sábado, 31 de octubre de 2020

UNES the difficulties of an improvised union for an election in Ecuador

 COMPLEMENTARY ANALYSIS In history, improvised unions to take advantage of a political situation have had bad results in Ecuador, and if not, let us remember what the Glorious Revolution was in 1945, which after Ecuador lost almost half of its territory, after the invasion of Peru, and its ally the United States. In which Peru, took away large territories in the Amazon with the signing of the Treaty of Rio de Janeiro and the USA obtained the military base in Galapagos on Seymur Island. For this reason, the socialist party made a great uprising that deposed President Arroyo del Río and put the then senator José María Velasco Ibarra. The revolution was called "La Gloriosa" and came to make the first socialist constitution in South America, which gave equal rights to women, workers, and indigenous people. But the following year Velasco betrayed her, proclaimed himself dictator because he had fascist and nazist inclinations, and even his gestures and oratory imitated Hitler.After declaring himself dictator, he voted to trash the socialist constitution, and made another at his whim and whim.

In Brazil, the alliance of Lula's Workers' Party with the camouflaged right wing as a progressive with Temer at the head, put Dilma Rousseff as president, but immediately, after Brazil's failure in the soccer World Cup that she had organized. , deposed her and imprisoned Lula, to prevent his re-election, opening the way for Bolsonaro, the neo-fascist president who now governs.

I have seen how the list of UNES candidates for the National Assembly was forged, I know that secrecy, paranoia, and conspiracy have nominated people of the same ilk as the traitors of Alianza País. It is that despite the Internet, Correa is very far away and God is very high, among them there are those who know what leg the ex-president limps on and how to encandelillar her.

  But in addition Lenin Moreno, turned Ecuador into a great factory of liars, traitors, opportunists, who now have all imaginable faces, which makes them unrecognizable even among our relatives.

  It is really very difficult for Correa and the Ecuadorians who are going to vote to know who is who in this country, where the crisis, depression, and demoralization are of such magnitude that together with Argentina and Venezuela they have the worst prognosis in the region , for international organizations, but as it was seen between 2005 and 2015, we knew how to get out of colossal catastrophes with SXXI socialism.

Correa's recommendation to vote for List 1 is for a political commitment, but like all of us who made mistakes in 2017, when Moreno won, or when the yes, of the popular consultation won, or in the last elections to Mayors, prefects, and members of the CPCCS, we have learned that voting for a list is voting for a Trojan Horse, because political parties are a box of surprises.

  You will remember the story of Troy in which the Trojans, that is, people like you and me, believed that those who wanted to oppress them, the Greeks, had withdrawn in defeat and left them a giant wooden horse as a trophy. Euphoric they took the horse to their city, which had impassable walls, which had defended them, but once inside the wooden horse, and after a celebration party for the supposed victory, from the horse's belly, Greek soldiers came down, They opened the gates of Troy and the Trojans were killed, raped and burned. in it, by the Greeks who deceived them by feigning a retreat.

These 4 years we have lived through this, Lenin Moreno, used Correa's party, Alianza País, which obtained 14 electoral victories and hid traitorous candidates, who occupied 50 seats in the National Assembly, and then it opened the doors to the United States , who set up two military bases, controls the army and the police, and then burned down everything that could be useful so that Correa and his loyalists cannot return, and has even tried to arrest and assassinate them politically.

This experience, both mine and yours, puts us on the alert not to vote for a list of candidates, but to vote for those candidates we know well. This is the best mechanism to defend ourselves against traitors, hypocrites, liars, and even to help Rafael Correa to return as a candidate for a constituent assembly, to correct the errors of the 2008 constitution, to eliminate what Moreno has done. and its allies.

If Araúz does not have a majority in the Assembly, he will be forced to use CROSS DEATH and summon a Constituent Assembly, so Correa will return, as a candidate for that assembly.


This situation is also very special, since Arauz has great possibilities created by Correa, the victories of the González in Argentina, and Arce in Bolivia, the Yes in Chile and the close defeat of Trump.

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