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domingo, 8 de mayo de 2022
Changes in the consciousness and the subconscious of Ibero-American communities
The 16th century with the conquest of the New World. this is from Colorado in the USA to Chile and the Philippines on the Pacific coast, and from Florida to the Caribbean, Brazil, Argentina to Africa, in the Atlantic, by the crowns of Spain and Portugal, they created a new world order that would be destroyed by Napoleon, France, and England in the 19th century, and this new order of the 19th century by Germany, the United States, and Russia in the 20th century. Today this order is giving way to a new order in the 21st century.
The Latin American consciousness and subconscious comes with the appearance of the viceroyalties, captaincies and royal audiences of Spain, which are the origin of the Hispanic countries of Latin America, and the reign of Portugal in Brazil when the King of Portugal escaped from Napoleon. Today there are 33 countries with an area greater than the European Economic Community, and the United States.
These countries became the property of the United States, after the Spanish-American War and the creation of the OAS, the Organization of American States. which operates as the Ministry of America's Backyard Countries. His job is to prevent the countries of the American Continent from trying to stop being part of the Backyard of the USA. The mechanism is to stigmatize, overthrow or block any government or ruler who dares to question the decisions of the White House for the Region.
Since the beginning of the 19th century, Latin America has become the main supplier of raw materials, and provider of cheap labor, which began with oil and rubber, then sugar, fruits, grains, copper. It became one of the most important markets for North American products and technology, but now Latin America is the territory of dispute as a supplier of raw materials and as a market, for China, Korea, Japan, and the European Economic Community.
Since the 16th century, the Latin American subconscious was managed by the Catholic Religion. This religion instilled in the Catholic inhabitants of the world that God was the one who finally decided who lives and who dies. This was because the Catholic religion gave as an explanation for the great mortality caused by the bubonic plague, which ended with half of the population of Europe, that the cause of the plague was a divine punishment, for the practice of heresy and idolatry. Other religions were considered heresy, and idolatry was the worship of idols, as the stars were called, including the sun, mountains, volcanoes, rivers, trees, animals considered sacred, in the new continent or totems, such as those that represent to the gods in Africa. Sin was everything that is frowned upon by the Pope, bishops, cardinals or priests. This turned the Catholic Church in Latin America into another religion, where things, cities, natural phenomena, miracles, everything new or strange, had a virgin or a saint behind it. The cities had a saint, a virgin or finally an archangel as patron, they were the patron saints. Human destiny in Latin America was decided by God, but God was actually chance. This was because from the discovery to the conquest of America, chance was the decisive element. It is that nothing on this continent was known, this unknown world had surprises everywhere, the volcanoes, animals, rivers, waterfalls, plants, seemed from another planet. Until now, America, Africa, Oceania, and Antarctica remain the least known continents. Since then, God has been in the Latin American subconscious, manifesting itself everywhere, including people, droughts, plagues, floods, eruptions, rulers, wars, as occurred in ancient Greece. But in this period, from 1492 to 1900, gold, silver, sugar and alcohol, plagues, weapons, priests and nuns, the conquistadors and landowners were, together with the king and the Spanish authorities, the ones who actually decided the fate and death of Latin Americans.
In the 19th century, the defeat of Spain and Portugal against France, governed by Napoleon Bonaparte, and this in turn defeated by the English, turned Latin America into the main supplier of England. England introduced a new god, the market. In the market, everything became money and money has been a god ever since. With money everything is possible, the temple of money is called banks, its cult was considered a sin and it was called usury. Opium, diamonds, slave trade, piracy, became more valuable than gold and allowed the conquest of China, India, or Africa. The merchants had armies of their own that defeated empires like the Chinese empire.
With the train and the industrial revolution, iron, steel, cotton, looms and workers, which replaced laborers and slaves, as well as the printing press, the telegraph, the press, the most powerful firearms, ships defined the new order. In this new order the governments ceased to be submissive to the kings of Europe. The colonies became independent or created their own governments, some related or allied with the European empires, such as Canada, Australia, India, China, In them, religion, language, were not as influential as in the Spanish and Portuguese colonies, the religions of India and China, as well as those of the African peoples remained almost intact, what changed was the way of working, the destination of products and merchandise, which became part of the commercial network created by merchants especially from England .
