miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2020

The catastrophic interventionism of Trump, CNN and the OAS in the South American elections before and during the pandemic

WRITTEN ANALYSIS. Latin America and especially South America has become the region of the world hardest hit by the pandemic, and in it Trump, CNN and the OAS have put their hand to the elections, putting governments like Macrí's in Argentina, Bolsonaro in Brazil, Añez in Bolivia, Piñeras in Chile, Vizcarra in Peru and Guaidó in Venezuela, and holding Moreno in Ecuador. These governments have been catastrophic for these countries that have social problems, which are not related to the economic, diplomatic and military siege war carried out by the United States, such as with Cuba, Venezuela or Nicaragua, where not only that these countries endure a criminal economic, naval, air blockade, but attempts at military assault, such as what happened in Venezuela.
But the most blatant face of interventionism has been to recognize as presidents people who never participated in an election as presidential candidates, nor were vice presidents who had to replace deposed presidents, or who resigned, but rather, who were individuals who did something no one to made in the history of the world, they were members of congress who took to the streets and proclaimed themselves presidents, like Guaidó and Añes, and immediately the United States and its allies, which are not most of the countries of the world, but only the 25% recognized them, despising what the remaining 150 countries of the world think.
But interventionism is not only there, the judicial systems, made up of judges and prosecutors, were indoctrinated and trained in the United States, as in the case of Diana Salazar from Ecuador, and the judges and prosecutors from Brazil, or Bolivia, where they take carry out judicial persecutions of Lula, Evo Morales, or Rafaél Correa to prevent their participation in electoral processes in these countries.
The same happens with the high military commanders, trained in that country and now they do not respond to the constitution of the countries where they allow foreign military bases within the national territory, in express violation of the laws of Ecuador, and the same happens in Colombia, but in Bolivia, they also staged a coup.
Behind all this is Trump, Mike Pompeo, CNN and the OAS with Luis Almagro at the head.
Trump's interventionism borders on such aggressiveness that she has not ruled out military invasions of Venezuela, either blatantly with the deployment of her forces or simulated with the invasion of mercenaries.
Behind all this is the so-called CNN media hitman, which is not an information medium, it is a war weapon of the United States with which it carries out the so-called media war, against the enemies of the USA. They consider themselves warriors of the microphone and the cameras, who fulfill the sacred duty of hating those who they consider a threat to the great country,
This game of being a media hitman is not new, it was carried out by Pulitzer and Hertz against Cuba in the Spanish American war and of course by Ronald Reagan in World War II. CNN covered up the George Bush administration, indeed, it broadcast live the invasion of Iraq that was justified and encouraged in the lie that Saddam Hussein had nuclear weapons, something that until now CNN nor the Pentagon have been able to prove.
The role of the OAS, the body named by Fidel Castro, the United States Ministry of Colonies, faithfully fulfills the role of interventionist in the elections in South America.
He presents himself as an observer of the elections in the region but ends up being the diplomatic hit man, under Trump's orders. This is how he has not been shy about supporting a military invasion in Venezuela, the blockade of Cuba since 1960, now the self-proclamation as president of Guaidó or Añez, and the coup in Bolivia against Evo Morales.
This role that has triggered national tragedies such as the endless Colombian civil war, or the fall of Allende and the assassinations of the Condor Plan, which until today are covered up by the OAS, which cannot even clarify its role in these crimes against humanity, among which should include the murder of Che Guevara in Bolivia.
In the upcoming elections in Ecuador and Bolivia, it is clear that the role of CNN and the OAS is to cover up the frauds that are already emerging by preventing the participation of Evo Morales and Rafael Correa, at any cost and with any pretext, but Furthermore, they now encourage the Venezuelan opposition not to participate in the elections called by Maduro for December.
The governments that CNN, the OAS and Trump have supported, such as Macri in Argentina, Bolsonaro in Brazil, Piñeras in Chile, Viscarra in Peru, Moreno in Ecuador, Uribe and Duque in Colombia have been catastrophic for these countries, since before and during the pandemic, and it is because of them that South America is now the part of the planet hardest hit by covid 19. It is because they are supporting corruption, violence, evil, cheating, betrayal, cowardice, human misery in its greatest expression as forms of government.

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