lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2021

Day 2005 of my resistance. The painful health, economic and psychosocial reactivation of Ecuador and Latin America

On May 24, 2017, my resistance began against the traitors, the neoliberals, and the lying politicians, who have ruled and plundered my country Ecuador.

On May 24, 2017, Lenín Moreno became president. That day, not only did I experience disappointment, but since March 27 of that year, I experienced unemployment, which is now experienced by millions of Ecuadorians.

He worked as a doctor for the Rural Social Security in the Province of Esmeraldas, in the poorest canton in the country, the Muisne canton, on the humid coasts of northern Ecuador. That canton had been severely hit by the earthquake of April 16, 2016, and its 3,600 aftershocks lasted until February 2017.

During all that tragic moment, I was a doctor in the Galera San Francisco Marine Reserve, which goes from Punta Galera to Cabo San Francisco, and comprises 50,000 Ha of coastal-marine area. It is the first Marine Reserve in South America.

In that place, I had previously worked as a rural doctor in Cape San Francisco and later as a protector of health, biodiversity, and cultural diversity with the Ecotrackers Foundation, of which I am the founder and administrator, through a program of foreign volunteers, who helped in the area to combat disease, deforestation, overfishing, illegal hunting and fishing, acculturation or loss of local cultures.

Since 1982 when I did the rural, I participated in research on malaria with the University of Heidelberg, which created the canopies impregnated with pyrethrin, or pyrethrum, an insecticidal plant from the Andes of Ecuador, used by the Nazis in World War II to combat the insects that killed soldiers in trenches, such as lice, ticks, and fleas, and soldiers in Africa, with the bite of malaria-carrying mosquitoes. And I participated in the campaign in Muisne, to combat malaria, through popular participation in health. who joined the Rodrigo Borja government's adult literacy campaign in Muisne.

I produced two dramatized series of health, culture, and environment on Radio Antena Libre called Lantern Popular and the Mystery of Tunda, which tell the life of the Province of Esmeraldas, with all its health problems during the 80s, the so-called lost decade.

I participated in the filming of documentaries about the destruction of the mangroves, such as the one made by Channel 4 in London, in 1988, called La Febre del Camarón, and made by CIESPAL about the arrival of cholera in Esmeraldas in 1989.

I made health documentaries for Ecuador TV about health in 12 indigenous, mestizo and black communities in Ecuador, including the Awa, Chachis, Afro-Esmeraldeños, from Esmeraldas and the country's first health promoters who were born in Muisne in the peasant organization OCAME.



Hice documentales de salud para Ecuador  TV sobre la salud en 12 comunidades indigenas, mestizas y negras de Ecuador entre ellas los Awa, Chachis, afroesmeraldeños,  de Esmeraldas y primeros promotores de salud del país que nacieron en Muisne en la organización campesina OCAME.



Ecotrackers documentales presenta la salud y la vida de las comunidades de Andes, Costa,indígenas, mestizos, afroandinos, afro-americanos donde Ecotrackers Network  y la familia   del Dr. Maximiliamo Moreno, miembros fundadores de la Fundación y nuestros voluntarios   han  trabajado. Documentary Ecotrackers presents the health and life of the communities Andes, Costa, indigenous, mestizos, afro-andes, afro-americans, where Ecotrackers Network and the family of Dr. Maximiliamo Moreno, founding members of the Foundation and our volunteers have worked.


He had worked since 2012 in Boca del Sucio, a community in the Mache Chindul Reserve, and in Tres Vía in the Muisne Mangrove Reserve that includes Mompiche, Portete, Daule, in the resuscitation of the health promoters of OCAME and the recovery of his farm in Puerto Nuevo.

In 2013 I went to work in Tonchigue, in the first Peasant Social Security dispensary, for fishermen, who had from another schedule according to the fishing routines of the fishermen, for example, I worked from 11 a.m. until 7 pm because the fishermen returned from night fishing at dawn and went to rest until 5 pm when they left again, others left in the morning and returned in the afternoon.In that dispensary, he also had a garden of medicinal plants. I combined the treatment of drugs with medicinal plants, which I had studied since 1982 when I cooperated with the director of the Museum of the History of Medicine of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Eduardo Estrella, who published the research I did in Esmeraldas on food plants, medicinal and useful of the province, in his book the Bread of America.

But in all places, I was considered a doctor of high conflict, because he did not accept the corrupt normality that had flourished in that province.

From assistants, nurses, doctors, dentists, he had practiced forms of work in which they could collect a salary and obtain illegal profits, missing, selling medicines, exchanged favors of all kinds from sexual to political.

The sub-centers had become centers of addiction of the population to painkillers, especially opiates, antibiotics and vitamins, to the point that the elderly, especially the Rural Social Security, were the first patients every day to claim their drugs, and they were never cured, falling ill again the following week.

Political parties that controlled state unionism such as the MPD, recruited supporters and obtained money from contributions, from patients and affiliates, as well as from doctors, assistants, nurses, laboratory workers from the Ministry of Health and Rural Social Security. In that province it had local powers such as the prefecture and some municipalities, they controlled the powerful health unions, state education and the Esmeraldas State Refinery, the main state company.

But on March 27, after a beating in the Same community, by supporters of CREO and the Social Christian Party, for defending Rafael Correa and Lenín Moreno in a discussion during the electoral campaign in November, which would have the first vote in January, and that a sister linked to Alianza País threatened me with my dismissal, because I prevented her from appropriating my assets, at a time when the traitor Richard Espinoza was the director of IESS, I was fired.

