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viernes, 4 de marzo de 2022
The possible end of the government of the political parties, the kings and theocracies
World War I marked the end of religious monarchies, which was a process in which polytheistic monarchies, then monotheistic monarchies, gave way to atheistic monarchies, capitalist monarchies, and communist monarchies.
In polytheistic monarchies, the rulers and their descendants came to power by the will of the gods, thus becoming demigods, incarnating omnipotent gods, most of whom had non-human forms,
In monotheistic monarchies, the rulers and their descendants embodied the will of a single god, such as the Christian or Muslim God, who generally had human form.
In the capitalist pseudo-monarchies, the richest, that is, those who managed to concentrate wealth, or power, that is, goods or relationships, became rulers, or demigods of an invented god, called money, whose difference is that it was not in another dimension , which was known as heaven, but on earth, and which had no form, emerged from human groups called parties and, in general, the rulers could not govern in perpetuity, nor inherit the government, they were candidates of human groups , where the supporters lost their personality, their own identity, they became followers no longer of a god, but of an idea, or of a human being called a leader, but they could choose which party and leader to follow. This leader, when he came to power, could become a demigod, but for a limited time. The more developed the country, the more powers its ruler has.
In the communist monarchies, the ruler was born from a new god called mass, multitude, anonymous people, when the industry created appendages of machines that lost their personality, their ability to decide, repeating routines monotonously and endlessly until they became automatons, fools, called workers, or Nazi soldiers, revolutionary communists, grouped under the Single Party, because they could not choose another option. This Single Party chose the ruler, this ruler in turn could rule for life, since he was elected, through endless re-elections, he could recommend, but not choose his successor. Something similar to what happens in the Catholic Church, in which the Pope is elected by the cardinals, and he governs the Church until his death.
These models of monarchies are now followed by the socialist monarchy, in which the candidate is born from a competition between parties, in elections, and if the socialist or populist party wins, which generally represents the masses, that is to say, the crowds, but in the first they follow an idea, in populism a leader. Unlike the capitalist parties that represent the rich, and are even owned by the rich, the socialist parties do not, and the populists can be .
The problem of the socialist parties is that they focus on the fight against poverty and when the poor cease to be poor, they no longer want to be masses, or crowds, or sheep, they want to be shepherds, owners, leaders, rich, powerful, and even immortals. They want the privileges for themselves and the sufferings, the exhausting work, for the masses. It is enough to remember Stalin or Hitler, leaders of the INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST, the first, and of NATIONAL SOCIALISM the second.
The favorite sin of all these government models is vanity, which of course is the devil's favorite sin. That is why surely in the future artificial intelligence or parliaments will be the most important thing in a country, and will replace presidents, taking power away from them, because their vanity, ignorance, emotionality, or clumsiness, can be catastrophic for millions of human beings who govern , and even to your neighbors or the rest of the world. But eventually intelligent machines will tell rulers what to do, as drones now do in warfare.
The leaders in the parties, in general, are formed in certain atmospheres that mark their destiny.
In Ecuador, Rafael Correa grew up in an environment where vanity, which has two sides, the good side is the recognition or improvement of personal virtues and qualities to be better, and the bad side is that when he reaches the goals he pursues , but loses contact with reality, becomes an Adonis, who falls in love with himself.
Rafael Correa, the most brilliant of the presidents in the history of Ecuador due to his intelligence, was an easy toy for the traitors, liars, and deceivers of his own party, who elevated him to the category of demigod, but with feet of clay. . Like Julius Caesar, he was stabbed with the sword at the right moment.
Correa lived his childhood and youth in Guayaquil, the city where vanity perspires every day, the inconsequential has supreme status, the fleeting becomes glory, violence, audacity, business are everything. But his marriage to a woman from Belgium, his studies in Europe and the United States, gave him a global vision, which allowed him to understand the difference between the transcendent or the inconsequential, which is precisely what the inhabitants of his hometown.
On the contrary Lenín Moreno grew up in the atmosphere of envy, lies, slander, resentment, hatred, due to his paralysis of the lower limbs. His cultural environment, the city of Quito, where intrigue, double standards, deception and theft are a culture with five hundred years of history, made him a physically inferior person, who hated Rafael Correa, especially because Correa rode on a bicycle, he showed off the power of his legs. Lenín Moreno, lived and cultivated double standards, because to get out of his bitterness he wrote humorous books, with which he disguised what he considered a tragedy, moving around in a wheelchair. Once in government, he became a traitor, a liar, a coward, a wretch, a spiteful man, but with power, that is, with control over the fate and death of millions of inhabitants of his country, Ecuador, which led them directly to unemployment, the economic crisis and death during the pandemic, but also became a sellout, as he gave away the Manta and Galapagos bases to his protector, US President Donald Trump, who turned him into a a puppet from the United States, in a wheelchair.
Today we once again have a president from Guayaquil, the land of vanity, the insignificant, the fleeting, the appearance, that he lived in the atmosphere of greed. This is to desire the foreign, which in Guayaquil is possible, being a thief, merchant or banker, since the time when pirates, merchants and politicians turned the port into loot, 500 years ago.
Since childhood he dreamed of getting out of poverty, and for that he dedicated himself to appropriating other people's money, through banks, loans, credits. His life revolves around multiplying money, through companies in Ecuador and in tax havens, evading taxes, laundering legal and illegal money, since Ecuador became the main South American laundry of money from drug trafficking, human trafficking, and gold trafficking. , wood, government corruption, etc., but the banks appropriated the media, the lives of public officials, whom they manage as they please, even when they become presidents.
