domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2020

The rude last 50 years of Ecuador's history to reach the 2021 elections


Ecuador has lived the last 50 years between 2 dictatorships and 19 rulers, with a president and an indigenous person by the hour, three soldiers, two as dictators and one as president overthrown, three presidents overthrown through popular protests and military intervention, we have had constitutions and two wars or skirmishes with Peru While the United States retains its original constitution with some amendments, and has had only 6 presidents, and more than 20 wars or military interventions, with 4 heartfelt defeats, in Angola, Somalia, Afghanistan and Syria and two victories in Iraq and in Libya.

Oil financed the government of Guillermo Rodríguez Lara, a nationalist military man who nationalized oil and built the pipeline, the Esmeraldas Refinery and the Balao Petroleum Port, which is the main state infrastructure provider of dollars, also carried out a second agrarian reform, oriented to colonize the Amazon, after his fall he was replaced by another military dictator, Durán Arcentales, who gave way to a period of elections every 4 years that still persists, and to a constitution that gave the vote to the illiterate, who were mostly peasants , in times when the peasants were more than the citizens. With the new constitution, Jaime Roldós was elected, who supported the Sandinistas of Nicaragua, and this cost him his life. He was succeeded by Jaime Hurtado, his vice president, a right-wing president who used power to save the rich from their dollar debts, through sucretization and unleashed inflation, which would end in 1999 with the disappearance of the sucre as our currency, León followed. Febres Cordero, who carried out the Condor Plan, of anticommunist repression planned by Henry Kissinger and carried out by Pinochet, Stroessner, Videla and other military dictatorships in South America, but also suffered the rupture of the pipeline. Rodrigo Borja followed him, who faced the plague of cholera, and that is why he carried out a great plan of environmental sanitation and adult literacy that allowed the creation of CONAIE, and this through protests obtained territories for the Amazonian and coastal nationalities that faced colonization. the legalization of smallholdings or indigenous plots of the Sierra and bicultural education. After him came the government of Sixto Duran Ballen and his fatal vice president Dahik, a neoliberal Chicago boy who tried to privatize everything, starting with Social Security and that cost him his job. Sixto faced the Cenepa War and a drought that devastated our economy, and fleas fell on the skinny dog, with Abdalá Bucaram at the head, which corrupted everything, until he was overthrown at 6 months. She was followed by Alarcón, an opportunist involved in smuggling, and who created a new constitution to benefit the bankers and the rich, after him Jamil Mahuad, who signed the Itamaraty Peace Treaty, with Peru, and then together with Guillermo Lasso, the Isaías brothers, Aspiazu and other bankers, assaulted their depositors and the reserves of the Central Bank, making the sucre disappear and producing the largest emigration in history, 3 million educated and healthy Ecuadorians of working age, 40% of the economically active population left of the country, and the millions that his education, health, food, clothing, etc. cost to his parents and the government, he escaped to Spain, Italy and the USA, giving way to human trafficking first and drug trafficking later, we are left with the sick , children, disabled who could not leave. The opportunist Colonel Lucio Gutiérrez, traitor of Hugo Chávez, came who helped them to be president and later he confessed to the best friend of George Bush, but overwhelmed by the foreign debt, and his family commitments, he was overthrown by putting his hand to justice, with a court called the Pichi-Corte, which mobilized the children of the rich who studied in the private universities of Quito, with Ruptura 25 at the head and through the protests of the "outlaws" they overthrew him. His vice president succeeded Palacios and Rafael Correa triumphed in the 2006 elections, who called a constituent assembly, was reelected in 2008 to govern with the new constitution, his brilliant way of reducing the burden of debt, and the renegotiation with the oil companies, gave him economic resources to govern for 10 years, developing the largest infrastructure ever made in the country and revolutionizing health, education and public services, including justice. This revolution called the Citizen's Revolution fell into a bottomless pit with the government of Lenín Moreno, which is dying in the midst of a pandemic, which is unmanageable, a pseudo dictatorship that uses justice and elections to eliminate opponents, and that is suffocation in an economic crisis, debts and robberies, which drags his government and his allies to a social explosion if there is fraud in February 2021 with unstable governments and emigration

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