Today we live on the 115th day since the sanitary collapse created by the covid 19 pandemic began. Since the middle of March it began its implacable passage in the Three Americas, North America, Central America and South America, but since May 25 , with the murder of George Floyd, a poor African American, by a Minepapolis police officer.
These events have highlighted the globalization we are experiencing, which is no longer just about merchandise, tourism, information from capitalist countries, but also the triumphant start of the Internet, which alters the world order.
This is not the first time that the world order has been altered by the media, it all started with writing before Christ, then came the telegraph, the radio, and after the Second World War, television and the Internet.
In some third world countries, everything came at the same time. In Ecuador, writing, and schools, colleges, universities, radio, and above all satellite television, the Internet and cellular telephony came at the same time changing it. everything in a violent way, including the paved roads, buses, luxury vehicles, motorcycles, motorized tricycles.
This dramatic change was multiplied indefinitely by the pandemic. For the first time in our history, we were doing the same in Ecuador and China to stop the virus. For the first time billions of inhabitants, including us, we live pending the news, the Internet, locked up for months in our homes. For the first time in history, millions of human beings could not work to sustain themselves, and they had to receive water, electricity, without paying until in June, trade, mobilization began to reopen.
But this anxiety, and this isolation was broken by the protests and the protests were against the cancer that corrodes the United States and Europe, racism. Racism was already the reason for the famous Nazi Holocaust, in World War II and the horrors that it created in the concentration camps we believed that it would be enough, so that this cruelty on the planet was not repeated, but the racist cruelty went from cruelty massive, visible in the persecution of the Jews to a selective cruelty, against people or groups gathered in neighborhoods, in schools and now to individualized discrimination, in which the victims have a name, surname, and background, be they police, immigration, finally any kind of background that the current government considers, to prevent blacks from being equal to whites, or that migrants arrive as students, and even as tourists.
Now they want to return to their countries not only to illegal Hispanics, Muslims and Chinese, but to all foreign students studying ONLINE, to which the universities of Harvard and MIT have protested.
Racism and discrimination are taking over the United States, and Europe, and this is demonstrated by protests over the death of George Floyd. This is the mechanism as those countries believe that they can protect themselves. The idea of self-protection starts from the high number of unemployed people that the pandemic has created in the world. This forces them to privilege those in their country over foreigners, and it results in brutal, legal or camouflaged discrimination.
But this collapse also overwhelms Mexico, which is under the curse of being far from God and close to the United States, which is why it first lost half of its territory and has now become the most violent country in the world due to drug trafficking cartels, They supply the largest drug consumer on the planet and the biggest arms dealer, which of course fill the terrible arsenal of drug cartels.
This proximity is also now the cause of the pandemic hitting Mexico relentlessly, as the United States experiences the pandemic in a spectacular way and in dimensions that surpass any other country, marking the end of a time when the nation was most powerful on Earth, and now has a difficult road ahead to continue being a developed country on the same level as those that come immediately behind.
In South American countries such as Brazil, Ecuador and Peru, the pandemic has peculiarities that upset everything. Brazil, like all South American countries, is facing a deterioration that has already had a history, and that shakes up the order that we have been enduring for 200 years. , and that unfortunately has created the most unequal and unstable countries in the world, which are part of the so-called countries of the Backyard of the United States, where the North American interference has been rude and even brutal, to maintain this cursed inequity that torments us.
LATINOAMERICANOS ONLINE radio, tv, periódico y talleres para interconectar a los habitantes , migrantes, estudiantes y turistas latinoamericanos. LATIN AMERICANS ONLINE LAONLINE audiovisual communication and online workshops, in Spanish, English, Portuguese, French and Quichua, to inform and connect Latin American inhabitants, migrants, students and tourists.
sábado, 18 de julio de 2020
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