sábado, 27 de febrero de 2021

In the neoliberal government of Lenin Moreno and his allies, everything is political booty, even vaccines

The resignation of the health minister revealed what these 4 years of Lenín Moreno's government have been, and the Pais Alliance Movement, Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo and the North American Embassy, ​​Guillermo Lasso and the Creo party, Jaime Nebot and the Party Social Cristiano, Diana Atamaint and the Pachacútec party MPD Popular Unity movement and with great influence the retired military and police in Ecuador, who turned everything into political booty, from hospitals to vaccines.

In these four years with three votes, a pandemic, a prolonged and deep economic crisis, which was unleashed at the end of 2017 when the dismissals, media manipulation, and judicial persecution could already be felt, since the trial of Vice President Jorge Glas. and 39 trials of Correa emerged, the handover of Julian Assange, the trials, persecution, and imprisonment of the closest collaborators and possible candidates supported by Correa, elimination of the parties in which there were correista candidates, intimidation of all those who collaborated, want to collaborate or back Correa, and even Correa's candidate who won the first round, who they want to disqualify at any cost. It was about conserving power left and right and preventing the return of Latin American socialism, with the collaboration and direct intervention of the North American Embassy, ​​and the manipulation of justice, the police, and the army, from North American bases in Manta and Galapagos. , delivered illegally, and after violating the Constitution, of not leaving those bases and of the control of the army, the police, and the justice by the USA and of demanding the faithful compliance of laws, for which I created justice and a prosecutor handpicked among the most servile.

This persecution was accompanied by the handling of information and the media lynching, practiced shamelessly. for which the law that prohibited this was eliminated, and in an alliance of the public and private media and the media seized from the banks after the 1999 holiday, since the bank was the largest owner of mass media in Ecuador, in alliance with international channels that wage war on the media in the USA, such as CNN, justice was used as a toy for the great owners of the media, who accused and sentenced those they considered enemies, this was followed by the appropriation and use of services public, from health, education, communications, electricity, subsidies, national or international loans, the few houses, the disabled cards. The strategy was to group those who hated the previous government. In addition to using the electoral system to approve crafty popular consultations, creating the CPCCS that handed over all powers to Moreno and Trump, including electoral power, which is now questioned inside and outside the country. after an electoral process with 20,000 minutes out of 35,000, presented as proof of the abnormalities that occurred throughout these 4 years, both in the general and local elections.

But the distribution of vaccines as the spoils of the rich and those in government, which has hit Peru and Argentina, with the dismissal of their ministers for playing this game, has also hit Ecuador, the country of America. Latina who turned everything into political booty, from public offices, embassies, scholarships, subsidies, public companies, universities and schools, hospitals, public purchases, and now even vaccineshttps://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-56155540

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