domingo, 26 de diciembre de 2021

The new role of the Ecuadorian armed forces in 2022

The armed forces of Ecuador, which is one of the fundamental institutions of the Ecuadorian State, has had a different role in the different stages of national life.

Since the American Wars of Independence, the armed forces, which then consisted of peasants forced to go to war, have had a bad reputation with their own people.

 Those who died the most were then indigenous and mestizo, who did not know how to read or write, recruited from the haciendas where they were peons in debt through the so-called concertation, from their ancestors, in endless debts.

This army, almost always commanded by an officer belonging to the rancid aristocracy, generally and until now from the Sierra, mostly, fought during the seventeenth and seventeenth centuries as part of the Spanish empire and in the nineteenth century as the foundation of the Republic. of Ecuador, against the idolaters, atheists, and freemasons, fundamentally and sometimes against the pirates who invaded and even appropriated Guayaquil, but above all against the arrogant, renegade, or rebellious Indians and Montubios. That is, against his own people.

Since the 20th century, when the liberal's triumph and the church begins to lose its power in Ecuador, the army fundamentally takes care of territorial integrity, even more so when in the 70s of the 18th century, the country was divided into four countries, called Quito, Guayaquil, Cuenca, and Loja.

With Alfaro's Liberal Revolution, the Military College was created and with it the training of officers ceases to be a matter of barracks and becomes a professional career of an academic and not empirical nature as it was.

The occupation of the army since the Colony was to guard above all the haciendas and cities of the rich but after the defeat of 1941, in which Ecuador lost half of its territory, especially in the Amazon, when the economic boom occurred. of rubber, by World War II, in which the United States handed over the rubber territory of Ecuador to Peru in 1936, and then through an invasion with North American weapons, Peru appropriated all the mouths of rivers originating in the Andes of Ecuador, which They flow into the Amazon, but also the cowardly president Arroyo del Río surrenders Galapagos to the North American army.

From that moment, the objective and purpose of the Ecuadorian army are to train for a new war, in which it can recover what was lost. So, the military and student education in Ecuador was to hate the Peruvians but to love the North Americans, who were taken out of the Galapagos by President Velasco Ibarra in 1946.

In the 60s after the Cuban Revolution, the Ecuadorian army was dedicated to persecuting communist subversives, indicated by the Pentagon. But in 1974, the dictatorial government of General Guillermo Rodríguez Lara, assumed custody of oil, mines, and other subsoil products, as well as water sources and airspace. For that, it nationalizes oil, and Ecuador becomes an active member of OPEC, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.

Throughout history, the Catholic Church and the armed forces have acted as mediators in social conflicts, and have taken sides, or have assumed the government, repeatedly, to the point that in Ecuador there have been 120 governments to date. in 200 years of Republican history.

Since the 1990s, the army has experienced a confrontation with CONAIE, the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador, but in 2000, they allied to overthrow President Jamil Mahuad through a coup by Colonel Lucio Gutierrez. And during the Cenepa War in 1995, the Amazonian indigenous people assumed a fundamental role within the army that faced Peru.

In the government of Rafael Correa, the armed forces suffer an earthquake when Correa allows the free entry of indigenous people, blacks and women, who previously had to have at least 50,000 USD, just to pay for uniforms, so the officers of our army, navy, aviation or police were the children of wealthy parents.

Another of the earthquakes is produced by the appointment of civilian women as Minister of Defense, such as the traitor, María Fernanda Espinoza, who would later be among the conspirators who supported Lenin Moreno in his betrayal of Rafael Correa. This proves that in all that Correa was brilliant, what he did not know how to do is choose well those in his close circle.

Another of the earthquakes that hit the armed forces is that after the so-called 4-day war in the 1930s, the subversion of the police, or the army, did not succeed in overthrowing a president, which is very rare in national history

Since 2017, the Ecuadorian army and police have become part of the Pentagon and the US Embassy.

 They are armed forces that Ecuadorians fatten, train, and equip to defend the interests of the United States.

But due to the pandemic and the voracity of Chinese fishing boats, which with a fleet of hundreds of boats plunder the ocean off Ecuador and the Galapagos, due to the so-called War on Drug Trafficking, which has turned Ecuador into a drug corridor and of emigrants to the United States.

The new role of the army, the navy, and the aviation are to protect natural areas, in direct collaboration with the United States, especially the Galapagos, which now has a protected area of ​​200,000 km2.

Latin America is ceasing to be countries that seek to exploit to the maximum the natural resources and the work of its inhabitants and is becoming the guardians of the Pacific Ocean, the Amazon, of its nature, to stop the plunder of China.

 But in addition, the United States has assumed the role of persecuting the corruption that in Latin America, which was sown by the conquerors, the pirates, the settlers, the transnationals, their transnationals, then by drug trafficking, and finally by the current rulers, who even pretend to today turn our countries into booty countries.

It is these countries that are the spoils of governments, transnationals, drug, and human traffickers, wood, and everything that exists in them, an inequality, poverty and irrepressible violence have been born, which are the origin of the invaders of the United States, which They arrive in huge caravans.

These caravans are what force the United States to review its policy in Latin America, now that Mexico, Honduras, Argentina, Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Peru, Chile, and soon Brazil and Colombia, return or accept the governments called progressive or of the socialism of the XXI century, also called Latin American socialism, which is the socialism that comes to power by electoral means and not by armed means, a mechanism that the United States thought would never give way to the left because it always resorted to the left. guerrilla warfare on all continents.

Today in the Ministry of Defense, which since 2017 has a minister chosen by the North American Embassy, ​​faces the dilemma of protecting nature, protected areas, and the population vulnerable to covid 19, or supporting a government that applies economic measures that multiply the poverty.

If the measures of President Guillermo Lasso fail and do not solve the health, economic, inequality, and insecurity problems that are now suffocating us, the armed forces and the American Embassy will recommend the president to cross-kill, to avoid protests and deaths, which are the breeding ground for leftist governments in the region.

If there is a cross death, the president and the assembly members leave their positions and early elections are called, in which both parties can be reelected or go home.

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