jueves, 22 de octubre de 2020



It was very clear to Bolivians that Añez and the Bolivian right wing are despicable, and that is the meaning of the interventionism of the OAS, the State Department and the Pentagon through General Kaliman, to carry out a coup against Evo. Morales, in order to prevent his re-election. In the few months of the government of the opportunist Jannine Añez, self-appointed president and backed by Trump, Bolivia saw deaths in the protests, and then, everywhere, by the pandemic, which brought with it an economic crisis, and showed that Luis Arce , Evo Morales' economy minister, did a good job, for which he was overwhelmingly elected president. The price that Bolivia, Añez, the United States have to pay for this event is unquantifiable, but for Trump and Mike Pompeo it means a costly failure, for Añez to lose their country, because justice is coming and for Bolivia, a hard moment in that many will live in poverty again.
In the United States, the price, value and significance of the government of Donald Trump is the most expensive they have had to pay since the Civil War, since the dead are already approaching 250,000, more than in all the numerous wars in the United States. that has intervened, after the Second World War, there was an economic disaster translated into unemployment, massive bankruptcy as in the Great Depression, asphyxiated by subsidies to appease the dramas that explode everywhere and. This pandemic that has raged against the USA more than with any other country, and shows that having chosen a millionaire, who did not know anything about politics, nor had it been seen in the case of making decisions that would affect his entire country and to other countries of the world, which had problems with mental disabilities, due to their melagoma, vanity, and self-centeredness, they have turned the United States into an interventionist, manipulative and abusive country, while racism, the original sin of the United States, has become complicated inside. United, not solved in 250 years and now complicated with immigration and the undocumented, plus the environmental problem, about which he gave evidence of being completely ignorant, that he could only play all 4 legs in such situations. Donal Trump is without a doubt the president who has cost the United States the most, but it also means that there is a world of white supremacists and millionaires, who are leading that country to a new civil war, or a new world war, with other weapons and peculiarities, in which millions of Americans can be involved against their will.
Lenin Moreno is undoubtedly the president who has cost Ecuador the most in the last 100 years, he has cost us an even uncertain number of deaths, but we suppose that we must exceed 30,000, because to hide these figures, he has put the Institute National Statistics and Census as an office attached to the presidency, so that its data and information cannot go out, without the permission of the president or his advisers. We elected a prostrate disabled person with no physical capacity to govern, violating our own constitution that prohibited it, and we were deceived by a candidate with money hidden in fiscal lands which prevented him from being president, we did not heed what Correa's opposition pointed out on him, to the point that I risked my life defending him, so I was attacked and almost killed on the beach of Same. It was a mistake to elect an ex-poor and ex-leftist revolutionary from the MIR, the opposition party to Pinochet in Chile that was the government of Bolivia. We chose a liar who wanted power as spoils of war, who lived with poor morals to cover up his treacherous cowardice. Today we Ecuadorians have to pay more taxes, we have a foreign debt that eats up almost three quarters of the state budget, there is unemployment, bankruptcies, emigrants, but the greatest damage has been moral, because it has turned to betrayal, the lie , deception, revenge, theft in the form of social behavior
considered as cunning, intelligence, kindness, political ability.
The loyalty, the frankness, the courage, the honesty that are now considered a thing of stupid or silly gringos have become unbearable.
   It stinks to see those of Alianza País, Moreno's party, who in their propaganda for the 2021 elections, declares themselves loyal and honest people, when they have been the traitorous assemblymen, who distributed the hospitals, the cards for the disabled, to not paying taxes and importing luxury vehicles, along with other allies of Moreno, such as the Pachacutec indigenous party, who even accepted to be given the cede of UNASUR and was part of CIPCCS, which turned Moreno into a pseudo dictator. owner of justice, of the elections, in exchange for favors from Donald Trump.

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