sábado, 5 de septiembre de 2020

Why, when, where and how Ecuador and Latin America are going to enter into an unstoppable social explosion

WRITTEN ANALYSIS. Ecuador is on the edge of the precipice and three factors push it into the abyss, the first is the pandemic that has led to unemployment, the economy, and poverty being the cause of the havoc. It is now estimated that half of the economically active population is stranded, without work or way of producing or marketing, and health is at its worst
The second factor is Lenin Moreno and corruption, which has become the administration of justice, through trials full of abnormalities, as a form of political persecution, shamelessly conceals the president, Lenin Moreno, the distribution of hospitals, tax evasion, forgiveness to the richest, or through cards for the disabled, which includes judges, assembly members.
The distribution of hospitals, compares them with medicines, supplies, equipment, with a surcharge, which later do not even reach the hospitals, during the pandemic they are the worst.
The economic reactivation loans do not work, the debts grow and multiply, starting with the payment of public services, social security, taxes and the visible bankruptcy of the Insurance.
The third element that is the fuse that is on its way to be the trigger. They have already been the origin of civil wars, as in Colombia, and it has been in Ecuador as the Alfaro wars, or the 6-day war.
We are living elections in which the National Electoral Council, headed by Diana Atamaint, prevents the participation of government opposition parties, does not have money in time to guarantee the capture or handling of votes, there are changes in the form and demand to vote, problems in transmitting information during the campaign, the wealthiest may secretly finance the campaign, to the detriment of equal opportunities and opportunities.
These elements, added to the previous instability that already broke out in Ecuador, due to the implementation of measures imposed by the IMF, such as removing subsidies, starting with fuels, the privatization of public companies, and the reduction of the size of the state , which means the dismissal of thousands of public employees, which affected hospitals, health units, educational units, and all employees.
The quarantine, the so-called social distancing, and the prolonged social immobility have led to Ecuador, a country without its own currency, dependent on oil that came to be worth less than the cost of production of a barrel has us wrong.
But there is another factor, and it is that now Latin America, especially South America, is the most explosive area in the world, which was already experiencing a critical moment in Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Chile, but especially in Bolivia and Ecuador, which will have elections to elect president soon.
Trump's interference in South America, which has been blatant by recognizing autonomous presidents such as Guaidó or Añez, supporting coups d'état such as in Bolivia and Peru, supporting repudiated presidents such as in Ecuador and Brazil. with Moreno and Bolsonaro, paying a reward for Maduro sponsoring the lawfare in Ecuador, Brazil, Bolivia and Argentina, to invade countries with his soldiers like what he is doing in Ecuador and Colombia, against their respective constitutions. But within the United States, where the worst of the pandemic is living, its economy is in decline, there are social explosions full of hatred and racism, in which Trump, who is not afraid to resort to any trick to perpetuate himself four more years, including overthrowing to Maduro to show it as a war prize. Remittances have fallen.
The month of February is the starting point of the worst moment in Ecuador, this moment can be avoided if in the elections the allies of Moreno and Trump do not win, but if that does not happen, the social outbreak will be the most painful point of the century. for Ecuador and other Latin American countries.
It is seen that the insubordination of the region, far from trying to establish governments of or another political tendency, what they want is to end the borders on the continent, both for people and for goods, the protection of its natural resources, the best price of its products, and better wages for workers, that are comparable to those of the United States, so that bad wages are not the reason to migrate to the affluent north.
Ecuador has one last option before ending up in a bloodbath, and that is for a new government to propose a better distribution of wealth, power, and knowledge, as a starting point to deflate the crisis, but it is what it does. is to increase the differences between Ecuadorians, and multiply hunger, insecurity, social violence, things go to a red point, where anger, hatred, revenge, lies, deception, disappointment, disappointment They will do their job, this is to disintegrate the country and reintegrate into a great new country, called the New World.

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