Now I know that I was lucky to leave that place, because Esmeraldas multiplied the drug violence, after the earthquake, and that having no base due to an accident, he would have been one of the first doctors to die in this covid-19 pandemic.

Since May 24, 2017, I began this work of producing ideas, information analysis, and recommendations on governance, health, and the environment every day, as my form of resistance to lies, betrayal, and opportunism, which became part of the life of Ecuadorians, so that lying, betraying and being an opportunistic criminal, with a white-collar or a dirty collar, became normal.

 I resist being a henchman, a ladino like thousands who followed Correa, I do not want them around, as I had them, when I attended the Saturdays, or the Campesino Social Security mobilizations, in which instead of putting ourselves in front of him to to be heard, to make the president take into account what we were going through, or to recommend how he could use the state's resources to relieve the inhabitants of this country of their anguish and needs, we only had to stand on the sidelines, in the places invisible, to witness how he and his ministers, or the henchmen, ladinos, and fanatics glorified him.

It seems to me extraordinarily good that in Lenín Moreno's 4, we have been able to realize with whom, how, when, where, why, and for whom the presidents govern in Ecuador, how they can be manipulated, how they can be made to believe lies. In Ecuador, presidents actually work so that people who can use them, and who use them from their image, for those who are ready to kick, betray, steal, cheat, lie, when they reach public office, or leave running after defeat.

Is that Correa knew what has to be done to change the country, but he did not know with whom he was allying himself, to which saints he entrusted himself, that is why his own vice president for 6 years, which would have been enough to recognize his an enemy, to a traitor within their ranks, he could not see. He, too, could not see the 50 of the 75 assembly members who betrayed him. after being elected in 2017, or to the dozens of mayors, councilors, and councilors, who also turned their backs on him and Jorge Glass, after using them as a Trojan Horse.

Correa was hypnotized, stunned, fought like a bullfight, with parties, tributes, diplomas, recognitions.

 Those who ran his campaign, and later his public image, turned him into a myth, a legend, a golden god with feet of clay. Today we hope that he has stopped being naive, childish, an Icarus prisoner of euphoria.

Even my sister, who lives double standards before God and herself, became an important member of the Alianza País Movement and used this to threaten me, then she betrayed Correa without the slightest remorse. I witnessed how an alternate assemblywoman from Alianza País de Tochigue, Esmeraldas Province, was disappointed and abandoned when her husband developed terminal cancer. The president and the party for which she went out of her way, nor did they support her, they did nothing for them in that tragic moment

But I can thank like other 40,000 parents of the 20,000 high-achieving students who were able to see their children study in the 100 best universities in the world, thanks to Rafael Correa, that is what makes me continue to believe in him because he works, the thousands of works that he did, they are true loves, the rest, they have more lies than truths, because even INTERPOL does not believe them, the works that he did, what we all feel, are loves, the real thing, the rest seems to us legal lies than to lawyers and the media make daily because that is apparently their natural inclination in Ecuador. For his works, Correa is loved in his country and if he participates in any election again, I am almost certain that he will win.

But my resistance is not only against the ladinos of Rafael Correa, it is also against the traitors, who once again turned my country, Ecuador, into a booty country, which was distributed from the ID cards for the disabled, to the hospitals, who stole while shopping. public vaccines, medicines, oxygen, or supplies, during the pandemic, which made justice a toy in favor of their interests, which used and were used by Donald Trump and the American Embassy, ​​to multiply, the hatred of Maduro, Evo Morales, Cristina Fernández, Días Cannel, Ortega, make UNASUR disappear, to put us back in the Drug Trafficking War, in PROSUR, which today allows the United States to have two military bases in Ecuador, violating the country's constitution, controlling justice, the police, the army, and the media, and intervene directly in electoral campaigns, we were handed over to the United States on a silver platter, just like they handed over Julian Assange.

Surrendering ourselves to the United States only meant a return to the past, to the old parties, which in the 20th century plunged us into poverty and even reduced our land area in the Amazon, leaving us half of the original continental country.

 Today we live the return of those old politicians, who have now returned to power, after having defrauded the country, stolen the money that people had in the banks, but despite that, he could be president like Guillermo Lasso, the super minister of economy, of Jamil Mahuad, the president who produced the worst mass migration of Ecuadorians, due to the banking crisis and the sucre of our own currency, due to his mismanagement of the economy.

 So far I wonder every day why America's allies in Europe and Asia have had such a different fate than America's allies in Latin America. Colombia, which the USA considers its best ally in the region, is experiencing catastrophic inequality, which allows the guerrillas to exist for decades, a 100-year civil war, since the Thousand Days War, to be the kingdom of drug trafficking, of the impunity for dozens of years. Ecuador, which has ended up being poor and with half of its original territory, Peru, which lives the drug and gold fever, in the midst of the most atrocious inequality, Mexico is that today is one of the most violent and unjust countries in the world, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, the so-called Northern Triangle, which are the germ of unstoppable migratory waves, while Germany, Japan, South Korea, are examples of countries that after being devastated, the United States has turned them into world powers

It is not possible to explain to us how it has been possible that the Latin American countries, which have been the unconditional allies, the sacrificed suppliers of raw materials and cheap labor to the United States, the cradle of its wealth, have ended up as countries in disgrace, that with the pandemic has multiplied.

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