The environment of greed and vanity in which he was born, led him to be part of the worst fraud in the history of Ecuador, in which the banks robbed people who had their money in them, billions of dollars, and also the bankers , from the group to which he belonged, they even stole the money from the Central Bank, which guaranteed support to the sucre, the national currency, this made our currency disappear, the desperate Ecuadorians sold those papers to him at the price of a sick chicken, then, the current President from Ecuador, he charged them at face value, becoming the richest banker in the country.
When we opted for the dollar, the current President bought the papers that guaranteed the scammed that future governments would return their money once the assets seized from the bankers were sold. Today the President of Ecuador owns four billion dollars, earned in just 20 years, in a poor country like Ecuador, which is not the same as earning that amount in developed countries, where the minimum wage is 10 times more. That is, 40 billion dollars in the USA or Australia. Without being the inventor of anything, that he is what has instead enriched Bill Gates, or Elon Musk.
Today Ecuador is experiencing the consequences of the covid pandemic and its health crisis, the economic crisis of unemployment, bankruptcy, massive indebtedness, which has translated into criminal violence on the Coast, and brazen and continuous robbery in the Sierra.
he prison crisis, hired killers, emigration, drug trafficking, are the evidence that the government of Ecuador is lost.
The president multiplies debtors with credits, emigrants leave due to unemployment and insecurity, corruption is everywhere, even within the police, who seize money, cell phones, vehicles, houses and drugs when they capture drugs seized, all this is now their loot, to the point that we have narco-generals, denounced by the American Embassy, who was the one who trusted them the most.
Embarked on the losing war on drug trafficking, President Lasso is adrift, since it is impossible to win it, if the developed countries continue to consume and pay for drugs, the figures they pay. Poverty and unemployment multiply faster than the Ecuadorian population. It also has an external debt in which each inhabitant already owes 4,000 US dollars from the day he is born until he dies. This debt to foreign lenders, they charge us with taxes, expensive public services, fines, judgments, elimination of subsidies and public spending, which is spending on education, health, and services fundamentally.
It is impossible to win the drug war because it is against a transnational that includes the United States, Europe, developed countries in Asia and Oceania, the cartels of Mexico, Colombia, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Argentina and Chile, as well as Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, which operate as a network.
What can be done in Ecuador is to legalize the production, export and limited consumption of marijuana and cocaine, to countries that have already legalized their consumption and use, develop health education, which teaches Ecuadorians to prevent drug use , including alcohol, which is the national drug, which produces the most accidents and violent deaths, tobacco, which is the drug that kills the most human beings, stimulants, hallucinogens, which cause the most mental disorders, the self-education that is creating the residence to antibiotics, drug consumerism, which together with pesticides, stress, or pollution, which favor cancer. Consider the fight against sedentary lifestyle, malnutrition, which are now more serious than malnutrition. Only the legalization of alcohol stopped crime in the United States in the 1920s and 1930s, which occurred after prohibition, precisely.
The president of Ecuador, without hesitation, does not know where he stands, after the pandemic, in this economic crisis, or in the face of the migration crisis generated from Latin America, Africa, Asia and now in Europe itself, due to the war between Russia, Ukraine and NATO, marking the beginning of World War III. Ignorance, physical difficulties, greed, which are the burdens that the president carries prevent him from governing his country wisely, which he is taking downhill.
Putin, on the other hand, is the president of the Russian Federation, which has unleashed the Third World War, in which Europe is once again the epicenter, the most dangerous place on the planet due to its nuclear, biochemical, and chemical arsenal. A nuclear explosion or virus attack on a biotech lab can trigger a chain reaction of nuclear explosions, or a new plague. Europe is full of these risks.
In addition, the Old Continent, in a magnet of emigrants from the world, who unleash white racism, which until now has been the worst form of racism on the planet.
Putin was born and grew up in the so-called Cold War, an atmosphere, where hatred, revenge, anger, fear, intimidation reigned throughout the USSR, and the Warsaw Pact Countries, plagued by bloodthirsty and perpetual dictatorships, This he formed a spy, who came to govern the greatest country on earth, with the mind of an individual who, above all, lived through war, for whom he uses it to intimidate.
Biden, Putin's main enemy, was born in the atmosphere of intrigue, conspiracy, negotiation, where money is what buys and sells consciences, fixes or damages, finances or suffocates wars. His life has been thinking about what to do to keep the United States as the hegemonic power in the world, aware that this was possible thanks to world wars, so world wars are not a greater danger, but an opportunity. He today he uses the war between UKRAINE and RUSSIA to show what the United States can do, using NATO, the trade war, the media war, in which he is so far the most frequent winner.
Zelensky, a president born from the neo-Nazi extreme right of Ukraine, who, like Bucaram in Ecuador, started out as a media star, who did comedy, shows, with a total rational incoherence, due to his sense of humor, which does not It allowed him to warn how dangerous it was to put his country in the line of fire between the Russian Federation and NATO, allying with the enemies of Russia, which was the brother country historically and culturally. It does so, aware that NATO is not a peacekeeping army like the Blue Berets of the United Nations, but an aggressor army, which has created the wars in IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN, LIBYA, SYRIA, Ethiopia AND YEMEM, which are endless wars, which continue after they take the first shot.
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