domingo, 9 de enero de 2022


Politics in Ecuador and the world since the times of Greece, is the game that becomes vice and in which the lives of other human beings are wagered, called power and power becomes doing what others cannot do, be it something very good or something very bad.

In power, the individual decides what happens to him, and what happens to other human beings, remember that politics killed Socrates, Archimedes, Christ, Lincoln, Allende, Pancho Villa, in short, politics is a game of life or death.

Unlike religion, in which the god is immaterial, in politics there is a material god who is the appropriation of what is foreign, that is, of lives, goods or even rights.

In wealth, individuals try to appropriate something, own it and decide on what they consider theirs, but in politics, the one who has power, what decides is about what never was, is or will be theirs, for example the lives of others. human beings, and that is how the politicians with whom they wage wars and decide who have to die or live.

Unlike the wise, politicians and religious, they do not need knowledge to be authority, only luck, relationships, or opportunity, and unlike the wise who decide on what they consider lives in their brain and explains the In reality, the rich, the priests and the politicians, decide on what is not within their own body nor is it lost with their death.

Until before the 70s in Ecuador, elections were won with the use of firearms, in coups, in elections where already from the electoral campaigns, the dead were added, or the presidents, until now use the weapons of the police and the army to enforce order, which they are the ones who establish.

But apparently nothing is possible if there is no human being who can manage and direct others, if millions of human beings do not submit to laws, to constitutions, to presidents. dictators, or kings. But the question is how long human beings have to live under this order, because a good part of human existence was not subjected to someone other than their own family and this happened until that human reached a certain age, in that he had to follow his free will, make his own family move away to live in similar or different places.

Today with the pandemic in which human beings around the planet are forced to do the same, this is to get vaccinated, or wait for social distancing, undoubtedly this will awaken the human need to get rid of this submission.

We are living under the pressure of politics, religions, the economy, technology and the tyranny of new needs, which are leading to the extinction of life on the planet, pollution with climate change, the possibility of self-extinction by nuclear, chemical, biological wars, in an insatiable consumer society.

Then a new human being appears, who realizes that his life is worth more than patriotism, the party, work, money, and this is something that upsets human behavior.

We are going from the massification of everything to individuality, where the internet forces us to decide on everything and to give ourselves our own identity. Until now the identity we had was given to us by race, religion, family, country, nationality, but now identity is given to us by what we publish on social networks, from photos to ideas.

This marks the need for humans to have personality, which means the ability to decide for themselves in everything, and to recognize the manipulation of the media, networks, politicians, priests, teachers even of the doctors, and the awareness that this is time stolen from your personality, and that the personality, which can make us make wrong decisions, but ours, becomes something that allows us to consider our own life as valuable, and when this possibility of not being able to decide on everything exists, life loses value.

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