jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2020

The step from the revolution of citizens to the revolution of Internet users and interconnected people.

We are living the step from the revolution of citizens to the revolution of Internet users and people with no connection.
Rafael Correa wanted to revive the concept of Citizen Revolutions that was lived in Greece, France and the United States.
In citizen revolutions, the vote of the people became the most important thing, but this vote is channeled through political parties.
Bolivar already pointed out, like Washington, that political parties were the worst of democracy.
For Marxism, of Karl Marx, and then the communism of Stalin and Mao, the party was everything.
The single party became the foundation of communism, the political doctrine that believed that the so-called historical leap was possible, from the feudalism of Russia and China, to communism, without going through savage capitalism, transnational capitalism, state capitalism, socialism and finally communism.
Wild capitalism or neoliberalism is the political doctrine that turns the human being into the wolf of other human beings.
In savage capitalism, parents sell their children, or buy their wives and children with luxuries, kill, abandon or despise their grandparents and parents when they are in the way, just as they expel their children from the house when they think they are already They are old enough to leave. its slogan is the maximum effort of a worker for the lowest cost, and the highest price, something although in reality it is not worth anything.
In this wild capitalism that I have lived within my own family, the life of a poor old woman is disposable, even if she is your grandmother, and good friendships and relationships with those who have money, power or fame are more important than life. of his brothers, friends, children, wife and everything around him.
 Money, power or fame are everything and heroism is invoked, heroes are rewarded with tributes on their corpse, for having been useful fools, as in the pandemic, which are fools who fall like flies in wars, collective plagues and tragedies, for doing a job, earning a salary, or fulfilling a duty imposed by a bastard in the government.
In transnational capitalism, large companies that work, profit or exploit inside and outside their country of origin, can decide the fate and death of human beings in the confines of the world.
Among its capabilities is to destroy nature, destroy local cultures, destroy the lives of individuals and families, and put or remove governments.
This transnational capitalism is opposed by the nationalist capitalists, who want to use all the resources of their country, to compete with the transnationals, substitute imports and create local elites that have the same luxuries, whims or control over all human beings, resources the possibilities and opportunities that a territory that has become a country of your property can offer.
Today with the pandemic, the richest places in the world want capitalist nationalism or state capitalism as a mechanism to prevent the invasion of the world's poor who look to the countries that one day exploited them, stole their wealth, robbed and killed them to their parents, grandparents and previous generations.
In the United States, the white supremacists, in Germany the neo-Nazis, in France the racists, in all the white countries fear, after centuries of exploiting the other inhabitants of the planet, forces them to arm themselves and face the migratory waves with hatred and violence .
But human society lives the existence of a new human being, the Internet user, who, as was once the navigators, who became settlers of America, or the nomads who became conquerors, with Genghis Khan, the Internet users, who They are people interconnected through social networks, the internet and more forms of global communication and transportation, they are the new engines of change in the species.
Internet users differ from citizens, in that citizens are human beings who have duties and rights that are decided by the current ruler of their country or of another host country.

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