jueves, 12 de mayo de 2022

How Putin became a more powerful god than Christ

The difference between politics and religion and the market is that politics turns a human being into a mortal god for a short or a long time, religion invents immortal gods for an indefinite time, and the market turns money, things, or properties into gods. In all three cases, human life becomes at the service of a politician, a priest, money, or their properties.

But in all three cases, human life is worth less than power, wealth, or faith. In all three cases, human beings appropriate what is not theirs, that of another human being, or of a good, which helps them to live a great deal, but in the end, it is foreign, it is not theirs, they have to abandon it, only life. it is the only thing that ceases to exist when we die, the rest can appear or disappear, because both power, faith, or properties have their own existence.

At this moment, Putin has more power than any god of any religion in history, he has the possibility to destroy the planet because he can decide the use of more than six thousand nuclear warheads, and he has hypersonic missiles that are impossible to detect or stop at the weather. While apparently China and the United States were developing biological weapons, as both are blamed for the origin of the covid 19 plague, which has become a pandemic, and in two years has killed more than six million human beings. This allows us to think that any president of the United States or China is also in the category of mortal gods, with the difference that the United States is for a maximum of 8 years and China's indefinitely.

In the cosmos, the matter is transformed, energy is depleted, and time seems to exist in a different way, it is apparently the fundamental difference between the different forms of matter, antimatter, energy, and life because each one has a time different to exist from its origin, but also chance plays a crucial role, like the meteor that came to Earth 67 million years ago, by chance, ending the dinosaurs and the Cretaceous Period of the planet.

The difference between Putin and Christ is that Putin has more power than Christ to destroy the planet, but Christ has eternal life, which is the way in which human beings turn other human beings into gods, through religions, while Putin is forbidden to enter the category of gods, because he is a politician, not a priest, and he will be remembered as a mortal being, not as an immortal.

In human history, the pharaohs, like Christ, could access the category of gods, or goddesses like Nefertiti, because until the arrival of Western culture, in Eastern cultures, kings had the possibility of becoming gods, so many of them built pyramids or tombs with terracotta soldiers, who would accompany them to the other world, along with their women, or favorite slaves.

Apparently, politics, which is giving way to global politicians, like Putin or Biden now, have become a danger to the human species and life on the planet, so politics is entering a collapse, like a way of directing human beings,

Apparently, science and artificial intelligence are displacing religions, as it shows us that religions are actually myths elevated in the category, by becoming faith. But faith, that confidence that the possibilities of miracles exist, is where human beings maintain confidence in themselves and in the future, this apparently can never disappear, because faith and hope are gone. Religion is going from being a form of mass control to a form of personal control, where each human being has the possibility to choose, adopt and take care of himself.

Politics that also confront science, like what happened during the pandemic in the United States between Dr. Fauci and Donald Trump, in which the president got the worst of it, showed that presidents without scientific knowledge, or with an overdose of faith, vanity, fanaticism and fictitious beliefs, can be calamitous for a country.

Today science is practiced daily by millions, and it becomes technology, art, creativity, imagination, and innovation, but it is anonymous.

 Knowledge, unlike faith, private property, or power, is not exclusive to someone, because knowledge changes, is modified, or mutated from one day to the next. At this time, human knowledge is renewed in its entirety every 16 days and it is possible that in the second half of the century the power to see the universe and 13,500 will be renewed every hour. millions of years in the past, as cosmologists do thanks to space telescopes, it already astonishes us.

Science, technology, and artificial intelligence are replacing rulers and their hasty decisions, like tractors replacing workers in construction, or robots in factories.

Removing power from the presidents of the countries, whether or not they are human or not, becomes the next challenge for humanity, since the presidents of the countries now have the category of demigods in countries without atomic bombs and of gods in those who have nuclear weapons, in both cases have become a danger, rather than a fortune. Governments and rulers have become a lottery, where the chances of error are greater than those of success, but the mistakes of the rulers mean the death of millions of human beings and the disappearance of life in their countries or on the planet. 

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