sábado, 28 de agosto de 2021

The first impact in Ecuador of the defeat of the United States and NATO in Afghanistan.

Ecuador is a drug-exporting narco country that is within the so-called War on Drugs and the narco-terrorism of cocaine, which the United States frees in Latin America and which is losing it.

Afghanistan is the first country in the world where a narcoguerrilla, opium, defeats the United States. The curious thing about this defeat is that the guerrilla that defeats the greatest military power in the world was financed by drug users from developed countries, such as the United States and its allies, and the defeat occurs just like the catastrophic results of the invasions. Libya, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, and Yemen, because the war ceased to be a state secret, today all the actions, deaths, deaths, murders, human rights violations and their consequences, became the news of world interest, part of the new business of global public information, such as the Olympics, the soccer world championships, the Miss Universe elections, natural disasters, humanitarian or space exploration.

Undoubtedly, the internet and real-time information changed everything, since the war, which is now not only with firearms but is a commercial, cyberwar, of intelligence groups, of migrants against governments, of drug traffickers against the police, the army, and the laws, of informal and illegal, against those who enjoy stability and economic security.

War is lived even within families and states, but it is no longer a bloody war, but a war against hunger, thirst, disease, greed, evil, lies, betrayal, deception, which is It came to turn into political power in countries like Ecuador, in the form of the usual behavior of politicians, including politicians, diplomats, women, and indigenous people or the disabled like Lenín Moreno, with whom we live Ecuador turned into booty, with a savage distribution from public office to disability cards.

Ecuador is experiencing the drama of the Venezuelan displaced by the economic war that the United States is waging in that country, against the Maduro government, and which has produced the worst migratory wave recorded in the region.

This migratory wave is now complicated by the arrival of 5,000 Afghans, who are said to arrive in different conditions than Venezuelans, since they have a subsidy from the US government, and they will be temporary until they can legally enter that country. Many of them do not have a direct visa to the United States because they are not trustworthy and are observed. almost prisoners, as in Guantánamo because it is not known for sure whether or not they are Isis terrorists, or Islamic radicals, who can do a lot of damage within North American territory. There are also children and women, but in the Afghanistan War, many children and women became the best enemies of the NATO army.

These refugees, who arrive in Ecuador, come to occupy houses, medical services, education services, which are free for everyone who lives in the country, and which is provided by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education, as currently received by the Thousands of Colombian, Cuban and Venezuelan emigrants, with the advantage that migrants, especially from Cuba, Colombia and Venezuela, speak Spanish, have an education, religion, culture and physical appearance equal to us, and even a higher academic training, since Cuba and Venezuela invested many resources in the education of their inhabitants, the average schooling of these countries is higher in three years than the average of Ecuador and the educational quality is much better.

When we receive migration from Venezuela and Cuba, we are actually stealing their brains, and most of them physically and mentally healthy people from those countries, since they are the ones who escape from our Latin American countries. The sick, disabled, criminals, who cannot migrate, stay here or leave us. A phenomenon in reverse to the conquest of America, in which the worst of Europe, thieves, sick, hungry emigrated.

This is what we are experiencing after the banking holiday of 1999, in Ecuador and since then the best and most prepared human beings of our countries are captured by developed countries and leave us the burden, like President Lenín Moreno in Ecuador, Uribe in Colombia, Bolsonaro in Brazil, and the current politicians or leaders in Ecuador, Honduras, Colombia, Guatemala, to whom the government today has all the facilities to become power, such as drunks and thieves on ships. pirates or the murderers and hitmen in the current gangster cartels.

