lunes, 18 de enero de 2021

Was the debate of the CNE in Guayaquil used against Araúz between candidates for the presidency of Ecuador 2021?

 In the debate between the candidates for the presidency of Ecuador, the participants were prevented from answering the same question and, on the contrary, there was a different question drawn at random from an amphora for each participant.

The topics on which the questions were, in the second debate. international relations, human rights and corruption and institutions.

Each participant had 90 seconds to answer, and then 1 more minute to complement or specify her answer and finally a minute to refute or promote themselves.

But this system tried to avoid the controversy and the difference of concepts, criteria or solutions that each candidate had to focus, understand, or solve the problem of our international relations, human rights or corruption and state ordering. It was like the questions asked of candidates in a beauty pageant.

Consequently, the problem of the North American bases in Manta and Galapagos, and the interventionism of Donald Trump in Ecuador, to use and sustain Moreno, in Venezuela, did not focus on our international relations, recognizing the car named Juan Guiado presiding and seeking military invasions. or false aid, in Bolivia covering up the coup against Evo Morales, and recognizing a self-named president Jeanne Añez, in Brazil using Cambridge Analytical for cybernetic manipulation of information to voters in order to favor Bolsonaro, in Colombia to use President Duque to stop the peace process, and continue the endless war against the FARC, which justifies its presence in military bases in that country, at the cost of thousands of lives, yoa Vizcarra, Piñera and Macri to create Prosur, starting of the Lima Group, in order to harass Venezuela, together with a naval and economic blockade, destroy UNASUR, and its headquarters in Quito in La Mi tad de Mundo, on the contrary. good commercial relations with the United States were sanctified, as well as the elimination or forgiveness of taxes on North American companies operating in Ecuador and others. who want to loot the country, and even take dollars out of Ecuador without paying taxes, like the rich Ecuadorian and foreign businessmen, by not paying when capital outflows. nor did it focus on reparation for the Chevron-Texaco oil spill in the Ecuadorian Amazon, relations with China were demonized, by the invasion of the Chinese fishing fleet in the Galapagos, the Maduro government, by the migration of Venezuelans, xenophobia against Venezuelan migrants to Ecuador was justified, while Ecuadorian migrants to the United States and Europe were sanctified, even considering them heroes, and not invaders, as Spain, Italy and North America consider them, just as we consider Venezuelans invaders . Trump was not censured for breaking the agreements with Cuba, and going against the UN, which has censored that 60-year blockade and continuing with the illegal and immoral blockade, with the occupation of Guantanamo and for the illegal operation of that prison.

It was intended to censor Araúz for seeking vaccines against Covid from the University of Oxfortd and Aztra Zeneca that will be produced in Argentina

It was criticized for not being part of the Trans-Pacific treaty that is now commanded by China and that represents the largest world market, it was recognized that the United States gave preferential tariffs to Colombia and not to Ecuador, which has forced us to be suppliers to China. that offers us a market without payment of tariffs, just like Europe, despite having had a president and a government servile to Trump, which even handed over Julian Assange. Neither was the United States' cover-up of fugitives from justice such as the Isaías brothers and now the son of Abdala Bucaram, implicated in the Ecuadorian Social Security fraud, or the US and Panamanian justice for covering up Lenin's hidden money and departments was not mentioned. Moreno in Panama, Miami, denounced in the so-called INAPAPERS.

The indigenous candidate Yaku Pérez, of the Cañari nationality, repeating the traction of the Cañarís in the Conquest of Sebastián de Benalcázar, who received the support of this nationality, to defeat Rumiñahui and the indigenous Incas with their allies from Quito, boasted of his good relations with US presidents without hiding his predisposition to face Correa, Evo Morales, and other progressive presidents or candidates.

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