lunes, 12 de octubre de 2020

The perfect Ecuadorian and American media mercenaries in the continent's elections

 COMPLEMENTARY ANALYSIS Jaime Bayly, Fernando del Rincon, Oppenheimer, Longobardi, Camilo, are the most renowned media mercenaries on the continent, but in Ecuador there is no shortage of Carlos Vera, Artieda, and many more.

 To understand the difference between a communicator who is a writer, journalist, painter, an artist who is not a mercenary and one who is, we can point out that the media mercenary risks his life for pay, and does what he is ordered without questioning, such as any hitman or mercenary on the streets of Colombia, or in the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria, where they are called private contractors.

The hitman or media mercenary risks his own life and believes that what he is doing is being a good professional, he uses his knowledge and skills to achieve a good result, as does any lawyer for a mobster or a murderer who has to free him although is guilty and if he succeeds his professional prestige increases as well as his earnings.

But a doctor can also become a mercenary when he saves the life of a child rapist who he knows is, but by being his patient. he feels obliged to save him by the Hippocratic oath, or like the priest who complies with a secret of confession and does not expose the miserable.

Media mercenaries are people who unite their knowledge, skills, and fame to benefit whoever pays them, which happens for example at CNN, which is a journalistic company that wage war on the media. These companies are part of Warner, and in turn Warner is part of Burlington and Dick Cheney, the ex-vice president of George Bush who carried out the invasion of Iraq and ended up appropriating oil from this country, at the cost of the lives of Americans and Iraqis, a war that was filmed minute by minute 24 hours a day by CNN, which since the first war in Iraq called Desert Storm, did this work, which made it the first transnational news company with 24-hour continuous information.

Like the private contractors that the US military hires for its invasions. Like the one that was tried in Venezuela a few months ago, or in the Bay of Pigs in Cuba in the times of John F. Kennedy, mercenary journalists and now media hitmen have become highly paid professionals to destroy the image of a government, of a president, or an enemy of the president, also to win or intervene in elections, as happened in Bolivia.

In data leaked from the CIA in Ecuador and the USA, many of those journalists from the opposition to the SXXI Socialism governments are on the Agency's payroll, as they call themselves Cuatro Pelagatos in Ecuador, and others.

Social communication, which is art such as writing, from which we have historians like Galeano, painters like Guayasamín, film directors, artists like Charles Chaplin, many are allies of the CIA or KGB or their enemies, and they have been persecuted .

But among the communicators there are not only people from the world of art, but also from science who have been social communicators like Bohor who had to escape from the USA in the times of the witch hunt during the cold war, scientists like Jacques Cousteau who were social communicators returned. and many technologists or technicians who now teach us online. Social communication stopped being just an art to become a science, when looking for evidence, and became a technology, when it uses video, the internet and new technological tools

But many times vanity and fame are above the message and the communicator seeks above all fame, attractiveness, likes, or audience and tuning, even using fake news, sensationalism, hyper-realism, fantasy, lies, drama, comedy, in short, the thousand available resources, when the aim is simply to better serve the one who pays the owner of the media, is a mercenary in the media war at the service of manipulators, be they governments, individuals, or groups and the Self-conscience does not matter or it is fanaticism and the important thing is the pay then we have the perfect mercenary.

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