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domingo, 17 de abril de 2022
The end of the Russian war in Ukraine
Putin's defeat in Ukraine, which is inevitable, is the best for Russia and Europe but the worst for the United States and China.
Since the Napoleonic Wars, Europe, a continent where almost every country has a different language, unlike America, where there are many countries with the same language, has tried to consolidate itself as a geopolitical unit in the world.
The discovery of America, after the failure of the Roman Empire in its attempt to unify the continent, gave rise to numerous kingdoms, which, thanks to navigation, managed to invade other continents and create oceanic powers, for three hundred years, until, thanks to Germany, the Germans and Americans who destroyed first the Roman empire, and then, through the Spanish-American War, the First and Second World Wars, the Spanish, British, Portuguese, Belgian, German, and Dutch empires, lost their most precious colonies , although they still have some, but they did not manage to destroy the Russian Empire, which on the contrary tried to spread like the USSR, through the countries of Eastern Europe, Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela and numerous African countries, including China.
Today the two winners of the Second World War, who became the world's nuclear superpowers, face China and the European Economic Community as their greatest allies and at the same time adversaries.
For the Russian Federation, a defeat in Ukraine, which is not necessarily a military defeat, but a moral and economic defeat, which is what lies ahead, since it is facing the country that is most closely related historically, culturally and militarily, which is Ukraine. , in a war between two neighbors, who for a long time have been from the same family, they know each other, they have shared everything and for that reason much more damage can be done, than between two countries that do not know each other, as happened in the Conquest of America , where the most serious damage was caused by epidemics, than by war.
Today Russia faces the worst of all her enemies, themselves. But the Russian Empire was the one that prevented Europe from being the most powerful region on the planet, and with it the white race, since the 19th century, since Europe could not consolidate itself as a continental geopolitical unit, from Portugal to Kamchatka and Vladivostok despite being a racial, and religious unity of white ethnicity and Christianity.
Putin's defeat in the Russo-Ukrainian War means that it is very possible that Russia, the former USSR countries such as Georgia and Ukraine will join the European Union, creating a large territorial space without borders, free trade and circulation of goods. people who cover most of the Northern Hemisphere and who, after using the United States to overcome the disasters of World War II, are going to become independent of their tutorship, and are going to try to return to being the center of the world, to the so-called EUROCENTRISM .
This endangers the United States, which, by allocating resources for the war in Ukraine, has neglected the crisis that the pandemic and the economy have produced in Latin America, which has become the closest and most serious problem it has, since it is the great supplier of drugs, which complicate the health of North Americans, and of immigrants, who penetrate their borders, who live and are now an important part of the electorate, who can put in place rulers, laws, etc.
This penetration of Latin Americans in the United States is fracturing the country, since the white north is facing the non-white south, which explains the racial struggle that the country is experiencing, visible in the pandemic, the elections and that is getting more complicated year after year.
But the United States no longer only has to face China, the new economic power, but now the European Economic Community plus Russia, and countries of the former USSR, if Putin loses the war, for that it prepares by creating ACUKUS, which unites the former British colonies in America and Oceania, such as Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States, which together have the same land area as Europe and Russia together, but have a larger sea area.
While India, Bangladesh, Thailand, and others are also consolidated as a free trade area, as well as Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, Latin America.
This is the new world order that is creating the Covid pandemic and the Russo-Ukrainian War, where the European Union plus the former USSR emerge as the rivals of the United States and China.
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