jueves, 23 de diciembre de 2021

Mario Vargas Llosa predicts the early end of Guillermo Lasso's government

The month of January is a key month every year in the political life of Ecuador because, in the Sierra, the peasants are economically exhausted since October, then in the Sierra Norte from the province of Chimborazo, where most of the Andean peasants, the rainy cycle begins, which is at the same time the sowing time, in which they have no income, they have to work, and wait for the harvests that come out from April, and they also have Christmas and the New Year With numerous festivals, such as El Pase del Niño Dios, which demands expenses, it leaves households without sufficient financial support.

Meanwhile, on the coast, the Warm Current of the Child arrives, which brings rains, and in this year, with climate change, La Niña is apparently about to arrive, which brings something worse than floods, which are droughts, than in the climate Warm coastal waters are deadly for animals and crops, although it can prolong the fishing period, which is greater when there are cold currents in the Pacific, and lower when warm currents arrive, but this affects the shrimp industry, which It depends on the warm current of El Niño, and its rains, that when it takes, the shrimp die from the pests.

On the other hand, in cities where salary is the most important, if it does not rise, discontent fuels protests, and although the Lasso government has increased the monthly salary by $ 25, given that sales have dropped, many companies have gone bankrupt and Business due to the pandemic continues social distancing, raising wages forces employers to do without workers, preferably opt for online businesses, where they do not have to pay the premises, nor the workers' wages, but also the United States It has devalued its currency, the dollar by 28%, which means that in reality, the monthly salary in Ecuador will not be enough to cover the basic food basket, which increasingly depends on the payment of public services, transport, cell phones, prepared meals, processed or preserved that do not drop in price, or industrial products. Added to this is the fact that the population is in debt like never in history, that interest, public services, and taxes have become their main nightmare.

So, January looks like a very bad month for the Lasso government.

This month of January 2021, it reminds us of the month in which the government of Jamil Mahuad fell, and the protests against the government of Colonel Lucio Gutierrez became uncontrollable in January as well.

Lasso's government brings the problems of his predecessor Lenín Moreno, and the one who has created the PANDORA PAPERS that indicate that he cannot be president because he has money in tax havens, through front men.

The far-right Peruvian writer MARIO VARGAS LLOSA already predicts that the Lasso government will falter, this does not mean that it can fall, as it will be supported by the United States at all costs, as Russia and China have supported the Maduro government in Venezuela, with more reason now that they have control of 200,000 km2 in Galapagos, as a new territory of the United States, which allows them to monitor navigation in the Pacific of South America and guard the strategic Panama Canal. But a defeat of the Colombian right-wing, which is the main ally in the Lasso region and the USA, has such a serious connotation that it could ruin Lasso as president, but Vice President Borrero would be the one who will allow the United States to control the country and the situation until the next elections in 2024.

It is also evident that the one who is emerging from now on as the next president of Ecuador is the indigenous leader Leonidas Iza, who now has the greatest capacity to answer and mobilize the population, as well as to channel popular protest and disagreement. , after Alianza País has disappeared and UNES, or the Citizen Revolution, Rafael Correa's parties, no longer has the courage to call for protests and the president's CREO party is now just an electoral advertising agency.

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