viernes, 16 de octubre de 2020

Elections in Ecuador and the rights of nature in the first country that recognized them.

 COMPLEMENTARY ANALYSIS While in the United States the environmental problem is an obligatory topic in presidential debates, in the campaign, in Ecuador, the first country to recognize the rights of nature, this is not mentioned among the candidates.

This is simply because the candidates are stuck in the economic problem, which has been created by Moreno's bad government and the pandemic.

Of course it is also due to the fact that in their life they have lived between the house, the car, the office or doctor's office and what happens in the fields and in the jungles, mountains, or the sea, it is not a problem that has moved them or to engaged.

A simple question to understand what their environmental awareness is is to ask them how they travel every day to their work or to their home or to their vacation places, by plane, bus, station wagon, horse, canoe, boat, or in their private car. There is no awareness that if you go alone in your car, you are polluting, using 4 times more space than you need, that your car is also paid for by all Ecuadorians, because we pay the fuel subsidy, but we also pay the road , the street or the avenue the police, for which you can circulate using more space and more rights than the rest.

None of the presidential candidates will say that he went to work every day like I did that he had to travel tens of kilometers in a station wagon and that he used public transport as a social laboratory, where he could see and understand what was happening, even listening the narcocorridos or the marroneo, the perreo, the reggaeton, bachatas or whales and listening to the vendor or the street artist.

In Ecuador, pollution, pesticides and extinction due to their use, deforestation or overfishing are problems of colossal proportions, which the candidates neither touch nor scratch because they live on the planet of conspiracy, opportunism, mooring .

In the United States, Australia, Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay there are fires, such as those that occur on the coast and in the mountains of the coast in summer and in the mangroves, where cutting and burning are routine that kills animals and plants without consideration.

Cities have become a polluting focus of the atmosphere, water sources, behavior, and violence, and this problem has such dimensions in Latin America that countries such as Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala or Mexico, the so-called northern triangle, have unlivable dangerous cities, or entire countries, which are the origin of the migratory wave to the US and the world, such as Guayaquil

Ecuador is one of the countries most exposed to environmental disorders on the planet due to the presence of the Child Current, the increase in the level of the Pacific Ocean, the Ring of Fire, which has numerous active volcanoes in Ecuador, 4 in the surroundings of Quito , the Capital, where droughts and floods can be horrendous, earthquakes last up to a year in their aftershocks.

Already in April 2016 we had a social economic disorder created by an earthquake in the provinces of Manabí and Esmeraldas, but despite that, the environmental problem and urban growth are not problems to be discussed in this election, and this is due to that the ignorance of the candidates has not given them the necessary awareness to understand that the pandemic is not due to a biological cause exclusively, but to an anthropogenic cause, that is, caused by humans, which has invaded the space of other species and this was the origin of covid 19, which comes from wild animals such as bats.

For the candidates for the next elections, without anyone being saved, the environmental problem is not an Ecuadorian problem, but a global one and it is not within visual field, since they cannot see beyond their noses. They act only as leaders of animals trapped in a cage called a pandemic, and in an economic crisis, the important thing is to get out of this quagmire.

Environmental problems are more difficult to deal with in an election, because those who attack nature are not only the rich who make plantations, shrimp farms, aerial spraying, diversion of water sources, but the poor who deforest, use pesticides, need transportation , They use chainsaws, sell and transport wood illegally, pollute rivers, fish without conscience, violate the laws of closed periods, hunt and kill out of fear, whim or fuck.

This makes us see that the current electoral system is a bad system of governing a country, the candidates are not real, they are a publicity stunt, the government plans, something on the way to the dump, after the elections, as we saw it with Lenin Moreno, the vote can be manipulated before, during and after the voting, and the reason for a coup like in Bolivia, if Donald Trump, or a foreign government, does not like the results, it may even be justification for a war like in Venezuela or Syria.

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