In the first and second debates, the participants did not show a true awareness of the situation in which we Ecuadorians, the country, and Latin America find ourselves.
There is a situation that has us Ecuadorians in suspense and part of a pandemic where the dead abound and the sick, convalescing. it has unforeseen sequelae, nobody knows who are healthy carriers and healthy ones see that the vaccines will not reach before the new government takes office on May 24, because we have lived 4 years of deceit and lies. Working carries the risk of getting sick and bringing illness home and creates tragedy.
The economic crisis is not only the lack of money, with all that this means, from malnutrition to lack of medicine and care, since going to the health center or hospital entails the possibility of being infected in those places where other patients go. , the lack of food, malnutrition that complicates the state of anxiety, multiplied by the payment of taxes that have been increased, of basic services, water, electricity, internet, and the few possibilities of working, or earning money in any way, which are fewer every day, The candidates think that the situation can be resolved by increasing agricultural, livestock or fishing production, but they do not understand that it is not the problem is that it cannot be sold, it cannot be rented, it cannot work and That is because the money disappeared, left, is not there, there are and there are no buyers, customers, creating a terrible deflationary circle, where the problem is that there is no one to buy, it is not a problem. ema of production but of consumption. So they propose to solve the problem with cheap credit to produce, sell, undertake, but if there is no one to sell to, then no one risks investing time, effort, and money in order not to have a return on their investment and effort. So they think that salvation is to put everything up for auction and that foreign capitals come to loot the country and exploit people with bad wages because nothing is worse. That means bread for today, to avoid protests and hunger for the near future. They even think of free zones where importers, who are the new exploitative lenders, can sell without paying taxes and earn much more. To face the political crisis, that is, the crisis over the current order, they speak of strengthening institutions, more severe laws, cruel punishment for corruption, death sentences, life imprisonment, non-prescription of crimes, weapons for private armies of the landowners, as in Colombia, with the Self-Defense Forces of Colombia AUC, paramilitarism such as the brown shirts of fascism, or the white supremacists of the USA, peasant rounds or neighborhood rounds and the creation of secret police such as the KGB of the former USSR, where everyone denounces everyone, turning revenge into treason or indictment, which characterized the government of Lenin Moreno.
To solve the social crisis and the violence that stopped being in the streets during the pandemic and is now in the homes, with intra-family violence, femicides, rapes, unwanted pregnancies, juvenile delinquency, organized crime, drug trafficking, alcoholism, depression, as a solution is proposed fear turned into laws and more armed, powerful, fearsome untouchable police, who, like the Latin American armies, have for centuries been the worst enemy of democracy and genocide, such as Los Tontonmacutes in Haiti, in Central America, , Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay Bolivia, Uruguay Brazil, or the CDP of León Febres Cordero in Ecuador.
To face the environmental crisis origin of the pandemic due to the invasion of jungle areas, where viruses live in animal species such as bats with coronavirus, none of the candidates highlighted the problem, only one candidate mentioned something about the paramos, the Amazon, Galapagos, but deforestation, damage from agribusiness, pesticides, pollution, climate change, overfishing, sea level, mining pollution, sewage, gases from vehicles, factories and kitchens were not discussed, the extinction of the species, the destruction of the gene bank. The poor organization, functioning, supply and coordination of the health network, where the IESS is the loot as well as the hospitals and the purchases of equipment, supplies, and medicines were not analyzed.
None of the candidates is aware of the migratory and humanitarian crisis that Ecuadorians have experienced since the great bank failure of 1999, which we have to see like children, and parents emigrate and they do not want to face the causes of this emigration, and even Colonel Gutiérrez proposes to be exporters of marijuana. The rest offer you loans with low-interest rates, and jobs for millions, subsidies, free vaccines, especially in Ecuador as booty to own, and others.
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