sábado, 22 de enero de 2022

Why and how drugs became the most valuable and turned us into invaders

When the human being believed that the most valuable that exists on the planet was gold, the kings, emperors, and gods manifested their power with gold, until when the gold standard became the one that allows governments to issue currencies, in which they must be backed Until now, but now the dollar is backed by other currencies, or by the estimated value of its assets, industry, or products.

In all these millennia we always believed that gold was the most valuable. For gold, the Spanish conquerors lost their heads, their own self-esteem and were able to make the impossible possible, such as discovering a new continent, conquering huge indigenous empires, with only a few men, or entering inaccessible mountains like the Andes, in dangerous jungles, like the Amazon, or crossing the world's largest ocean, the Pacific.

But after that insane time, it was believed that the land was the most valuable thing that exists, the settlers left their countries to go to other continents, they fought with the natives of those continents until they snatched their land.

It was thought that it was possible to build and even bring heaven and God to earth in huge haciendas, where there were black slaves, or indigenous serfs, who did and pleased the big landowners at all whims.

But after that period came the period in which machines, from automobiles, ships, planes, to factories and now computers or robots, were thought to give us happiness and, above all, freedom to human beings. 

Despite the fact that this is true, the same machines have been in charge of limiting us, of manipulating us, of finally making us work for them and not as we had thought, that they would work for us.

Today the car has more importance more attention and even costs, than the children themselves, love is made with wheels, gasoline perfume, and the vanity is lined with painted cans until pollution and climate change have put the machines among those to blame for the ecological disaster we are experiencing.

So drugs that alter the brain and human behavior have become the most valuable thing in the world, first because they are illegal, second because they are expensive, third because they can free the human brain from those ties created by cultures, education, religions, laws, fashions, the media and can alter the established order, inside and outside each individual, turning him into a genius, or stupid at the same time, of course for a short time, increasingly shorter in time. To the extent that the body creates resistance to drugs and demands more of them, then at the same time, the body creates weaknesses that make it susceptible to self-inflicted death or suicide, or to the new pandemic created by globalized human society, or by the covid, called depression, or social isolation.

Drugs, which have always been a social mediator and lubricant, today have enormous value and great demand, so much so that they have turned the Taliban, a narco-guerrilla, from one of the poorest countries in the world, into incredible winners, of the greatest world power ever created in history, after 20 years of war.

Today, the poor of Latin America, the most unequal and unjust continent in the world, are uncontrollable invaders of North America and Europe, where those who one day governed them came from, exploited, gave them a common language, religion, and race, the mestizo, and thanks to drug trafficking.

The most audacious, intrepid, daring, and determined beings on the planet are no longer the Spanish and Portuguese conquerors, nor the English, French and Dutch pirates, nor the Romans, the Vikings, or the Mongols, nor the white settlers, as they were for centuries, now are Hispanics, Latin Americans, and black Africans

Again the most direct descendants of homo-sapiens, who appeared in Africa 250,000 years ago, are facing the last descendants of Neanderthal man, the origin of the white race, who has lost his fertile capacity, and his immunological capacity in this industrial age after they were conquerors of the world.

Like the conquerors and pirates, who were capable of anything for gold, or the European settlers who lost their scruples over land, or the English and North American merchants and businessmen, who had no respect for Chinese culture, and converted to the largest and richest empire in pre-industrial history in opium addicts, to humans in Coca Cola addicts, to North American soap operas, inventions, and conveniences, such as TV and the Internet, today the poor of the planet headed by Latin Americans and Africans invade the countries that conquered, colonized and subjugated them through drugs, which is why the rich pay more and demand more, as before they did to the poor with alcohol.

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