sábado, 22 de enero de 2022

How religion and politics became a cult of lies

Politics and religions, unlike science and technology, became from their origin the cult of human beings, the lie.

Religions from their origin were the cult of the inexplicable. and science and technology became the cult of the explainable. While politics became a cult of vanity that could be convinced and has always been based on a game that mixes lies, hopes with promises and false oaths

In all cases there is a common element in the use of religion, politics, and science, they are very useful to massify human beings.

Massifying human beings means that they lose the ability to decide for themselves, and they are only allowed to choose between the options that the priest gives them, which is eternal punishment, the politician, which is punishment here on Earth, or science and technology, which is marginalization due to ignorance or lack of access to knowledge, or to machines and technology

The three human inventions to group us together have one thing in common, it is that they give power to a few, who are the ones who can decide for others.

The difference is that the followers of religion think that the priest is the voice of God, the politician, from Greece or Rome, believes that he is the voice of the people, and the scientist and inventor think that he is the voice of God. of reason, of evidence, of possibilities, while the artist thinks that it is the voice of the human imagination, and that makes them unique.

In all cases, the good intentions have been. finally, the road to hell, because in religions, in which they first worshiped that which was tangible but fearsome, they became the cult of fear and of the human being himself, because each god took our image and likeness in his behavior.

Politics, on the other hand, became the cult of power and wealth, lies, even sins, which cease to be sins when Caligula or Hitler practiced them and allows a human being to be a demi-god of flesh and blood, that it can use, the power of the States to be vain, under the lie that it serves the people.

In religions as well as in politics, human beings throughout history become gods or demi-gods, or those chosen by the gods, and where chance is the will of God.

In politics, God ceased to be an immaterial being, as in monotheistic religions and became a powerful ruler with his family and his court, who could rule until death and then, since the independence of the countries of America, there is a president, who replaced the king, and became a god or demi-god with a time limit.

Now. we have political parties for hire, that make anyone president, they sponsor candidates. The ideology, the principles, which is the lie to which each party worships, became a passing story, a hook, a hook, and nothing more.

With the development of science and technology, presidents have more power than any of the gods, they can even destroy the planet through a nuclear war, or monitor who wears a mask or not in the pandemic, who has a party, decide who can walk or not on the streets and thanks to the internet, and satellite communications, you can even know what we think and are doing at the moment.

The overcrowding of people became a necessity for the survival of our species since its origin because in nature, our advantage is the brain, its use, and functioning, in everything else, there are numerous species that surpass us.

But the functioning and use of the brain, from birth and growth, depends on the human environment, which begins its influence by teaching a language, from we move on to what is now education, or the use of media and networks social.

Religious rites were intended to bring together human beings who shared something and what they shared was faith.

Politics also aims to group human beings, only what they share is a territory, laws, language, cultures, natural resources, wealth or poverty, even the health of a country, even common history.

In religion, the cult was founded on fantasy and fear, which gave rise to rituals and sacred books.

In politics, what is shared are the needs, and the uniting mechanism is credibility, in which the electoral promises of the candidates, which are in reality a cult of lies, of hope, of illusions, are the axis.

Science and technology is now the most influential mechanism in the grouping of human beings. This mechanism has the peculiarity that it can, like religions, cross borders, but it no longer depends on the fear that priests sow, or on the lies and illusions that politicians sow.

The religions, which finally separated us and led us to religious wars for centuries, the politics that have separated us into countries, kingdoms, nations, into fanatical followers of a ruler or candidate, face science and technology, has united us through technological advances such as transportation, electricity, medicines, the internet, roads, ports, etc.

Religions, politics, science, and technology, which one day allowed European Christianity to expand in the so-called New World, from Alaska to Patagonia, from the Caribbean to the Philippines, and control Africa, today face the covid pandemic, which has turned us poor into invaders of rich countries.

In the pandemic, politics, which has led us to wars from before Christ until now, and allowed the whites of the planet to dominate the other races, which turned us into cheap labor, suppliers of raw materials, and now in buyers of everything they produce, has shown us that politicians and priests have responded poorly in the crisis, as seen in the conduct of President Trump in the United States. or Bolsonaro in Brazil.

But the science and technology that at one time helped to conquer other countries, that unleashed terrible wars like the First and Second World Wars, has turned the poorest of us into invaders of the developed countries, which dominated the world, as were the European countries and the United States.

Thanks to drugs, cell phones, air travel, and the Internet, it is possible for millions of human beings to escape poverty, war, disease, or natural disasters and migrate from poor countries to rich ones. 

Until the 20th century, the largest human migration was towards continents such as the American Continent, where there was gold, silver, land, cheap labor such as the indigenous and later. the blacks were brought as slaves from Africa, but today it is the other way around, all thanks to science, or technology, and a frontal fight against ignorance, diseases, politics, and religions, which is ongoing.

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