viernes, 2 de octubre de 2020

The American Continent in the worst crisis since the wars of independence

 WRITTEN ANALYSIS, Ecuador like the United States are in elections. But also, countries like all of Latin America are facing a pandemic that has caused the worst crisis in the history of the entire American Continent, since the wars of Independence.

This crisis, like the Second World War in Europe, opens the possibility that the borders from Alaska to Patagonia disappear, as is happening in the European Economic Community. or, on the contrary, the United States, wants to distance itself more from the rest of the continent, to lock itself behind the wall of the southern border and expel Hispanics.

We are facing two forms of poverty created by the pandemic, the acute poverty that especially hits the United States, and the middle classes of Latin America, which is a poverty that appears with the pandemic, and the chronic poverty that has been increasing in the continent, especially in Latin America.

The difference between acute poverty is that it is possible to reverse it with immediate economic measures that promote spending, that is, if money is distributed among people, they will buy and the economy reactivates.

In chronic poverty, the problem is that distributing money among the population does not solve the problem, because people do not have security, such as water quality, garbage disposal, medical care, timely medicines, means of transportation. at your fingertips, communications, etc. Under these conditions, giving loans and money to chronically poor people becomes akin to putting water in the desert.

This explains why there is no capacity for the Ecuadorian population to absorb loans and use them, and it is because they lack other security and undertaking something is not the same in the United States as in Ecuador. In Ecuador it is possible to undertake anything legally or illegally, and with little capital, but the problem is that it is like lighting a paper, the illusion, money, time, and the spirit of the entrepreneur are quickly consumed.

In the United States, on the contrary, in addition to the fact that the money loans are of more dollars, this pushes the population to automatically become linked to a productive process, where there is already a market, an infrastructure, an open road, and what the entrepreneur needs is only to put some detail into the venture that makes a difference and draws attention.

This establishes the difference between the ways that the United States has to get out of the crisis that start from its war capacity, from its capacity to absorb and take advantage of the planet's resources and now even from outside the planet and to use machines, inventions, imagination , the creativity.

In Ecuador, using natural resources means depleting the seas, ending the jungles and forests, polluting soils with mining or oil extraction, destroying the health and morale of the population with bad salaries and overexertion.

Against this background, the United States has the possibility of experiencing a technical scientific revolution in which machines do human work and humans can have more time to do what they like, learn and think.

As Ecuador and the other Latin American countries we face insecurity in all aspects, hunger, multiplied violence in the most violent region in the world today.

This, of course, constitutes the greatest danger for the United States, which has to face migratory waves, which are forms of territorial invasion, which unbalance the balance of power between black and Hispanic whites that has been established after 4 centuries of colonization and wars.

Ecuador and Latin America have to face a hungry human tide, which threatens the main allies of the United States on the continent, which are the military, the police, who in countries other than Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela respond to direct orders from the US embassies in our countries, the CIA, the DEA or the Pentagon, as in the time of Rome to the proconsuls. from Spain to the Viceroys.

Secondly, the Latin American elites are under threat because the order that they have established in our countries allows them to multiply their wealth and power, which is done at the cost of the lives of multitudes who now with the internet and education know more about their rights and the origin of their poverty, and by changing the poor population from an illiterate population to a literate population that even has a cell phone and other modern tools at their disposal, they become an ungovernable mass with the proposals that for decades it has served politicians and their born to seize power.

Latin America, is the region of the world most trained to suffer and overcome natural catastrophes, violence, plagues, bad governments, injustice, lies, it differs from the USA. that has greed, fun and war as culture, religion and politics.

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