miércoles, 22 de diciembre de 2021

The impact on the USA of Boric's triumph in Chile and the 200,000Km2 of the Galápagos protected area.

GALAPAGOS, today considered a world heritage site, and one of the largest protected areas in the Pacific in the world, as well as the coral reefs in Oceania, which were places to test nuclear weapons, The Galapagos Islands are at this time the largest protected area in the Equatorial Pacific of South America when it went from 40,000 to 200,000 km 2, after President Guillermo at the COV26 the meeting of all the countries of the world, declared that Ecuador declares 200 miles in the periphery of the Islands Protected area, in order to stop the invasion of the huge Chinese fishing fleets.

This proposal has been supported by all the attending countries where precisely China and Russia were the main absentees. The main country that supports the proposal has been the United States, which since 2017 has in the islands a military bases camouflaged as air cooperation with the Ecuadorian army, as an outpost together with Manta in the fight against drug trafficking, which is the excuse to have troops in the islands, as it was in 1941 when they first arrived and established the North American Naval Base on Seymour Island, in order to protect the vital Panama Canal from Japanese or German attacks in World War II. Marilyn Monroe, Frank Sinatra, and President Delano Roosevelt's wife visited this military base that had more than 10,000 soldiers.

But to achieve that strategic position, the president of the United States, in 1936, handed over to Peru its main supplier of rubber in the war the Ecuadorian Amazon territories and through an armed invasion with North American military equipment, forced Ecuador to sign a surrender treaty in which Peru seized almost half of its continental territory from Ecuador and the United States obtained the military base in the Galapagos Islands. But President José Maria Velasco Ibarra, who won Ecuador's elections 5 times, but was only able to finish his mandate once, expelled the North Americans from Galapagos in 1946 and did not know about it in the Rio de Janeiro treaty, for having geographical faults where it was not stated the Cenepa River, where the last war between South American countries would be fought in 1995.

The United States once again had a military presence when the government of the considered traitorous president, Lenín Moreno, not only returned the North American military base of Manta to the United States where it arrived after the Itamaraty treaty in 1999. in the government of Yamil Mahuad, where Ecuador once again recognizes its military and the diplomatic defeat of 1941, establishes the limits between Ecuador and Peru, but also gives the North Americans a military base in Manta for 10 years, in the most strategic place in the continental territory of South America, and involves Ecuador in the War on Drug Trafficking, called Plan Colombia, by the George W. Bush administration. This president of Ecuador, in collusion with the bankers, led by Guillermo Lasso, current president of Ecuador, produced the worst financial crisis in the country, after signing the Treaty of Itamaraty, with the Peruvian president Alberto Fujimori. This banking crisis, in addition to producing the disappearance of the national currency, the sucre, produced the largest economic crisis and emigration of Ecuadorians in its history, even before the Covid pandemic, which is now repeating itself.

But the Covid pandemic, which has hit the United States most of all, as well as the environmental disorders that are hitting the world, especially the Northern Hemisphere, and the technological revolution that has generated the global use of vaccines and the internet, But the biggest problem that now affects the United States is the migratory waves from Latin America, among them the most important from South America is that of Ecuador, which has also become the main drug corridor from Colombia and Peru to the United States. , which has increased demand in an unusual way after the pandemic and precisely Galapagos has become the most profitable and optimal crossing for Ecuadorian drug traffickers, considered since before the Spanish conquest of South America, as the best aboriginal navigators of the South American Pacific.

Ecuador's technological and human inability to control the huge protected area of ​​Galapagos which is almost equal to the entire continental surface of Ecuador which is only 284,000 km2 only 84,000. km2. less. This forces Ecuador and the United States to create a society where the objective is no longer only to protect North American interests, which has been their military interests, which is one of the main industries of that country, in addition to its transnational companies and to obtain cheap raw materials. , which now disputes them with China and other countries, buyers who force them to pay more, to get buyers for their products, who compete with those from China, Japan, Germany, Korea, and other countries, who do my thing.

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