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jueves, 14 de abril de 2022
The monumental error of Putin and his Dogin ideologue
Putin's invasion of Ukraine into Ukraine is a monumental mistake, which could precipitate the end of the Union of Independent States, which has been ongoing since its inception, in which Armenia and Azerbaijan clashed and which put the Russian Federation in the dilemma of whom to support.
But when, in a timely manner, he succeeded in preventing Georgia from joining NATO, Putin and Dugin believed that superiority in armaments was enough to keep the countries of the UNION OF INDEPENDENT STATES loyal to Moscow.
The problem is that the Russian Federation has become a country where the mafias and the KGB, cradle of the Russian oligarchs, and of the oligarchs in each of the countries of the former USSR, who have become the new feudal lords, in each of those countries.
The origin of all these mafiosi today owners, from the countries including Ukraine, has a common origin that is the collection of protection to all those who have something to buy or sell, have a business, or have valuable property, this money is then they invested buying shares of state companies, appropriating hotels, restaurants, factories, even kiosks, they also exploit women through prostitution and pornography, which became the biggest business of all Eastern European countries, including Republics of the former USSR.
After the war in Armenia and Azabaijan, in Georgia or Abkhazia and the protests in Kazakhstan, or the war in Ukraine, there are the local mafias and gangsters, who became political power.
The war in Ukraine is an announced defeat for the Russian Federation, because it is a prolonged resistance of the Ukrainians, who do not accept humiliation, assassinations, destruction, the use of force, the violation of their rights and worst of their women or the death of children.
In addition, Ukraine knows the Russians more than they know themselves, for 90 years they have learned their strategies to use and manufacture their weapons, they dominate their language, they share the same language, religion and culture, but they also have the technological support of the Countries in Europe and the Anglo-Saxon countries, which are now purveyors of sophisticated weapons, money, which they have in abundance, and humanitarian aid, shelter the Ukrainians and train them to maintain prolonged military and non-military resistance.
The worst of all is that from the same place from which the great Russian Empire was born, which was Ukraine, the end of it is born, because with low population growth, high military spending, social and technological underdevelopment, which are the reasons for which Georgia and Ukraine have chosen to leave Moscow, because what Russia offers them is to live dependent on foreign technology, under fear of the gangsters and the secret police, which with Putin became a power as happened before with IVAN EL TERRIBLE that he used evil as a persuasive means to create the Empire, today that communications do not allow anyone to hide evil, evil, war becomes the worst way to expand, or to preserve territories, unlike the times of Rome, Attila or Genghis Khan.
War as a means of persuasion, government, and perpetuity in power, are no longer effective. Afghanistan, the poorest country in Asia, has defeated the two world powers, the USSR and the USA, with soldiers who wear espadrilles, and not armored suits.
In Colombia, the North American and Colombian army have not been able to win the war since the 1960s, the United States is losing the war on drug trafficking that began in the 1970s, it has not won anything in Libya, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, just like than NATO, this proves that war no longer solves anything in the 21st century, on the contrary, wars are now too expensive, they can destroy the richest countries in the world, which go to a battlefield, because it is very difficult to sustain soldiers of these expensive armies for a year, instead the guerrillas can now live indefinitely.
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