miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2021

The drug trafficking boom in Ecuador

 9/11, the United States realized that it was vulnerable. But that its weak point was not its army, nor its economy, nor its form of government, its weak point was the minds of its inhabitants. He had created insatiable human beings, who were not aware of what was happening on the planet because of this consumerism, who were not aware of how poverty was multiplying in the world, which now was no longer a problem of food or medicine It was only a problem of dissatisfaction, discontent, greed, vanity, evil, anger, lust, envy, lies, the seven unbridled sins.

That the truths, considered eternal, were crumbling, because everything was in doubt, because science and technology turned any human being into gods and allowed us to know, communicate, understand, not only what happens in their near world. but what happens throughout the Earth and now in space.

But from the human nucleus of the United States, emerged the germ of self-destruction, which is the inevitable path that everything that exists follows, according to physics. Today we know that the Earth, the Sun, the Universe carry within them an unstoppable process of self-destruction. Each human being carries a genetic code, which gives him a time, and that time is what each cell needs to self-destruct, through natural death.

The model of government of the United States, which had as novelties that it was based on a constitution, that is, on written laws, made by human beings, not by gods, and through consensuses adopted within a group, which represents the population. called Congress, and that they would not be governed by divine laws, nor by-laws born from the enlightenment of a king.

But it also restored or recovered an idea of ​​the Greeks, of democracy, which was the vote of all those who recognize themselves as citizens of a country, who are of a certain age, are of a certain sexual orientation, of a certain race, of a certain religion, and even a certain level of education.

He determined that the candidates for president, and congressmen, would be the ones who win in elections and that to win the elections, they had to be known by the largest number of inhabitants of the country. This was only possible when the printing press appeared, and the newspapers, the train, the automobile, the plane, the satellites, since the printed texts could reach more homes, and then the radio, or the TV and now the internet.

But human beings, who each generation was more educated, informed, wealthy, powerful, and even healthier because they could live longer than their ancestors, in turn, were going to become chronically ill.

These chronically ill could be physical, mental, or social. The physically ill experience the progressive deterioration of their physical capacities, the mentally ill, of their cerebral capacities, and the social ill of their capacity for cooperation or coexistence.

At this time, the United States, the developed countries, and even within the less developed countries, physical deterioration such as that caused by changes in mobility and diet, mental deterioration such as that caused by addictions and dependencies, and Social deterioration, such as that produced by the pandemic in which human beings have more difficulty in interpersonal relationships, has acquired worrying dimensions in the more and less developed countries.

While in the United States, addictions, especially to drugs, have entered an unstoppable spiral, which turns its population into a delirious population, living the extremes of everything, from order to disorder, from solidarity to indolence, from extreme joy to deep depression, from mass company to absolute loneliness, or from collective panic, to suicidal fanaticism or patriotism, and criminals.

In less developed countries such as Ecuador, there is a boom in the export of cocaine, and the hitman or murder for money. The desperate situation created by the governments, especially that of Lenin Moreno, and those prior to Rafael Correa, gave way to the search for a quick profit, as a way to succeed in life.

This quick profit had some paths, the legal path was to have a successful business, another path, politics, and the third the illegal traffic of anything, from human beings to drugs.

Today the news every day is the number of drugs captured and the number of violent deaths. This news shows us that drugs are now the new economic boom and that violence is out of control.

Ecuador has experienced these periods of an economic boom since its origin as a state, in 1830. The first boom was the export of quinine, bark of the cinchona species tree, which was used to manufacture the malaria drug.

Then we lived the boom of the so-called fine aroma cacao, which is a variety of cacao that was only produced in Ecuador and that allowed us to be the first exporters in the world until the First World War when demand fell, the plantations were abandoned and A plague called The Witch's Broom entered.

We then became exporters of raft, tagua, and rubber for Hitler's Nazi government. This did not lead to the loss of half of our Amazonian territory with all the mouths of the rivers that flowed into the Amazon, and which was given to them by President Delano Roosevelt to Peru in 1936 and then seized through wars and treaties in 1941 and then in 1998.

Since 1958, we have lived through the banana boom, when United Fruit arrived in Esmeraldas and created the largest banana plantation in South America, but in 1968 they left, but an Ecuadorian, Luis Noboa Naranjo, took advantage of the prestige and the banana market Ecuadorian and to this day we are the first banana exporting country in the world.

In 1974 the oil export boom began, and from then until now, oil is the main economic resource of the governments of Ecuador.

In 1982 after the El Niño phenomenon, Ecuador became the world's leading shrimp exporter, but in 1998 the plague called white spot arrived, which destroyed shrimp ponds, shrimp laboratories, and exports until 2010 developed new forms of culture, larvae production, and now large quantities of shrimp are produced, when the rains arrive, that is, the Warm Current of the Child and it stops being produced in the cold season, that is, when the Cold Humboldt Current arrives.

In 1990 Ecuador began to experience the boom of flowers and since 2000 the export of broccoli. This flower boom changes the economic and political weight of the Sierra, which did not produce agricultural products for export, its economy was based on the production of food for internal consumption, such as meat, milk, potatoes, cereals, legumes. It only exported indigenous handicrafts, tourism as well as the construction industry were its fundamental pillars.

But since the economic crisis caused by the bank failure in 1998, Ecuador became an exporter of emigrants, which at first went to Spain and Italy, and then, until today, to the United States, which began to receive Ecuadorian migratory waves. since the Vietnam War, when they needed cheap labor or braceros, for their plantations and buildings.

Soon the route of the emigrants, and the emigrants themselves became roads and mules for the transport of cocaine, which is the easiest product to produce, preserve, transport, and sell in Peru and Colombia. The most profitable in South America.

The geographical position, the beaches, the skill of the Ecuadorian fishermen who were already the best navigators in the Pacific of America, and the prices, as well as the great demand, allow Ecuador to be now the exit channel for Colombian and Peruvian drugs through the Pacific.

Since 2000, when Ecuador entered into the so-called Plan Colombia, a large part of the economic resources, as well as the police, the army, and the justice of the country, which are the most expensive institutions in Ecuador, since they consume a budget greater than education, health and productivity are destined to the War on Drug Trafficking.

This War on Drug Trafficking, which has been in Ecuador for 20 years, has meant so far exhaustion of the national budget, and the creation of a parallel state consisting of the armed forces, the police, and the justice system, which put governments in place and remove, manipulate to the population and unequally distribute wealth, resources and possibilities.

The police, the army. The media and justice, in Ecuador, as well as the electoral processes, have been part of the properties of the United States ambassador in the country, who decides who is a judge, general, or president in the country.

Since September 11, the United States has created new forms of war, ranging from the use of drones to media warfare, economic blockade, psychological warfare, and the appropriation of armies, justice, the media, and elections. in the countries, to avoid new Venezuelas, Nicaraguas, or Bolivias. in Latin America.

The mechanism and justification is the so-called war on drug trafficking, as in Europe, the mechanism to control the allied armies is called the War on Terrorism.

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