sábado, 11 de diciembre de 2021

Health and medicine in the pandemic

Western or conventional medicine, PREPANDEMIA DEL COVID 19 is a medicine that today is developed mainly in the United States, the country that has won the most Nobel prizes for medicine, and is characterized as a medicine to protect the rich, who can Access to hospitals, doctors, procedures, and more expensive therapies, while the population is not covered by the State, but by a private insurance system, extremely expensive and mandatory.

This country has made medicine the second best business after the war and its advances have changed the lives of all human beings.

The problem with their medicine is that they cannot pay for it, they become considered poor and being considered poor is a prelude to being considered a loser, or a possible criminal.

The concentration of wealth, power and knowledge in an elite in the United States, as the latest UN report reveals, is such that 1% of the population has 28% of the wealth of the richest country on the planet. This means that there is such a disproportion that not only real poverty but also comparative poverty, this is the feeling that one is poor, not because something is missing, but because what you have you cannot buy what someone else has.

This model of medicine has spread to the cities first and now to the fields of the world. Medicine is increasingly at the service of the rich and to the detriment of the poor.

The detriment to the poor is that the doctors, since they require complicated methods and resources to diagnose, and therefore the diagnosis as well as the treatment becomes more expensive from year to year, while the old medicine of the clinical eye more than being censored is practically obsolete, not recommended and dangerous.

The ability of physicians to intuitively recognize, and through their senses or experience has come to be criticized, examinations, tests, interconsultations with specialists, admission to increasingly complex care centers to attend to trivial problems, has made the attention.

Patients have become so dependent on the health center that it is annoying for professionals that seriously ill patients have to be treated after treating colds, pain, digestive disorders, which our grandparents solved at home and in the Most cases are self-limited diseases, that is, they resolve on their own and their solution depends more on the patient having a natural recovery capacity, a natural recovery that develops with immune exercise, that is, with exposure to disease, and in good physical condition, which depends on nutrition, physical activity and the environment.

Patients claim to be cared for in the order they arrived and not according to the severity of the disease, in public and private consultations there are conflicts, because the chronological order of arrival takes precedence over the severity of the disease, or of the patient . The triage or classification of patients requires that the patients to be cared for all arrive before the medical attention begins and that there is a trained personnel who can recognize the risk that each patient carries. But also, that those who go to the medical service accept to give up their turn to the one who is more ill, which is very difficult, because each person thinks that their life is more important than that of others or they arrive at the time they can. , more than at the time they should arrive for the consultation.

This dependence on patients and the population on the doctor means that people who study to solve complex problems are forced to waste their talents, skills and time on trifles in exchange for a salary.

This becomes so irritating to professionals that they think their studies are wasted time.

Thousands of hours spent on problems that can be solved at home, if the adults in the home had a minimum of notion of how to prevent diseases, use food, medicinal plants, diet or exercise, this would reduce the problem of congestion and the loss of time for patients and doctors and would considerably reduce the cost for the state, insurance and people for medical care.

Of course for private medicine, this would be inconvenient, since it is about making money from human ignorance, the less the patient knows how to prevent or treat his ailments, the more possibilities of economic income for professionals and private health services.

Another great problem is self-medication derived from poverty, since patients do not have time, as their poverty forces them to daily search for resources to support their families, feed themselves, rest, fulfill jobs that appear and disappear, or routines that They do not forgive the minute wasted, to this is added the patience necessary to allocate all day so that a doctor, fifteen or 20 minutes, is that it is also an expense that in private medicine means payment for care and in medicine publishes the expenditure of time and money to get to the center of attention, to wait for hours for the turn and then return, paying tickets, and wasting time and in many cases the little money they have to get out with nothing, because the disease possibly It is self-limited, that is, it will disappear in 7 days like a cold and paracetamol tablets, to alleviate discomfort, it costs less at the pharmacy than the ticket to go to the doctor. Given this, patients opt for self-medication, this self-education in the case of antibiotics, becomes a serious problem because antibiotics that are used improperly, create bacterial or parasitic resistance, and this has become a problem of such dimensions. , which the World Health Organization, and has warned of a global pandemic with fatal consequences.

The business of private medicine is to convince the patient that his illness is more complicated than it seems, and of public medicine or insurance, to convince the patient that his illness is less important than he thinks. In the first case, in private medicine, the purpose of giving an alarming interpretation of any symptom is to ensure that the patient spends more money and time on their health, in the second case it is about saving the state or insurance the consumption of medicines , surgeries, or time of the hired professionals.

Thus conventional medicine enslaves us and subjects us to medicines, doctors, procedures, examinations, while liberating medicine tries to make people use but not enslave themselves to this.

For this, liberating medicine proposes that nature be used as a therapeutic resource, that is, pure air, clean water, natural foods, exercises appropriate to age, sex, place, time, home knowledge of the use of plants. Medicines and certain drugs whose use represents risk and can be accessible without a prescription.

Liberating medicine proposes that the periodic home visit of doctors and health promoters, to recognize the oppressive, aggressive or enslaving factors that affect the health of the person, their family and even their animals or plants, not only the diseases that They may be present, to come, or that they have left, but as the patient evolves, since the disease invites a forced rearrangement of behavior, of relationships with close people, or with the use of what is within reach To survive, this is to overcome the possibility of prostration or death, to live, is to enjoy and suffer every day, to live is to share with other human beings and with a cultural or natural environment that can be extremely aggressive or pleasant, and to survive is to have children , descent, but also human survival means leaving something to children and society, which can be goods, knowledge, feelings, inspiration, work reasons, reason e to keep or continue something. The human being also survives in photos, videos, songs, poems, writings, paintings, constructions, in short, the forms of human survival multiply with human development.

This vision of the human being as someone who survives, lives, coexists and survives in a continuous struggle against oppressive, aggressive, or degrading factors, is what bases liberating medicine, which ensures that medicine does not serve to survive in the worst conditions , to live enslaved to people, vices, cultures, orders and laws unjust, harmful, wars, plagues, close violence, internal violence in the life of each one.


In post-pandemic medicine for covid 19, preventive medicine, health co-responsibility, the use of vaccines, exams, social distancing, masks, the psycho-social and eco-responsible component, such as pollution, plastics, gases , pesticides, fats, sugar, meat, preserved foods, the invasion of wild areas, food handling, close coexistence, become important factors in the process of diagnosis, prevention, treatment and reactivation or resuscitation that include changes in physical activity, human mobility, the use of renewable and eco-friendly energy, recycling, reducing consumerism, reuse that is part of the so-called circular economy, the protection economy, and the saving economy.

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