martes, 10 de mayo de 2022

The dramatic and terrible end of the pandemic in Ecuador

Since the second half of the 20th century, there was a demographic explosion on the Ecuadorian coast, this was due to the use of antibiotics, and the appearance of agribusiness, the shrimp and fishing industry, which mobilized millions of Ecuadorians to the coastal region. 

The problem was that this population explosion produced more men than women, which became machismo, and war for women, in turn, the population explosion created neighborhoods, towns, and even slums. At the head of these slums is Guayaquil, whose hills are populated by people who live in overcrowding, without water, sewage, garbage collection, and uncontrollable violence.

 These new neighborhoods, mostly due to invasions, are a focus of violence. This model of urban management is common along the Ecuadorian Coast since the country is the Banana Republic, that is, it is an exporter of bananas.

Today the banana exporting countries, such as Honduras, Colombia, and Ecuador, are at the forefront of violence throughout the region, with waves of migration, drug trafficking, and money laundering. But the transition from banana republics to narco countries is what is now burning prisons, neighborhoods, and ports in Ecuador. This is possible because, like bananas 70 years ago, cocaine is the center of social life in the United States and Europe, a trend that has displaced or multiplied the effects of alcohol, sex, and tobacco.

The plantation economy model became a social problem of colossal magnitude, creating mass poverty, to the point that Ecuadorians, or Hondurans, are now part of the migratory waves to the United States because living in our highly dangerous.

Hunger, debts, taxes, bank interest, and inflation were the breeding ground. The population of our country was converted into a malnourished population, it was filled with needs, and it was converted into a population with foreign debts that consume their wealth and work, produce low wages, over labor exploitation, of natural resources. Governments have become loot, allowing the theft or misuse of taxes, public officials, or state companies. The police, the army, poor justice, poor education, and poor health services consume the economy, turning public employees into privileged ones, who round up their salary with corruption, kickbacks, bribes, theft of time, useless work, or clumsy, today public employees are a heavy burden for our countries.

Weapons became work tools like motorcycles and cell phones, which produce immediate income in minutes, just by killing someone or robbing them.

So we are in a vicious circle, where you work for street thieves, the government, and the lending countries.

'Finally, the country's essential problem is hunger, complicated by the pandemic, the war in Europe between NATO AND RUSSIA FOR UKRAINE. Hunger hits us, in a country where it is possible to sow and harvest everything, throughout the year, and exports food, but the child population, women, and now young people, adults, or the elderly have to beg, steal and kill to be able to eat. Hunger has become the bad adviser of Ecuadorians, who have become the worst danger for their neighbors.

 Ecuador is experiencing the self-extinction of its inhabitants and cultures. It has become an unmanageable problem for the United States and neighboring countries, part of the cursed countries, parries, or stateless, such as Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, or those of the Northern Triangle, such as Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala and especially Mexico, which now exports its violence to South America and the United States, thanks to its powerful drug cartels. that they have acquired such power, that they can define the new order in the American Continent, as one day the English, French, and Dutch pirates, the Spanish and Portuguese conquerors, or the gunmen in the United States did.

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