miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2020

The fever of lies, deception, betrayal and evil in all its fury during the pandemic and the Ecuador elections.

 WRITTEN ANALYSIS: Ecuador is one of the countries in the American Continent hardest hit by the pandemic, but also by a bad government and by the allies of that bad government, who allowed robberies to take place in hospitals in the middle of the pandemic, ranging from in construction contracts, such as the case of the Pedernales hospital, even in public purchases, which now have the members of the Bucaram family and their collaborators in custody ... until their next escape. All these beneficiaries of acts of corruption in the health network, which include the beneficiaries of the disability vouchers, with assembly members and judges allied to the government, as favored, who could import luxury vehicles without taxes, evade taxes or travel in the middle of price to enjoy your vacation.

But the most scandalous thing is that 532 million USD is stolen from the police, in the most childish way. Now, without the slightest shame, we Ecuadorians are forced to pay the police their bad investments, because it was the money of the institution's retirees. When there are gains the benefit is for them, when they lose we all pay it.

The estimated cost of the pandemic will be 500 million dollars, less than the robbery from the police, and this money that was destined to fatten the president's allies, with loans and more ways to benefit from power, now we must return to the just like the police.

 For which the IMF has granted L. Moreno, a loan of 6,000 million USD, which must be paid with an increase in VAT from 12 to 15%, reduction of payments to public workers, in 3,400 million, withdrawal of the fuel subsidy, privatization today called monetization of state assets, that is, selling or concessioning at ridiculously low prices Ecuadorian state companies, which have been artificially mishandled to lower their prices, among the inflammatory measures they call to a violent social outbreak.

This happens when Ecuadorians are in debt for water, electricity, taxes, and the credits that we get with cards or loans in good times, when there was no pandemic.

This explosive mixture could not be more highly dangerous. It is about torturing a hungry people, not only that they are deprived of work due to lack of demand and the circulation of dollars in the street, but they are also forced to pay taxes, even to pay for what they steal from them. police officers, which is more than what the government has cost to pay for personnel, equipment, medicines, tests, hospitalization, urgent aid, etc. and to this is added that many people left their jobs in the government and come to join the afflicted citizens of Ecuador.

But the worst thing is knowing that the president, the ministers, the police, in the streets, in the hospitals everywhere the thieves are lurking, and now they want to rob us on the street, in the family, in the government and win elections, Fool us again, make us believe in little birds in the air.

They offer us a million jobs as a relief to the loss of millions of jobs, which grows every day because of the addition of young people who finished their studies, public employees who must leave their jobs, immigrants, those who went bankrupt with their businesses, clinics, offices, etc.

We are living our punishment for being naive, naive, mamertos, hood-like fools, it is that we did not know in time to recognize an infamous paralytic, like Lenín Moreno, who confused us with his extraordinary ability to lie, cheat, betray, who even confused his closest friends, collaborators, colleagues, members of Alianza País, but now we can see a rogue millionaire, almost an invalid Guillermo Lasso, the astute assembly members, the well-known ministers, the stupid policemen, the rogue candidates, our own relatives or friends who have cheated, lied to, stolen from us on the ballot.

To make this crisis and pandemic worse, they force us to pay the theft from the police, the health care network, the bankers, with such high interest rates or their flight of capital, it is that nothing but nothing stopped being loot for the Lenin government Moreno and his allies, or for the opponents of Andrés Araúzy and Rafael Correa in these elections, the scavenger candidates who have been drooling over the spoils left by this government of L. Moreno, the pandemic and the crisis.

Lenin Moreno achieved the impossible by uniting all the evildoers in a hell called Ecuador, and began with the media, then all of Correa's enemies, and finally through a booty called country, he even attracted Donald Trump and the Pentagon, which now us they step on and support the perpetrators of these misfortunes, along with the covid-19. We have lived and are living the fever of lies, deception, betrayal and evil in all its fury.

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