lunes, 26 de octubre de 2020

What the 2020 USA elections mean for Ecuador and the world

 COMPLEMENTARY ANALYSIS: In 8 days will be the elections in the United States, which is already underway through voting by mail. In these elections the old model of development is faced, which led the United States to be the winning industrial power of the Second World War, or to experience the adoption of a new model of development, in which the North American imperialist vision is left behind and is consolidated what is already the largest economy of intelligence and human talent.

For Trump, the path is to go back, to go back to the days of the skyscrapers that made his family rich, to open factories, and to multiply the number of workers. For Biden. is to leave behind the oil era, which has now turned the United States into an invader and enemy of oil countries, with which territories, the price and now the sales of crude oil are still disputed when the United States has once again become the first exporter world oil, thanks to hydraulic fracturing.

  Biden wants zero carbon dioxide in the air of the United States, and this implies new technologies and new technologies, as they well remember in that country, it means new forms and visions of development.

For Americans, the feeling of having the best country in the world, the richest, and the most powerful, has them puffed up and inattentive to what is happening in the world and has not saved them in the pandemic as expected. His army, like his medicine, is no longer the best in the world because they are simply too expensive, an Afghan or Colombian guerrilla is much more effective than an American soldier and they cost almost nothing, compared to the cost of a soldier American, who not only has a higher price for his training and equipment, but to sustain him in combat for a long time, is too expensive. The same thing happens in his medicine, medicines that only cost $ 10 to produce, such as remdesivir, cost three thousand, are not very effective in covid 19 but are scandalously expensive, compared to the Russian retroviral avifir.

Maintaining 700 military bases in the world and that expensive army, after a health and economic catastrophe like the one Americans are experiencing, is simply putting the noose around their neck and opting for suicide as a military power.

The United States is probably the last great military empire in the world, as empires reached their peak in the 19th century and began their extinction in the 20th century. At the beginning of this 21st century, the North American empire looks like a dinosaur, in a world where countries have replaced empires. Donald Trump, tries to return to the past and this unfortunately for him is like trying to rejuvenate.

Biden, a politician with little talent but a long career, has Bernie Sanders by his side, and behind him, Alejandra Ocacio Cortez, they are a new vision of development. In this new vision, non-polluting energy, which in turn means new machines, processes, workers, perspectives on ways of living.

This is a stellar moment, and point of no return, in which the United States has to bury its glorious past, as a seed is buried and be reborn with another vitality, at another moment in the history of the planet. in which the human being is aware of being the cause of the sixth mass extinction, of the climate change of possible human life in space or within the sea, in which the borders ceased to be on the earth's surface, they passed to the oceans and They go to the cosmos. It is a world where all human beings are interconnected and that makes reality completely different.

Distances are disappearing like borders, and these were the eternal reason for wars and disputes, the human being stopped being a nationality and became a voice and an image anywhere in the world. Human imagination ceased to be the private property of a country and now everywhere there are thinkers, inventors, artists, artisans, students, scientists, the world has changed and those that have taken the longest to change are the power structures of the States United, which are already becoming obsolete.

Biden, despite the fact that he may be one of the oldest presidents in US history, is the one with the most renewed vision, this phenomenon in which the old can see the future better than the young is not new and it is because when the old are embarked on a ship that is their own life and this has been able to witness great transformations, so they have a perspective of the future. In young people, there may be a spirit of change but in a society of many changes, amazement is lost and when amazement is lost, the vision of the future is lost and only the madness and follies of a present are experienced, with fever for the news. It is what our old men called the novel, which we hope is not the world to which Rafael Correa's candidate, Andrés Araúz, leads us.

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