Today we are going to receive the Afghan migration, and I remember that an Afghan refugee in 2002, at the beginning of the war in Afghanistan, owner of a restaurant called Ali Baba, in La Mariscal, Quito, Ecuador, attacked me with a knife. , because one of his relatives touched the buttocks of my daughter Carmen Verónica, when we went down the street with the Ecuadorian flag, celebrating Ecuador's first qualification for a FIFA World Cup. He stabbed me in the left arm, the hand with which I write, and compromised the brachial artery, they saved my life when I no longer had blood from the hemorrhage, at the Eugenio Espejo Hospital, and then I arrested him with the police, I wanted to send him to jail, but the head of the Egyptian Embassy, ​​who was also the head of the national police, saved him, that refugee, who later visited him in his restaurant with my wife and reminded him of our history, was an anti-American refugee, while the current refugees are pro-American. The problem originated in that he did not understand Spanish, and I did not understand Arabic, when his drunken friend who attacked my daughter, received my complaint and insults, the Arabs from all over the neighborhood, who did not understand Spanish well, went crazy, they were They went to their restaurants and went out with knives, seeing that people surrounded their relative, but people only approached for romance, to find out what was happening, but they thought they were going to lynch the daring drunk and attacked me to defend him.

Receiving a foreigner who does not speak the Spanish language in Ecuador is already a big problem for the migrants and for Ecuadorians, who see them as someone different and above all dangerous, this is already happening with Venezuelans and with Afghans xenophobia, it has the possibility of multiplying.

Second, it is possible that the United States will abandon them in Ecuador, or leave them in charge of the Ecuadorian government, which is in power thanks to a tricky election, in which the United States Embassy, ​​the wealthy owners of the media, and from political parties, they got their hands on him so that in a doubtful way Guillermo Lasso would enter the second electoral round, defeating Yaku Perez, the indigenous candidate, then making a campaign that used the crisis in Venezuela as an example and publicity, they won Araúz, the candidate of the Socialism of the XXI Century supported by Rafael Correa.

But the Ecuadorian government is looking forward to seeing it, as it faces a pandemic, an economic crisis, and a security crisis of unprecedented proportions, with a huge rebound in drug trafficking, violence, and a new wave of emigrants, which are the most obvious evidence. cruel of the country's crisis.

 Added to the lack of employment for Ecuadorians is that of Venezuelans, Colombians, Cubans, and now that of Afghans in the country. This is replicated in other countries such as Colombia and Mexico, where the Afghans can be the last straw and fill our patience.

However, if the Afghan refugees are going to receive a monthly pension for their subsistence in Ecuador, which is 10 times less than they need to survive in the United States, and if the United States is going to pay them, but Ecuador has to provide free education , basic services, free medical care, which is paid by all Ecuadorians with taxes, and it is a state obligation for everyone who lives in the national territory, until the occupation of physical space, when thousands of Ecuadorians have to escape from their country, because they cannot pay for electricity, water, their children's studies, medicine, daily food, debts or taxes, but these foreigners can live in Ecuador, it will create a decisive moment of tension social, which can mean the fall of the government, which is the worst thing that can happen to the United States Embassy in Ecuador, because this government of Lasso, who is his puppet, allows him to control the army, the police, justice, the media and even the upcoming elections and carry out the so-called war on drug trafficking.

Embassy of the United States in Ecuador, because this government of Lasso, who is his puppet, allows him to control the army, the police, the justice, the media, and even the upcoming elections and carry out the so-called war on drug trafficking.

The way out of this mess for the Afghan refugees is that the refugees can educate themselves and learn Spanish, medical and psychological support over the Internet until they master the language and that they can work in reforestation, repairing the train, such as the Ibarra San Lorenzo train. , or in the construction of the beach train proposed by Lenín Moreno, financed by the USA, since they are the best train builders since they were part of the British Empire, and above all they can work in a campaign of reforestation, decontamination by plastics, and with salaries basic paid by the United States.

The other possibility is that the Afghan refugees are captured by the Colombian drug cartels and guerrillas or the Colombian, Mexican or Ecuadorian drug cartels and that together they face the governments and the United States in the War on Drug Trafficking, or the migrant smuggling, human trafficking, which is the new war that is being fought south of the US border, remembering that they were the first and the only human group that dared to attack New York, the Pentagon and that finally defeated the USA, the USSR, and the British Empire in the last two hundred years.

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