miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2020

First day of mobilization of UNES for the registration of Araúz in Ecuador and first Trump-Biden debate in the USA.

 WRITTEN ANALYSIS: Yesterday despite the pandemic and with a fatal victim from a traffic accident, Rafael Correa's supporters mobilized to and in Quito, up to, the cheating National Electoral Council CNE imposed by Lenin Moreno after a manipulated popular consultation , which has Diana Atamaint, a Shuar aborigine, who together with her Pachacutec party of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities CONAIE, control this power of the state, as allies of the current government.

So far, the CNE, in alliance with the Council of the Judiciary, CNJ, have successfully excluded Rafael Correa, and his party Revolution Citizen and Social Commitment list 5, removing them from the electoral contest. This has forced the former president to choose Andrés Arauz, a technocrat with no political background, but apparently loyal to Correa, something very difficult after most of his Party members betrayed him, starting with Moreno and the 50s. assembly members.

 Araúz's ability to participate depends on complying with the election law and being able to register his name with that of Carlos Rabascall. as a binomial, and for this procedure, Correa's supporters make pilgrimages, from provinces and concentrations in front of the CNE in Quito, in front of a police shield and fences, also tormented by torrential downpours and the pandemic that is present with the highest number of victims in the capital.

 While in the United States, a country that completely controls the Moreno government, through two military bases, the supervision of the army, the police, the media and more collaborators of the CIA, as has been denounced these days, there was a debate between Trump and Biden that it was a dialogue of the deaf where Trump's impertinence marked the night.

This debate allowed us to understand that the United States is now the country most affected by the pandemic, and we were able to recognize that it is a state at war since its birth, which began with the extermination of Native Americans, the invasion of Mexico and the violent appropriation from Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, California, Nevada, Colorado, then from Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines and Panama where he built the Canal and was immediately part of the First and Second World Wars and all the wars in Asia, Africa and the World in the so-called Cold War, until the XXI century reaches the wars of Afghanistan lost to a narco guerrilla that has defeated it and Syria where it faces ISIS, a paramilitary group, created by Hillary Clinton and Obama, to overthrow the President of Syria, and that he appropriated territories in Iraq and Syria, stopped by Syria, Iran and Russia fundamentally, and by the United States itself in alliance with the Kurds.

In the debate, the burning points were the pandemic very poorly managed by Trump, the consequent economic crisis, and the problems of racism, as the center of the debate, in all of them Trump's negligence and brutality were the aggravating factor, and this brutality was seen in conduct before his opponent Biden. But to Biden, he was seen lazy for trying to highlight what he wants to do, instead of sinking further the knife that Trump himself has nailed himself.

This lack of forcefulness in Biden's words in front of a rabid and cornered Trump, has focused attention on what is today the United States, an empire that begins its end as the last white and racist empire in the world. The most important white-racist empires in the world were the British Empire, the French Empire, the Empire and the Dutch, closely linked to the slave trade and Protestantism, while the Spanish and Portuguese Empires were more identified with miscegenation, and not Racial exclusion.

But the racism that is now shaking Europe again, to stop the migrations from Africa and Asia that arrive through the south of the continent, is on the edge of the pandemic. While in the United States, racism, discrimination against Hispanics and North American interventionism that has been the fundamental axis of its expansionism, dominance and international influence in Latin America, were not mentioned.

Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Venezuela and Brazil will have elections and Donald Trump considers it a legitimate right of the United States to intervene in those elections and has done so in the most blatant way, through the OAS in Bolivia and Venezuela. Donald Trump has also pointed out as unreliable the November elections for the vote by mail, which according to the now that he is losing in the polls, hide a fraud against him.

But in the debate, what stands out has been that his government is the government of a group of millionaires, who operate like a drug cartel, but instead of getting rich quickly with drug trafficking, they do so through tax evasion, because in 10 of the last 15 years he has not paid taxes, and has not declared taxes before taking office or during his presidency.

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