sábado, 3 de octubre de 2020

The success with Correa and the failure with Moreno from Alianza País and Ecuador.

WRITTEN ANALYSIS: Alianza País emerges as a movement against the party, that is, the power of political parties, which in Ecuador had evolved from groups with ideology to companies to win elections.

This evolution takes place after the fall of the Soviet Union and the so-called Iron Curtain in Europe. Then the left movements lose their main sponsor and financier, the USSR, which trained them through scholarships in the countries of Eastern Europe, Cuba and the USSR, the children of the leaders, and the leaders through propaganda and mobilizations. , which included the delivery of publications, films, etc. and in the case of guerrillas such as the FARC, ELN and others, weapons and supplies. Then the political parties in Ecuador and Latin America evolved into parties of caudillos or owners. The caudillos had followers and were mainly leftist parties and the right had owners with money to finance campaigns.

In 2006 Alianza País participates as a leftist party that defends a new socialism called Socialism of the SXXI, which was essentially a socialism that won power through elections and not through armed struggle, it does not confiscate property or alienate it, differentiates fundamental with communism. It also allows freedom of worship, teaching, the existence of other parties, that is to say, it is not the only party and it does not propose the equality between all human beings, but the same possibilities for the same capacities and different possibilities for different capacities.

After winning the 2006 elections, presenting candidates only for president and vice president and not recycling waste from other parties, as proof that he was against the party, which is the power of the parties that are Trojan Horses to deceive the people with a candidate and a speech to introduce any scruffy to other public positions and as a hook to distribute companies, and state assets, such as oil or mines, in addition to scholarships, embassies, public works, tenders, public purchases, even debt to the country and then distribute the money loaned by international organizations and make future generations pay it.

When Correa wins in 2008, in addition to doing so under a new order established by a new constitution, he wins because he proposes a government plan and repeats his government by showing that he fulfilled what was offered, and consistency between what he says, does and thinks.

But his Alianza País movement evolves and becomes a den of traitors, hypocrites, liars, thieves and corrupt people who manage to place Lenín Moreno and 75 assembly members out of a total of 136, who make up the National Assembly, which was a new electoral success , but Moreno betrays Correa and he is joined by 50 of the 75 assembly members. Once in power, they make an alliance with opposing parties and movements, with the mainstream media, and with the government and embassy of Donald Trump. All enemies of Correa.

This was possible because Alianza País evolved from an anti-political party to a political party, that is, a group or ring of individuals, who organize themselves with a hierarchy, slogans, tasks, with the aim of holding public office, disposing of the resources, laws, army, police, public employees, for their benefit and that of their group or party, to continue as long as possible in power. To achieve this they created a press and propaganda center, which in addition to promoting the Ideology became an electoral advertising agency, for which the candidate, who should be someone who contributed votes or money, this is someone with sympathy or followers or a rich man who could be a candidate or put their candidates, finance them. Then the propaganda became the Trojan Horse, in the facade, in the shell to win votes, to present to the people candidates who were not what they claimed to be and Alianza País was so successful in this for 15 times, in the end it managed to do that the population voted for someone incompetent, Lenin Moreno and a dirty popular consultation in 2018 ..

During the 10 years of government under Rafael Correa, the successes were relevant and unquestionable, the biggest failure of that government was the party, which became the largest in history with 1,400,000 members, almost 20% of the population. with the right to vote and only once, in 2017 with Moreno as a candidate, his victory was contested.

But at the same time that he was failing in the party's morals and ethics under the leadership of Doris Solis, and then Gustavo Barja, the former prefect of Pichincha, in the country he had created a new form of poverty, which they called the middle class. These new poor were not real poor, but comparative poor who had what they never had but wanted what others had, and this cult of greed eventually made them enemies of Correa. 

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