sábado, 11 de diciembre de 2021

How America Made Julian Assange the Christ of the 21st Century

Christ exposed the cruelty of the Roman Empire, and he did so through his crucifixion.

Cruelty, revenge and impunity, which was the main weapon of war of the Roman army, was at the same time the germ of its destruction.

Today JULIAN ASSANGE, is a martyr of the North American Empire, who tried to hide the cruelty, the evil index with which the Pentagon operates, its soldiers, contractors, its frequent wars or economic blockades, with coups like that of Pinochet in Chile and Argentina , his Plan Condor, the economic blockade of Cuba or Venezuela, and the infamous wars such as Iraq or Afghanistan.

 Freedom of the press, transparency, freedom of expression, which are the values ​​that the USA defends tooth and nail, is actually a cult of lies, deception, double standards, the indiscriminate use of violence, and the media.

After the use of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which turned instant mass death into a weapon of war, the press and electronic media, turned misinformation or misinformation into a weapon of war, which is what Assange denounced , just as Christ did about Roman cruelty, its laws, taxes, and codes.

Julian Assange: British Justice opens the door to the extradition of the WikiLeaks founder to the United States


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