sábado, 10 de octubre de 2020

The deterioration of Ecuador and the American Continent before and during the pandemic is a danger to the planet ...

 WRITTEN ANALYSIS. The covid 19 pandemic has been particularly serious in the American Continent, starting with the United States and Mexico or in South America.

In the United States, it marks the beginning of the end of the North American industrial empire, which rapidly evolves towards an economy of the human mind, where the most valuable thing stopped being the industrial production that led to the victorious power of World War II, now it has the ability to control the minds of human beings, through their movies, news, social networks and search engines.

But Latin America has become its main source of cheap labor raw materials and a market for its smart products.

In the American Continent, dramatic changes are experienced, but not as evolutionary processes but as a shock. These changes range from a new relationship with time, speed and distances, in which everything is faster, without borders, machines displace human beings, and create new options that are still unimaginable.

There is also a drastic change in the relationship with nature, where the natural order is being abruptly altered, resulting in storms, droughts, fires, plantations, deforestation, overfishing, pollution, and mass extinction.

But the most chaotic thing is urban growth, the capacity of countries and cities to withstand a demographic explosion, of uncontrollable needs and that is translated into violence. This has turned the continent, from the United States, into a pressure cooker about to explode, with racist, sexist, generational violence, the social struggle of the rich against the poor. in short, it is abuzz.

The problem of Venezuela may be the starting point of a third world war, but in addition, South America is experiencing the conflict between neoliberalism or runaway capitalism and the so-called Socialism of the XXI Century or South American socialism, which developed countries call South American populism, which it is the opposite of Euro-American populism or right-wing white populism.

In SXII socialism, what is wanted is for the State to be the largest investor and owner of mega-works, the largest social investor in education, health and basic services, there is no confiscation of goods, as in communism, nor is there exclusion of parties or religions, there are free and frequent elections, in white or right-wing Populism, what is sought is to retake the white racial superiority, sexual of the man and the intimidating violence, which was the formula used by the empires Europeans to colonize and subordinate 82% of the planet.

But the pandemic has accelerated the processes of development of the economy of the mind with the Internet, and the satellite communications that give the USA its supremacy on the continent. On the other hand, in Latin America, there is popular discontent in all forms, in Chile against male supremacy, in Bolivia there is a dispute between indigenous people and mestizos, in Colombia a rebirth of the FARC, in Brazil anti-fascist protests and against ecocide In Ecuador, the use of the laws, the Assembly, the National Council of the Judiciary, and the elections are experienced to settle personal revenges of President Lenin Moreno and his allies on the right, the owners of the big media, the bankers, the indigenous people and teachers, who lost privileges in the Correa government.

 But these signs of deterioration on the Continent alert the world of a coming war of proportions, in which nature is destroyed above all and with it the deterioration that human beings is producing on the planet is accelerated, since the conflict, which already It is ongoing, it is in the most biologically and culturally diverse areas of the Earth, and it may be the starting point for the end of the human species.

The pandemic has allowed us to visualize how the disorders that affect a country can now spread to all, and that this can lead to collapse, as these 6 months have been, from March to September, in which human mobility is what most it has been injured and with it the global economy.

It remains to be seen if it is possible that the deterioration in the American Continent could have catastrophic proportions, since until now it has only been seen as a problem of countries.

It is clear that the war is going to start in Venezuela and at the Trump Wall, the wall that separates Latin America from the United States. This war is already underway, yes, and it is about a confrontation of unarmed people who want to escape from their countries, and who become martyrs of poverty at the hands of white supremacists, called themselves Patriots and a border police, or a coast guard, who has the ability to flout the law, such as when alleged drug traffickers are captured in international waters and are not tried where they belong, but where it suits them or they are held in Guantánamo.

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