viernes, 19 de febrero de 2021

The inevitable fight between Yaku Pérez and Guillermo Lasso allows the victory of Andrés Araúz and Rafel Correa?

Tomorrow the National Electoral Council proclaims Guillermo Lasso as a container of Araúz in the second electoral round of Ecuador.

To get to this moment, Ecuador has had to be in suspense for 13 days, in which it was not known if Yaku Pérez, the candidate of the Pachacutik indigenous movement, an ally of Lenín Moreno and Donald Trump since 2017, in which Lenín Moreno, the President-elect of Alianza País, he would become the most famous traitor in the history of this country, he would be the contender of Andrés Araúz.

Guillermo Lasso, the plutocrat, banker of the white and Christian aristocracy of Guayaquil, is a candidate for the third time, but this time he presents himself as a semi-prostrate person, the successor of a prostrate disabled person such as Lenin Moreno, which is well seen to us, and it is due to a spinal injury, due to a traffic accident, which hinders normal mobility. but also like the man who was robbed of the presidency 4 years ago, in which a vote count was necessary to verify his defeat.

Today Lasso has used the same hoax to win the elections to Yaku Pérez, but it was worse because it was not even possible to count the votes in places where there were signs of abnormalities.

The reason why the CNE has not proceeded to count the votes is that three of the 5 members of the council did not give their approval, despite the fact that there was a preliminary agreement between Pérez and Lasso, to count 100% of the votes in the province of Guayas and 50% in 16 other provinces of the 25 that make up the country.

The point of disagreement was that Lasso wanted the amphoras to be counted to be chosen at random, while Pérez, refused this, he wanted the amphoras to be only those in which he had the fewest votes.

Lasso wanted the review of the amphoras with votes in the provinces or cantons that Pérez won and there were abnormalities by observing without discrimination and Pérez wanted to demonstrate that in the provinces where Lasso won, there were abnormalities, but without touching the amphoras in the places that he had won. where undoubtedly there would also be abnormalities.

But finally, the problem was that if the votes were counted, there was the possibility of Araúz, who won with 32.7% in the first round, would have more votes and be the absolute winner, if he had 40% of the votes plus 10% difference with the second.

Today we are already on the third day of the great indigenous march from the province of Loja, on the border with Peru, to the capital, and from the Amazon, the coast, and the north, in which the indigenous people make a pilgrimage against traps and abnormalities in the Ecuadorian electoral system, with the hope of changing the CNE's decision, which is already legally impossible and they have to go to the CNA, the National Electoral Council, to present a challenge within 48 hours after the candidates are proclaimed. In the second round, the problem will have to be resolved by the ANC, before March 16, when the campaign for the second round is resumed.

But these elections are part of a process to prevent the return of Rafel Correa and the socialism of the XXI century to Ecuador, it is process that began the day after Lenin Moreno's proclamation as president, on May 25, 2017.

The first step was to accuse and dismiss Lenin Moreno's vice president, Jorge Glas, who was also Rafael Correa's vice president, from 2013 to 2017 and was the great builder of mega-constructions, the architect of resilience after the April 16 earthquake. of 2016 and its 3,500 replicas, which lasted until January 2017. Glas was accused of receiving bribes from Odebrecht, which was not proven, but he was sentenced because his uncle had received bribes, until now he continues in jail and the first sentence, now they have added another for 8 more years, through a hasty trial full of abnormalities.

The second step was a popular consultation in 2019, in which Correa could not be a candidate for the presidency again, and the judicial authorities were changed, to unleash fierce persecution.

Then a total of 39 trials followed, and he was sentenced shortly before the elections to 8 years in prison and 25 years without public life, even that he took away his life pension as president and they want to take away all of his assets.

But he managed to participate in these elections with Andrés Araúz, a young collaborator during his government, who has differentiated from most of those who were his collaborators, and members of Alianza País, in the 10 years of government, of which more than half They betrayed him, in every way imaginable, Araúz has been loyal and is well prepared academically.

To avoid his participation already in 2019, his new Citizen Revolution party was eliminated, and he had to do it with a borrowed party Social Concertación list 5 and now, this borrowed party was also eliminated and had to do so through another borrowed party , Centro Democrático, and creating an alliance of parties and movements called UNES Unión para la Esperanza.

Already during the registrations, it was intended to eliminate the candidacy of Andrés Araúz and the candidate for vice presidency Carlos Rabascall, for 1000 dollars that Carlos's grandfather had put in an account of the Bank of Guayaquil in Panama, in his name, money that he recovered from the great bank failure of 1999.

But like the candidate Guillermo Lasso, he has millions in Panama, where he has a branch of Banco de Guayaquil and other companies on behalf of the lawyers of his companies or third parties, as did all those who hid money, through the so-called PAPELES DE PANAMÁ . Let us remember that Guillermo Lasso is a multi-billionaire, who has more than 4,500 million dollars, made in just one generation, that is, in just 50 years. This was possible thanks to the fact that it was the great beneficiary of the bank failure of 1999, which led to the disappearance of the sucre as the national currency, and the emigration of 4 million Ecuadorians, especially women, to the United States, Italy and Spain, where they got work especially in caring for the elderly and domestic or manual activities, producing terrible family fractures, since the children and old people stayed in Ecuador, to live on remittances.

