe, and those of Africa turned entire countries into the property of the communist warlords who waged their wars of independence. Their power was in perpetuity once they reached the palaces of government.
After the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia and the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States are no longer the property of the Communist Party, nor of its general secretary who held that position until his death, but instead became the property of Vladimir Putin and his friends, called the oligarchs of Russia, people he never had and once had, and they want to go back crazy and they want to put sticks in their eyes.
Putin wants the return of the Orthodox Religion to power, of a new generation of billionaire aristocrats, of an army of Cossacks, and of an intimidating military power. He wants the return of the RUSSIAN EMPIRE.
Today Russia, which was the cradle of the communist party, and of communism as the party in power since 1917, is the tomb of European communism and the rebirth of white imperialism in Europe.
But communism evolved, and it has another form in China, and now in Latin America it has a rebirth with a different mentality, with Gabriel Boric, in Chile, the country where it was precisely intended to make it disappear in 1974, through the assassination of Salvador Allende, the the world's first communist president, elected by popular vote. This was a surprise for the CIA and the United States, since the electoral system that is applied in Latin America has been created since its inception to prevent the communists from winning elections and being forced to use subversive warfare, which in turn allows the USA to have control of the Latin American armies, with the excuse of repressing communism and subversion, because they fostered internal violence, bloodbaths in the countries, just as drug trafficking does now, which is the new excuse to have our armies at your disposal.
The electoral victory in Chile made the world see that Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Mao and the extreme right of the capitalist countries were wrong, they thought that capitalism could only be defeated through armed struggle, the shedding of blood, bloodthirsty and violent revolution.
But with Gandhi, and the independence of India, Marin Luther King in the United States, Mandela in South Africa, who opened the doors to peace movements, encouraged the struggle of workers, students, women, peasants, and indigenous people in the streets, without using weapons, through protest, organization and grouping, as new ways of confronting the military power of the European capitalists and imperialists.
The electoral victory of Chávez in Venezuela, of Evo Morales in Bolivia, of Lula in Brazil, of the Kirstchners in Argentina, Correa in Ecuador, the Fernándezes in Argentina, López Obrador in Mexico, opened the way for the Latin American Left to opt for elections, instead of violent revolutions as in Cuba and Nicaragua, a path that questions the centuries-old armed struggle in Colombia.
Today the students, the women, the indigenous, the manual workers, the unions and the social groups triumph in Chile, they want the fair distribution of power, wealth, knowledge and information, which Marx and Engels proposed, but without a bath of blood, for which they are making a constitution, which will be the roadmap to reach that goal, in which they also try to ensure that the communist leaders and their governments are not in perpetuity, or prolonged through successive re-elections that encourage populism, the caudillismo, political fanaticism, servile fanatical obedience, the stupidity of the masses, the loss of personality, the stupid subjection to citizenship, which seeks to make human beings different, only because of the country in which they are born or we live, it turns us into toys of duties and rights that the ruler of the day or the country gives or takes from us, to which it is thrown by humanitarian, environmental or health catastrophes that now they are more frequent because of wars, economic crises, climate change, desertification, deforestation, pollution, or the disappearance of species, of natural resources, which have an uncontrolled dimension.
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