The police, the army and justice, as well as health and education, are experiencing their worst moment in Ecuador. In the police we find policemen who murder their wives or rape their companions in the same Superior Police School, in addition to hiring hitmen to kill their newborn children, introduce ammunition inside the prisons so that the prisoners are killed, or direct drug gangs, they even become drug generals. In the army, they train to kill, supposedly in defense of the territorial integrity of Ecuador, but they end up being eaten for pleasure, soldiers who must be fattened and entertained in times of peace, defended in times of war, because they recruit, as in Russia, the population to be cannon fodder, and fear them in times of crisis, like the ones we are experiencing. The army since colonial times, have been mercenaries paid by the King of Spain while we were the Royal Court of Quito, and by the rulers of the day since 1830 when we are a Republic, and they are trained to kill, obey and not deliberate , that is to say not to think. The police, since their origin in the 30s of the 20th century, are mercenaries who serve the rich, protect their property, their families, and since then have had the job of intimidating indigenous people, peasants and the poor in the cities, as well as The military are trained to obey, not to deliberate, give their opinion, have their own criteria, what's more, they are trained to die for what those who pay them want, like any hit man or bodyguard today. The problem is that those who pay him are rulers or rich, they have been for many years, the most bastards in this country.
In the same way, the judges from the times of the Holy Inquisition until now are there to persecute the enemies of the ruler, be it the President of the Royal Court of Quito, or the 120 rulers that this country has had in two hundred years. In the background is enforcing the law, which are inventions of presidents, deputies, senators, assembly members, and even the judges themselves, to pacify and subdue millions of inhabitants of this country.
Health, which is now in more crisis since the pandemic, has the problem that the State has two services, one free for all Ecuadorians who do not have a stable job, which is offered by the Ministry of Health and the other for those who can pay. the insurance is deducting a part of your salary, or on your own. In both cases, the problem was complicated by the Covid 19 pandemic, and it is in the quality of care, in the quality of professionals, in equipment, supply, and operation. In the quality of the professionals, the problem is that the unions of auxiliaries, doctors, nurses, dentists, and hospital employees cover up for the mediocre, the rogues, the rogues, who are generally the ones who manage these unions, some bums who get paid for not working or doing their job poorly. in equipment and infrastructure, we went from a time of prosperity to a time of collapse, in which from public purchases of medicines, equipment, to the construction of infrastructure, it was part of the loot of politicians, who steal from the purchase of medicines, even in their use, and now the most serious problem is the operation, since they invented a scheduling and referral system, which makes prompt and timely care of patients impossible.
In education, the problem was complicated by quarantine and social distancing for more than two years, which forced students and teachers to learn and teach from their homes through the INTERNET. But education in Ecuador, which had entered a revolutionary stage, of renewal, educational infrastructure, quality and new content, with the option of studying in the 100 best universities in the world for the best students, led to disaster, the teachers' unions of the UNE National Union of Educators, which had taken over public colleges and universities, and converted them into their mafia territory, where in addition to teaching useless culture, they indoctrinated students in Marxism, Leninism, Stalinism and Maoism, recruited young people for their protests in which they always demanded more salaries and perks, which they call labor conquests and turned the country's schools, colleges or universities into places of sexual harassment, into a monstrous Ninis factory, young people who neither study nor work and that come together to form gangs called parties, which first took over the universities and are now youth gangs of schools, neighborhoods, which evolved into drug cartels, hit men or extortionists. As for private education, the economic exploitation of parents and the population became the fundamental paradigm.
LATINOAMERICANOS ONLINE radio, tv, periódico y talleres para interconectar a los habitantes , migrantes, estudiantes y turistas latinoamericanos. LATIN AMERICANS ONLINE LAONLINE audiovisual communication and online workshops, in Spanish, English, Portuguese, French and Quichua, to inform and connect Latin American inhabitants, migrants, students and tourists.
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