viernes, 2 de octubre de 2020

Psychosocial behavior in Ecuador, Bolivia and the USA in the face of the pandemic, the elections and the crisis.

 WRITTEN ANALYSIS The United States, Ecuador and Bolivia face a pandemic, elections and a crisis. In the three countries, the covid 19 virus, the economic crisis and interventionism are present as keys that have different nuances in each country.

In the United States, the pandemic demystifies North American medicine, which in addition to being at the forefront of numerous discoveries, inventions, innovations, which changed medical practice in the world and which move the second largest business on the planet, which are the Pharmaceuticals and drugs, at the hour of the hour, has been defeated by an unknown virus, which has put in check a medicine that came to become a public spectacle in movies and TV series.

While in the North American government, an astute businessman who had turned construction, gambling and beauty pageants or reality shows into businesses without moral, ethical or any kind scruples, and where human work in the constructions were badly paid, the game and the vice had the largest temple in the world in the Taj Mahal, the women became mannequins without soul or history in the Miss Universe pageant and the despotic behavior became an audience in their program The Apprentice, all of this led him to become the American version of Nero. the Roman emperor who burned Rome like Trump burned all the international agreements and treaties of the United States and turned the war in all its forms, the military war in Syria and Afghanistan, the economic war with China, the economic blockades and sanctions to Cuba, Iran, Nicaragua, Russia and China, in defeats for the United States and at the same time for the attacked countries. But that added to the weight of maintaining and expanding the most expensive army in the world, by changing the political game, intervening in the elections of countries especially in Latin America, such as Venezuela, Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, encourage Grudges, with the wall and the destruction of organizations such as UNASUR or creating an alliance for a war against Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Russia and China in South America through PROSUR, created the conditions for the pandemic within the United States, and in Latin America , will claim more victims than in the rest of the globe.

Today with 5 weeks until the election, Donald Trump has an electoral defeat that is coming, but he has turned the United States into a field of racial and sexual war in which white supremacists intend to use firearms and violence against blacks and Hispanics to defend the last white empire in the West, and prevent women from displacing men in all fields. Which of course seems inevitable. During the government of Donald Trump and the pandemic it was discovered that the United States was a country of sick people, both physical, mental and social, it had a huge population with obesity, diabetes, drug addiction, mental disorders, sedentary and psychologically, economically and socially depressed that it was easy prey for the virus. This was because it was the only country that participated in World War II that did not implement universal health insurance. but also because it turned greed, that is, unlimited profit, violence and the possession of weapons, fun and entertainment, that is, the consumption of entertainment, alcohol and drugs, in public spectacle, politics, religion and culture. While the adversary countries turned to sacrifice, tireless work, moderation or abstinence, physical activity and discipline in public entertainment, religion, politics and culture, as is visible in the most disciplined country in the world China, today its worst enemy , or in the incredible tenacity of Russia, which although they also have super millionaires, the population lives the daily sacrifice as a social behavior, just like Latin America, today the cradle of the invaders.

In Bolivia, the situation is out of control since the coup against Evo Morales. This Andean country, with an indigenous majority, with 5 centuries of resistance to white cultures, divided into an area with a majority white mestizo, conservative, Christian with religions introduced by the United States, based in Santa Cruz, in the Amazonian plains and a huge mountainous territory in the Andes, of indigenous people willing to do anything for Evo Morales and his MAS party. While in Ecuador, the country of white mestizo traitors, since Lenin Moreno governs it, it is simply a North American military base in the war on drug trafficking, which has turned everything into booty, from hospitals or foreign debt, to justice. and the elections, affected by the pandemic that multiplied the deaths thanks to corruption, which deprived the people of resources in a dollarized country. to face the virus and sedated by a media apparatus and its armed forces that suffocate him.

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