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miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2020
The pandemic and its impact on the American Continent, the role of Trump and governments
Trump a white president, a billionaire, with a German father, with a racist intra-family background, and social as a gunman from the old west, with a cult of himself, which translates into writing his last name in huge gold letters on buildings, airplanes, or in the laws and decrees that he signs, founded his campaign on the so-called American pride, with the slogan of AMERICAN FIRST, which has multiplied North American egocentrism in the 4 years that he has been in office, and with psychosocial reasoning translated into excess confidence in him and the USA, for the remarkable achievements, but this turned into negligence, and ignorance at the time the pandemic hit. The negligence was evident in his late response and his ignorance in his contempt for the virus and the consequences of a pandemic, he ignored something fundamental, that Europeans and settlers owe epidemics their conquests in
America other continents.
Those mistakes made by Trump turned into deaths, unemployment and an economic crisis.
The United States is the country that most depends in the world on mobility and communications, and when the first was affected, there were two transcendent events, a high mortality that questions the scientific and technical superiority of the USA, and the cooperation between North Americans that resulted in civil disobedience, both to comply with quarantines or distancing, in police abuse and racial conflicts.
This situation is complicated by the old problem of weapons in that country, which allows anyone to kill for nothing, be it classmates, Latinos in a supermarket, blacks to arrest them, or children in prisons on the border. The showing of aramas in an electoral campaign is the proof of this,
So if to this insecurity, we add health insecurity, due to the lack of access to health, of a large part of the population, a fundamental cause of the uncontrollable mortality and contagion in the USA, the highest in the world, we add environmental insecurity With fires, floods, hurricanes, the delay and inaction of the Trump government, climate change, the United States has become one of the worst places in the world to live and have a family, because even in schools children are at risk, by bullying, harassment, or murder.
Latin America is now the biggest focus of conflict between human beings and of humans with nature. This has multiplied indefinitely with the pandemic. The problem originates when the prices of raw materials fall and this brings about the end of the so-called governments of Socialism SXXI, in Brazil, with Lula and Dilma, in Argentina with Cristina Fenández, in Ecuador with Rafael Correa, in Chile, with Bachelet , and the heartfelt death of Hugo Chavez, a fundamental piece of the South American integration process, carried out in UNASUR. With the arrival of Trump to power, the criterion that it is more varato for the US to put its hand in the elections in Latin America than to wage war on the continent is imposed.
Donald Trump and Mike Pompeo, get their hands on the elections in Latin America and place Macri as presidents in Argentina, Piñeras in Chile, Duque in Colombia, Lenin Moreno in Ecuador, Bolosnaro in Brazil, and support unelected presidents such as Guaidó in Venezuela, Viscarra in Peru, Añez in Bolivia, but they do not improve the prices of raw materials, reduce public employees, privatize, which generates unemployment, deterioration of public services, business, cheating, corruption, and finally, The threat of war and the blockade of Venezuela creates a migratory wave of Venezuelans that hits the economies and the social order of South America.
When the pandemic arrives, Latin America is a nest of popular discontent, which faces the United States, with migratory waves from Central America, and of masses that stopped being poor and had a sudden return to poverty, visible especially in Brazil, Argentina , and Ecuador, but also corruption is brutally visible and becomes deadly in the region, by diverting resources to people within or close to governments.
The pandemic is changing the relationships between people and people with the state, commerce, education, information, knowledge, with the Internet. and this surprises politicians because their success was based on the principle that the people have a big heart and a small memory, but with the internet it became enormous. Today the virus, Trump, his wall, racism and his ruling lackeys are the adversaries to defeat and objects of hatred.
The pandemic, the internet, the economic crisis, the treatments, the vaccines are the engines of change.
Latin America sees with hunger and discontent, as its capital fled to the USA and tax havens, or to Europe, as well as its workers, its brains, its natural resources and its work, for centuries underpaid.
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