domingo, 30 de agosto de 2020

Ecuador and Latin America the cradle of the invaders of the United States after the pandemic

WRITTEN ANALYSIS In the history of humanity, natural catastrophes such as the great drought in the thirteenth century in Asia, gave rise to the Mongols, an ethnic group from the Gobi Plateau, of nomadic horsemen from central Asia, who despite not having advances in science, construction, dams, agriculture, or even martial arts, conquered China, India, Persia the greatest empires of Asia, and even Russia reaching Bulgaria, creating in a few years the largest continental or land empire that has existed.
The pandemic has hit Latin America, and in it Ecuador, an extremely rich country, with oil, gold, copper, forests, fishing, agriculture and a literate population, even trained in the 100 best universities in the world, which, like the rest of Latin America, we suffered the onslaught of covid 19, which has produced more damage in this region than in the rest of the world.
While the Mongolian horsemen became the but danger for the empires of Asia, today the so-called informal, who are people who develop the ability to survive without a job, without insurance, without salary, are the ones who can circumvent the borders of the world, starting with the United States and the famous Trump wall.
It is possible that in order to survive they will have to resort to drug trafficking and that through human trafficking, they will remove thousands from the tragedy that is experienced in a given Latin American country, who will survive as illegal first in North America and Europe then possibly in the rest of the world.
They are a human group that unlike the Chinese who have spread throughout the world with their restaurants and shops, Hispanics are spreading ourselves doing the most humiliating and poorly paid jobs, those that whites do not want to do and call dirty work, whatever good or bad.
We are the raw material of human trafficking, of drug trafficking, as one day the poor Spaniards, of the conquerors, or the poor were the blood of pirates, Vikings, Goths, some, Cossacks, colonists and gunmen.
Unlike what happens in other continents, we see with amazement how the US multi-billionaires have increased their wealth by 40%, while we die of diseases and suffer from hunger, unemployment, despair, with governments that the United States imposes, supports and they suffocate.
We already have Ecuadorians who have died on the southern border of the USA during the pandemic, this should warn Donald Trump and the candidates for the presidency on November 3, that to the south, those who prefer to risk their lives crossing the Rio Grande, to living in their countries a prolonged agony are multiplying.
Latin Americans dream of a continent from Alaska to Patagonia, without walls, without visas, without hateful border police. That what we produce and they produce is unfettered, that they can escape from that climate that has gone mad in North America and that we can earn money there to relieve our families.
We want better wages to be paid in our countries so that we don't have to crawl through tunnels to get to the opulent north, that better pay for our raw materials and products, so that we don't have to sell them cocaine, which is what they pay the best there in the north. vicious.
It is that invading the United States and Europe is the only option we have to survive, under the corruption that the United States allows and sponsors, in exchange for our leaders putting their armies under the orders of the Pentagon and our police officers under DEA agents, with disastrous IMF loans, which make us eternal debtors and sellers of everything at bad prices.
Each of our huge and messy cities or metropolis has become the best schools, colleges and universities, where you learn to survive as informal, as illegal, as invaders.
We are developing the ability to not need an army, weapons, or high technology, or to be a huge number of people, to little by little convert the places we arrive to into ideal and dreamed places, to leave misery behind , the danger, the bitterness. We can transform the places we arrive into places of fraternal coexistence, more easily than converting our own countries into places of coexistence among ourselves, since those of the developed countries, formerly empires of Europe, for 500 years taught us to hate each other. That divide and conquer principle has turned us into lone wolves, who thanks to technology we can do more than an army or do more good than a crowd.
The chaos and the hunger in which we are, pushes us to be the new Mongols, with the difference that they used terror and violence, we the opposite, kindness, tolerance, imagination, skills, knowledge, their language and culture and we will put our president in the USA.

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