At that time, Lasso, Jamil Mahuad's super minister, allowed the banks to buy dollars, take them out of the country, and when their price rose, they brought them back, to repeat this game, until the bank went bankrupt, because people no longer wanted to have deposits in sucres, only dollars under the mattress and they went to take out their deposits in sucres to buy dollars in a massive way, producing a bank failure, a bank holiday and financial panic, with an economic collapse, after which this former super minister bought vouchers. or payment commitment papers from the state to depositors, with accounts within the country of bankrupt banks, Lasso paid a pittance for those papers, and then, when the state supposedly recovered the money from the savings accounts, he collected them, earning millions , to being the billionaire and frequent candidate for president, that he is today.

In this second electoral round, despite the fact that the eyes of the world are on the elections in Ecuador, the United States, which has collaborated with Moreno these years, to prevent the return of Correa, whom they fear because he removed them from the Base of Manta in 2010, something unforgivable, for being a friend of Maduro, Ortega, Díaz Canel, Lula. Evo Morales, Cristina Fernández, the protector of Julian Assange, producer of a program Conversing with Correa on Russian Radio and Television RT, among others defects, for which he prepares a great trap and a great campaign of discredit, which includes from financing by the Colombian guerrilla, presented last week by the attorney general of Colombia Barbosa, to Diana Salazar, the attorney general of Ecuador, in order to disqualify the candidacy of Andrés Arauz, until the forecast that Ecuador will be like Venezuela, another country in disgrace with a huge emigration.

For the United States, among the bad things that can happen if Correa returns through Araúz, is that they will want to restore UNASUR and the South American Defense Council, which prevented the United States, from having control over the armies, the police and justice in South America.

But unfortunately for the USA, Lenin Moreno, Yaku Pérez and Guillermo Lasso, something went wrong, and what went wrong was the economic management, the pandemic, the health and labor crisis. and the fight between Yaku Pérez and Guillermo Lasso, who were supposed to team up against Araúz.

 In these events, the role of Lenín Moreno, and the United States has been catastrophic, and with the end of the government of Donald Trump, the puppeteer of the government of Ecuador, things are out of control as well as the possibilities of preventing the return of correísmo, which becomes more difficult every day and perhaps impossible on April 11.

Consejo Electoral de Ecuador concluye el conteo de votos, 12 días después de las elecciones: Arauz y Lasso irían al balotaje

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El órgano procesó y computó el 100 % de las 39.985 actas del binomio presidencial. Aún faltan por contabilizarse paquetes del exterior de la elección de asambleístas, por lo que los resultados finales serían proclamados el fin de semana.
Consejo Electoral de Ecuador concluye el conteo de votos, 12 días después de las elecciones: Arauz y Lasso irían al balotaje

Este viernes, luego de 12 días de los comicios presidenciales y legislativos del 7 de febrero, el Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) de Ecuador concluyó el conteo de los votos.

Con el 100 % de las actas procesadas y computadas, el organismo electoral —que espera proclamar los resultados el fin de semana, según anunciaron sus autoridades— determina que los candidatos presidenciales Andrés Arauz y Guillermo Lasso se enfrentarán en una segunda vuelta, que se disputará el próximo 11 de abril.

Este balotaje se da luego que ninguno de los 16 candidatos que se presentaron a los comicios consiguiera los votos requeridos —50 % de los sufragios más uno o al menos el 40 % y una diferencia mayor de 10 puntos sobre el segundo— para ser proclamado ganador en primera vuelta. A la segunda van los dos más votados.

De acuerdo a los resultados publicados, Arauz, de la coalición Unión por la Esperanza, que aglutina al correísmo, consiguió 3.032.906 votos, el 32,72 % del total, consagrándose ganador de esta ronda; mientras Lasso, del movimiento Creando Oportunidades (CREO) en alianza con el Partido Social Cristiano (PSC), alcanzó el 19,74 %, 1.829.378 sufragios a su favor.

En tercer lugar, muy cerca del segundo, quedó Yaku Pérez, del partido indigenista Pachakutik, con 1.796.542 votos (apenas 32.836 votos menos que Lasso), el 19,38 % del total.

Una vez que concluyó el conteo de las actas, el movimiento CREO festejó los resultados que sitúan a Lasso en la segunda vuelta, tras vencer a Pérez.

En estos comicios, hubo 80,97 % (10.613.040 votantes) de participación; y los votos nulos y blancos alcanzaron el 12,65 %.

El órgano electoral procesó y computó el 100 % de las 39.985 actas. No obstante, aún faltan por contabilizarse los paquetes del exterior sobre la elección de asambleístas nacionales, por lo que el CNE no ha podido proclamar los resultados finales. 

El consejero del CNE, José Cabrera, informó este viernes que el órgano prevé proclamar los resultados preliminares de la elección entre el sábado 20 y el domingo 21 de febrero.

