lunes, 10 de enero de 2022

The great physical deterioration, psychological deterioration and social deterioration that Ecuador is experiencing until January 2022

The great physical, psychological and social deterioration that Ecuador is experiencing has been multiplied since the bank failure of 1999, political instability from 2000 to 2008 and by the governments of Lenín Moreno from 2017 to 21, the covid pandemic since 2020 and the 6 months of government of Guillermo Lasso.

In this period of time, the greatest damage was caused by the emigration of Ecuadorians, after the banking crisis, since the people who left were economically active Ecuadorians, that is, they had the ability to work, this ability had been acquired after a century in which the state assumes the education and health of Ecuadorians.

The great bank failure of 1999 produced the departure of more than 3 million Ecuadorians, who in a population of 12 million inhabitants represented 25 percent of the country's inhabitants, and they were those who could work, that is, 50% of workers, in a country with more children than adults, leaving the country with children, old, sick, who lived years of abandonment, of human helplessness, and although the emigrants sent remittances, which gave economic support to families and to the country, there was the family fracture, which had a huge psychological impact.

The hardest hit were the middle and lower classes, as the rich consolidated their power, were educated abroad, replaced workers with machines, multiplied their income, increasing the economic gap that today seems insurmountable.

The middle class of people studied, especially manual workers, especially women who emigrated to Spain and Italy, were the most successful, since they managed to work in those countries where the old population demanded domestic service, and jobs in the fields. They were already with machines that made this less rough, giving women an opportunity in that sector as well.

But the absence of the mother, and the multiplication of alcoholism, drug use, electronic games, pornography, trafficking in women, and drug trafficking, which invaded the country accelerated the social, deterioration, moral and psychological breakdown of the country. the population.

This I created the so-called social inclusion policy, which allowed the one million four hundred thousand disabled people who remained as a residue of that migratory wave, unable to emigrate, the indigenous and the poorest who could not pay the traffickers of people, as well as women, the opportunity to participate in politics to be more notable, in the absence of those who emigrated.

Unfortunately, disabled people like Lenín Moreno, who became president, or indigenous women like Diana Atamaint, and the current president of the National Assembly, or the nation's attorney general, Dina Salazar, showed us that what was left in the country, it was the worst of those social groups.

Diana Salazar, an Afro-Andean, Dianana Atamaint, a Shuar indigenous, and Lenín Moreno, a disabled person, who reached the highest positions in the government, had as faults or their physical deterioration, or their moral deterioration, which gave rise to to a government in which the president turned the entire country into booty, with the distribution of public offices, ID cards for the disabled, hospitals, public purchases of medicines, vaccines or supplies in the midst of a pandemic, single-teacher schools, or public companies, scholarships , loans, or even the indebtedness of the country, and even the payment of taxes became loot, since it forgiven the transnational companies and the richest families in the country the payment of taxes, for 4.5 billion dollars

The attorney general brought the so-called lawfare or judicial persecution to Correa and his collaborators, inventing evidence, speeding up sentences, omitting lawsuits such as the INAPAPERS, which showed the corruption of President Moreno, replicating what was done in Brazil with Lula, in Argentina with Cristina Fernández, in Bolivia with Evo Morales, being a puppet of the United States Embassy in the times of the robber of the Capitol, Donald Trump.

While the president of the CNE National Electoral Council, Diana Atamait, rigged the elections, to prevent Rafael Correa from participating in them, she betrayed another indigenous woman, the candidate Yakuy Pérez, refusing to recount the votes of the first round of the elections. to give the victory to Guillermo Lasso.

 Ecuador is experiencing the worst deterioration in history, visible in the massacres in prisons, in the hired assassins in ports, in the growing drug trafficking, domestic violence, or the breakdown of families, which has led us to an unstoppable new wave of Ecuadorian emigrants, who save, drag the children to the United States and Europe.

 The pandemic has multiplied the deterioration to such an extent that the Latin American left and the drug cartels are fighting for power in our countries and has turned us Latin Americans into the barbarians who want to invade the United States.

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