viernes, 28 de agosto de 2020

Ecuador's hospital loot and Trump's vain negligence in the pandemic define elections

WRITTEN ANALYSIS, the United States and Ecuador are experiencing elections. In the United States, Donald Trump is wrong, because his ignorance led him to dismiss the covid19 virus, just as he dismissed climate change, which now translates into Hurricane Laura and new fires in California.
 The American Nero, they live the delusion of knowing themselves the most powerful person in the world, at the top of the last white supremacist empire, which has 700 military bases outside its territory, even now in space. In this campaign he is shown as the obsessive enemy of China, whom he blames for the pandemic, before I blame him for unemployment in the USA, he is also an enemy of abortion, which is legal in the USA since 1973, of Hispanics, especially illegal ones for those who want to finish the wall, of the black rioters in the streets, who protest against police brutality, and guarantee that he will impose law and order with a heavy hand, supporting the brutal North American police, he considers himself Soleimani's avenger, the chief general of Iran, who produced the greatest number of defeats for American troops in the Middle East. and thus he was painted as the standard bearer of patriots, of the believers in the White God, who is called Christ of the KKK,
 By the way, he was not white, he was Jewish, that is, brown. After putting on a show in the White House, which until before Trump was the place of the president of the United States, but now, as in the times of Caligula and Nero in Rome, it is a place of political shows, where attendees They laugh at the coronavirus, and form a crowded crowd without masks or distancing, to say that they are protected by the white-American demigod named Donald Trump, whom his daughter Ivanka describes as a great warrior. The Republicans made a clear demonstration that NAZI nationalism has been seeded in the USA, has grown with Trump, and is in direct line to a world war, which could start in Latin America, there in Venezuela.
 This region, the richest and best geographically located, that is forming the new warriors as one day were the Mongols, who will conquer the world, and it is those informal illegals who can circumvent the wall, the border guard and the coast guard, survive in the streets of the USA or any developed country, as illegal, until putting the future American president, ending the borders and visas from Canada to Argentina.
 The invasion of the Anglo-Saxon north is underway, it is unstoppable, and inevitable because the pandemic, the economic crisis and the poverty of hundreds of millions, who are now no longer illiterate, is visible and unstoppable.
While in Ecuador the loot of public hospitals is what defines the future president of Ecuador. This country has experienced the pandemic with the highest mortality on the planet for every 100,000 inhabitants, but also as a dollarized country it is tied by its hands, without the ability to quickly repair the damage caused by the pandemic, which in this country is not only the health collapse , economic or the one to come, political collapse, if not a moral crisis, since betrayal, lies, theft and corruption are now part of the government policies and the way of life of the population established by Lenin Brown.
In the next elections, the alternatives proposed by the Democrats in the USA, which start from making police abuses disappear, giving opportunities to the entire population in health and education, fighting racism, sexism, the use and trade of weapons , change from combustion energy to clean energy, innovation from this, the right of women to have children or not, through abortion, return to the WHO, the Paris Agreement, the agreements with Iran, the good times relations with the countries of the world, soon develop the free vaccine, give way to the reception of migrants, equality of men and women in everything, gender diversity and tolerance, the reconstruction of roads and mega-constructions, the tax those who have the most are, among others, the foundations of change.
Meanwhile in Ecuador, the idea is to return to the management model of Rafael Correa, Evo Morales, Lula, Cristina Fernández, who gave the best decade of all time to South America is the course. Something we saw and verified. The right, on the other hand, proposes to continue the unsuccessful and terrible path that we walked with Moreno, that the IMF recommends and that Argentina walked with Macri or that has Chile, Peru, Colombia, Brazil in a distressing moment.
Araúz, list 1 and especially the vote for Correa or those he recommends, are the trend, as the booty of hospitals has muddied many.
Lenin Moreno, is the human factor that determines the defeated. Moreno has had such a bad streak that his mere proximity seems to spread a curse.
The being so many Araúz opponents is what confuses, and makes us think that they are all of the ilk of Abdalá Bucaram.

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