domingo, 23 de enero de 2022

Unemployment and the end of the cult of lies

Religion became a cult of lies, when it invented fantastic gods, and ceases to be so when it becomes a mechanism for perceiving changes and time. But in religions, the gods are the center that defines reality.

The foundation of religions, like politics, is truth, but in religions, there is the so-called eternal truth, in politics, what exists is transitory truth, which is what is pronounced and believed by the rulers, they're governed, which changes when the ruler or the inhabitants change. In politics, the human being is the center that defines reality.

Politics became a cult of lies, when he dedicated himself to inventing gods of flesh and blood, whom he called kings, emperors, presidents, the difference between one and the other, was in the physical space over which they exercised their power, and time, since presidents have in theory a limited time for their mandate.

But politics ceases to be a cult of lies when it becomes the mechanism to create forms of order in human relations, that is when it creates laws to resolve conflicts and mechanisms to enforce those laws. In this way, politics channels the energy of each inhabitant and of all those who live in a territory.

Science and technology, which has always been the antithesis of religion, but a great ally of politics, which reduced its credibility, is today a cult of matter.

This cult of matter, in which what is perceptible by our senses and by the tools we invent, becomes knowledge, that is to say, a short-lived truth, which navigates in the sea of ​​doubts, which lives in a metamorphosis constant, is what makes us human beings just one more species on Planet Earth, but with different capacities than other species. Moreover, it makes us neighbors of other forms of life that surely must exist in the immense Universe.

But religion and politics still have more influence on education and human communication than science and technology.

In religious education, where the most important thing is the moral call, it is ensured that students are obedient, not deliberative, or critical since the so-called eternal truths do not accept doubt or criticism.

In education where politics is the center of society, education is the repetition and acceptance of the order or the discipline imposed by the ruler and the government of him. Where students learn to choose between the options that the one in power allows them.

In technical-scientific education, which now invades classrooms, or through the Internet, each student is the discoverer of knowledge, of their own qualities or virtues. The teacher's role is to help you in this search, as is the Internet, the media, or social relations. In other words, the teachers went from being guides to being companions and advisers.

The big problem for governments is that each person has different virtues or qualities, that these can mature or reach their capacity to produce, be they tangible or intangible goods such as ideas, at different ages, under the influence of different stimuli, what that turns the mass production of high school graduates and university professionals into the so-called schools of NI -NIS young people, who neither study nor work, and university professionals in pilgrims of jobs, jobs or places, many of which are not compatible with their qualities, virtues, experience or knowledge.

Today education in third world countries has become the main factory for emigrants, who initially were emigrants from the countryside to the city and now are from poor countries to rich countries,

This phenomenon is similar to the one produced by the Catholic Church since the year 1000 of our era, in which it first became a factory of crusaders, that is to say, fanatical Christian soldiers, who went to kill Muslims in Jerusalem and the Middle East, and then in a factory of European conquerors, pirates, slave traders and settlers.

The so-called political education is the creator of guerrillas, soldiers, businessmen, professionals, workers, peasants, fishermen who seek the over-exploitation of nature and other human beings until the climate and extinction affect them.

But the new scientific-technical education and communication that now invades us, ensure that human beings learn to tolerate each other, with their differences. The differences have become the most valuable of the species, starting with genetic differences, which allow us better immune defenses, to cultural differences, which allow us to learn about medicinal plants, healing rituals, foods, or different ways of relating to different people. geographical spaces, such as the Arctic or the Amazon.

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