In Latin America, the ports became the main cities. Merchants and merchants, as well as politics, this is the power of the richest cities, upset us.
In the 19th century, England, together with the United States, put an end to the Spanish Empire, by creating countries based on their Viceroyalties, general captaincies or royal audiences. The disintegration of the Spanish empire was the slogan and the great achievement.
The 20th century where the Spanish flu, the Wall Street market crises, the technological revolution, antibiotics, vaccines, contraceptives, the weapons of mass extinction that debuted in the First and Second World Wars, changed our Latin American subconscious. We began to experience a struggle between capitalism and communism, the first led by the USA, the second by the USSR. This led us to revolutions like the Cuban Revolution, the Sandinista Revolution, in which Russia brought its weapons under the nose of the United States. The United States had turned our countries into agro-industrial countries, industrial producers of raw materials such as copper or oil. Latin American governments now live on exports, which have become the main sources of income.
The politicians, exporters, bankers, the owners of the media, industries, plantations, the military, the police, judges, lawyers, the traffickers of everything, the launderers of dirty money, ill-gotten gains, tax evaders, are the that decided the fate and death of Latin Americans.
Everything has become booty and the germ of violence and corruption, from elections to international loans, or external indebtedness, which compromises the future of the countries and of the younger generations. The USSR has made us believe that a god called the communist party and its general secretary are salvation.
The terror of poverty, which in Latin America is no longer just not having enough, which is chronic poverty as well as having debts, or going bankrupt, being fired, losing your job, which is brutal, acute or sudden poverty, define our collective subconscious.
The pandemic and the new war in Europe, as well as the trade war between the United States and China, and the war, this time frontal, between Russia, the United States, and NATO over Ukraine, in Europe the place where wars can have enormous dimensions, the population in old, almost sterile, and high-powered weapons abound, it has created an uncontrollable inflationary phenomenon on a global level. As in the pandemic, the effects and the victims are detected in real time, the news multiplies the psychological effect in Latin American countries, this effect fundamentally translates into an incessant increase in internal violence, which turns countries into hells, cradle of emigrants and their rulers into torturers.
Since then Spain became the ugly duckling of Europe, the place of fun, tourism, entertainment, it ceased to be the guardian of Europe that protected it from Muslims and the guardian of the Catholic Church, which lost power to the Protestant churches.
In Latin America, the Anglo-Saxons taught us to hate the Spanish, their king, their soldiers, their court, their laws, it was more difficult for them to teach us to hate the Catholic religion, which is now part of the process of domination from the region, where pedophile priests are used as evidence that the Catholic Church was and is corrupt, a practitioner of double standards.
Today Spain, which is resuming its role as an important country in Europe, sees with anger how during the pandemic, from Christopher Columbus, to any tiny conqueror, is the victim of vandalism against its statues or representations, this is because the United States, is creating the phobia of Latin Americans of Spanish descent whom he calls Hispanics and justifies this hatred by saying that we are descendants of the worst human beings in history, the Spanish conquerors, because we Hispanics have become the irrepressible invaders of their territory, the main suppliers of drugs, in detestable, is that we are descendants of the Spaniards, their enemies since the Spanish-American War, 100 years ago and like the Mexicans, their enemies since the invasion and appropriation of Mexican territories, such as California and Texas, for 150 years.
The racial problem, which is the genetic defect of the United States, where for 250 years, blacks, Hispanics, first, and Arabs, or Asians later, are marked by the stigmas of white supremacists, who have lost fertility, territories, health, front the invaders, who reproduce more, are less physically and psychologically damaged by a sedentary lifestyle, fast food or drugs, which has now led them to resume the prohibition of abortion, to fight against drug trafficking and against the free sale of guns, which is arming minorities and Hispanics across the Rio Grande.
Today the population of drug addicts, fanatics and gunmen has turned against their own countries throughout the continent, while migratory waves of Latin Americans camp on the other side of the wall, trafficking in human beings, weapons and drugs that has become the best business in the world.
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