Una vez que se proclamen los resultados preliminares de la primera vuelta, las organizaciones políticas pueden presentar reclamos ante el CNE o por medio del Tribunal Contencioso Electoral (TCE)

Denuncias de fraude y un acuerdo

Durante estos días, Pérez denunció que se fraguó un fraude en su contra para impedirle el paso al balotaje.

Ante ello, y por solicitud de este candidato, se realizó una reunión en la sede del CNE en Quito, donde, además de él, estuvo Lasso, los cinco representantes principales del órgano electoral y observadores de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA).

En ese encuentro, que se realizó el viernes 12 de febrero, Pérez pidió que se abrieran las urnas de votación en las 24 provincias de Ecuador, para hacer un recuento total de los votos. Aunque un día antes solo pedía que se hiciera en siete entidades: Guayas, Manabí, Pichincha, Los Ríos, Esmeraldas, El Oro y Bolívar.

La propuesta de Lasso, por su parte, fue la apertura del 100 % de las urnas en la provincia de Guayas, para que el aspirante del partido indigenista no tuviera "ninguna duda de que el proceso fue transparente".

Finalmente, se alcanzó un acuerdo y el CNE anunció que se revisaría el 100 % de las actas de Guayas y el 50 % en otras 16 provincias, que no se especificaron en el momento. Además, se estableció que la proclamación de los resultados de esa primera vuelta se haría luego de este proceso.

El martes 16 de febrero, el CNE realizó una plenaria para someter a votación el informe que permitiría jurídicamente reabrir las urnas de votación y hacer el recuento de los sufragios; sin embargo, no se consiguieron los votos suficientes para su aprobación. De los cinco representantes principales del CNE, dos votaron a favor, uno en contra, otro se abstuvo y el consejero Luis Verdesoto abandonó la sesión, tras pedir el retiro del documento por presuntos "errores" y "omisiones".

Un día después, el miércoles 17, las organizaciones indígenas iniciaron una movilización, en la ciudad de Loja, al sur del país, que se dirige hacia Quito, donde prevén llegar el martes 23 de febrero, para continuar su reclamo por el recuento de los votos.

Ese día, en la capital ecuatoriana se les unirá el Frente Unitario de Trabajadores (FUT), según anunciaron sus dirigentes este viernes.

¿A quién acusan del fraude?

Pérez y la organización Pachakutik acusaron de estar detrás del fraude a un presunto "pacto oligárquico", que incluye a al expresidente Rafael Correa, así como a su contendiente político Lasso y el aliado de este Jaime Nebot, del PSC.

El exmandatario respondió a estas acusaciones, que calificó de "ridículas", y le recordó a Pérez que el CNE es manejado por una exmilitante de su partido, Pachakutik, mandato bajo el cual le impidieron su participación en estos comicios.

"La presidenta del Consejo Nacional Electoral (Diana Atamaint) es de Pachakutik, me impidieron ser candidato, por todos los medios quisieron impedir la participación de nuestro binomio, impidieron los spots con mi imagen, con mi voz, los jingles", mencionó Correa.

Faltaron papeletas

Además de elegir al nuevo mandatario, los ecuatorianos votaron para escoger al vicepresidente, a los 173 integrantes de la Asamblea Nacional (Congreso) y a cinco parlamentarios al Parlamento Andino, órgano de la Comunidad Andina de la que forma parte Ecuador.

En algunos recintos del exterior, como en Bruselas, Bélgica, y en ciudades de España, los ecuatorianos no pudieron votar para elegir a los cinco parlamentarios andinos, puesto que las papeletas para esa dignidad no llegaron.

Hervas, de lo nuevo a lo viejo

Una de las sorpresas de estos comicios fue el candidato Xavier Hervas, de Izquierda Democrática, quien quedó en cuarto lugar según el resultado final.

Hervas, quien hasta el 16 y 17 de enero, cuando se llevó a cabo el debate de los candidatos presidenciales, era poco conocido, logró conseguir 1.453.460 votos, el 15,68 % de los sufragios. Durante la campaña, la encuesta que más puntos le dio llegó a 8 %, a finales del mes pasado.

Se trata de un ingeniero en Producción Agroindustrial guayaquileño, que concentró su campaña en las redes sociales, especialmente en la plataforma TikTok, muy popular entre los jóvenes. De ahí, muchos le pusieron el mote de 'tiktokero'.

"Le hemos quitado el sueño a los políticos tradicionales", dijo en una transmisión en vivo a través de sus redes sociales la noche del domingo.

Hervas se presentó en la campaña como "gente nueva". Una vez conocidos los resultados que dieron la mayoría de votos a Arauz, señaló que no apoyaría a ningún candidato a la segunda vuelta; no obstante, poco después, invitó a Pérez y a Lasso a unirse en un "Pacto por Ecuador" para "impulsar votos por el país para evitar el regreso (de la) izquierda extrema, populista y corrupta", cayendo así en el discurso de los políticos tradicionales.

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