jueves, 8 de octubre de 2020

The impact of the pandemic on the role of Ecuador in South America, the American Continent and the world.

 WRITTEN ANALYSIS. Ecuador was the capital of South America by being the headquarters of UNASUR, being part of the OAS and the Inter-American Defense Treaty, of PROSUR, of the OAS in the American Continent, and it is one of the members of the United Nations.

It should be important for the most megadiverse per square kilometer of the world, an Andean, Amazonian, and South Pacific country, one of the countries with the most diversity and tolerance in intercultural coexistence in the world.

The pandemic has returned the country to being a less developed country, with indebtedness that exceeds 50% of the annual budget, with problems placing its exports on the market due to the fall in the prices of its export products, especially of oil and shrimp. It is also affected by tourism and the sending of remittances that have been one of the direct income of the population.

It is experiencing an accelerated deterioration due to the flight of capital, which escaped from the country thanks to the fact that the country's bankers obtained from Lenín Moreno the freedom to withdraw capital,

The fact that in neighboring countries the crisis has affected their currencies and this translates into lower salaries, makes export products cheaper than those of Ecuador, a dollarized country that produces the same as them, but export earnings. for exporters they are much smaller. In the same way, it is much more attractive for international investors who want profits based on the exploitation of work, since Ecuador's wages are in dollars, investing in Peru or Colombia where they can pay less for the same work.

The good thing about dollarization is that salaries are not subject to the whim of governments, but the bad thing is that governments instead of devaluing wages and keeping jobs, especially public jobs, choose to do what Lenin Moreno does, which is to lay off state workers, privatize public companies, and change hiring laws, so that employers agree with workers lower wages and without social security, such as temporary jobs, for hours, etc.

These working conditions in a country where the price of basic services charged by the state does not decrease, nor does the payment of taxes such as VAT decrease, but increases, and the country does not have its own money to remove the population from the hunger, or of other needs and becoming eternal debtors of loans, or of public services that were not suspended during the pandemic, are the appropriate mix to create an explosive crisis, which can lead to violence, in the most violent continent and inequality of the world, or in waves of emigrants, means that what the country invested in health, education, food and well-being of its inhabitants, ends up turned into slave labor, illegal in other countries, something that is finally worse than the dollar drain, brain drain and human capital.

¨For the United Nations, the fact that one of its members enters a social, economic, health and human deterioration is a problem that has to do with poverty, human rights, environmental deterioration, violence, and even armed conflict, which are the problems that he has in his hands to resolve through the WHO, FAO, UNICEF, UNESCO, the Commission on Human Rights.

For the OAS, the fact that its member countries enter a spiral of crisis puts it in an uncomfortable situation, to the point that this organization is faced with the serious possibility of disappearing, if its interventions end as in Bolivia, with coups d'état.

For UNASUR, the Union of South American States that was destroyed by the neoliberal presidents of South America, what happens to the countries of South America does not care, and for PROSUR, the infamous organization created from the so-called Lima Group, to wage war diplomatic and economic policy to Venezuela and oppose the return of XXI Century Socialism, what happens in each of its members does not deserve joint action to face the crisis unleashed.

At this time, Ecuador and the other countries of the Continent, including the United States, are living for himself who can, because no one wants or can help the neighboring country, in a pandemic where what happens to the neighbor is the prelude to what is going to happen. pass on to others. In other words, there should be a joint response to a common problem, such as what is happening in Europe, in which the European Economic Community and the European Union allocate common funds, researchers, investigations, and more resources to save everyone and does not leave to each country to the good of God ..

But this pandemic can have the same effect as World War II in Europe, in that after a murderous hatred that killed tens of millions of Europeans who fought over what are now nonsense, such as religion, race, territory, borders. today these borders are being erased, and Europeans can move freely.

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