In yesterday's debate in the city of Guayaquil for the candidates for the presidency of Ecuador 2021, the health, education and economic crisis and the impact on vulnerable groups were discussed.
The candidates recognized that the most vulnerable groups are children with child malnutrition, followed by pregnant adolescents, women undergoing domestic violence, and poor wages.
In the health crisis, everyone is aware that the government of Lenín Moreno has handled the pandemic very badly, that the dead and sick respond to the fact that the Ministry of Health, Social Security and Medicine are aware of curative medicine that is very linked to the business of medicines, supplies and equipment, behind which there is enormous corruption. Preventive medicine is not a priority, except for vaccinations and spraying when there are epidemics of vector-borne diseases. But that with the pandemic, preventive medicine must be a priority and that vaccination must be done very quickly, even as a priority activity of the state. They tried to hide the enormous changes that the government of Rafael Correa produced, with a new health network and ambulances, with international certification of hospitals, EBAS, basic health teams, which looked for sick, ill, disabled and vulnerable abandoned house by house and that I successfully faced the epidemic due to H1NI, malaria, dengue, chicungunya and sika, as well as the health emergencies produced by the earthquake of April 16, 2016 or the border conflict due to the war on drug trafficking on the northern border with the great Colombian refugee migration.
In the economic crisis, the impact of the quarantine and social distancing was not highlighted, nor the measures that caused the protests in October, which started the wave of unemployment and deflation, which was complicated by the pandemic. But the public debt was unmasked, which is 72% of tax revenues, and that in 2021 the country has to pay 6 billion USD, which is clearly impossible.
The business and the banking interest came to be considered as the culprit of the financial overexploitation of Ecuadorians, of the need to bring foreign banks to break the syndicate of banks in Ecuador, which are trapping the dollars to take them abroad, the candidates intended continue with the looting of dollars by eliminating taxes on capital outflows, they consider that reducing taxes on foreign investment would attract that capital to carry out the looting and the feast as they did in Argentina with Macri. Everyone spoke of thousands, even millions of jobs, and even 30-year credit at 1% interest for ranchers, Araúz dared to make a proposal of 1000 USD for one million women, which although it seems crazy, is what they are doing in the USA, Australia or Europe because nobody wants to get into debt at all, because it seems impossible to pay for basic services such as water and electricity or internet, much worse a credit. Moreno offered 1500 million for loans to finance housing at 5% interest and after 3 months only 150 million were requested, few dare to borrow. The 1000 dollars for women without other income to support the family, allows them to buy and return to buyers and sellers can in turn finance their suppliers, in the USA, people without work receive 1600 usd fortnightly to be in their home, this keeps the movement of goods alive. One spoke of resuming mega-constructions with a multimodal train, and another rethought in new hydroelectric plants, none, in new forms of non-polluting and massive mobilization such as electric or magnetic trains, which change the time-space relationship in Ecuador as a step for a new one. economy, or the production of cheap electricity, as a mechanism to attract industries to establish themselves in Ecuador. or the economics of environmental protection.
Regarding education, it is clear to everyone that it is necessary to change education, for Arauz it is necessary to retake the schools and colleges of the millennium, but with school buses, continue with the technical institutes of Correa, with careers appropriate for the place, for others change the rote pedagogy, for the development of reasoning and the search for knowledge, but it needed someone who rejects the student's oppressor and creates the talent-hunting teacher who motivates the students. Araúz announced the return of scholarships to the 100 best universities in the world, but he must guarantee that these scholarship holders will have a job according to their capabilities in Ecuador, something that in the time of Correa and Moreno was not guaranteed and that no one would finish their studies like debtor, forced to return to the country to experience the most infamous unemployment or an unpayable debt.
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