lunes, 9 de mayo de 2022

New massacre in the prisons of Ecuador

Prison violence in Ecuador has become world news. This social phenomenon stems from the collective consciousness and collective subconscious, which turned prisons into universities of irascible, suicidal, rabid violence, through places, guards, and prison directors, who practice in prisons everything that may be immoral, illegal wrong, or unfair.

Being a prison guard or director of prisons has become a dirty business, a human degradation, which uses prisons to turn them into hell, where they are the devils and the prisoners are punished.

After the death penalty in Ecuador was eliminated, it ceased to be the worst thing that could happen to a criminal, an enemy of the current ruler, or of the Catholic Church, when he was accused of idolatry, heresy, or witch. . So the death penalty tried to be the greatest possible suffering, which ended with the life of a human being.

Today the death penalty for personal suffering or that of friends and family is practiced by hitmen and gangsters from drug trafficking networks, human trafficking, or anything illegal such as wood, gold, emeralds, ivory, or diamonds, like the Colombian, Mexican and Ecuadorian cartels.

Then the state decided that death was not enough, the suffering should be prolonged from the time he is sentenced until the last day he breathes, trying to make it suffering for as long as possible, where the prisoner is aware of the punishment he receives, during all long life in prison, so that more people and generations realize what it means to break the law.

Prison became a chronic disease in society. Before, the death penalty was an acute illness.

What justified the prolonged imprisonment was that the prisoner had time to prove his innocence, that an innocent person would not be killed, which was an irreversible fact.

In addition, the prisons would be centers of social rehabilitation, that is, of repentance, where the prisoner would learn what he did not learn or forgot, to live in peace with other human beings, which means without doing harm.

Killing an innocent became something worse than what murderers do because the murderer of innocents is a government elected by the people, under the gaze of international organizations and agreements such as Human Rights, which they are obliged to comply with,

The job of the prisons is to get dangerous human beings off the streets and to ensure that the people are not irrational hatred, that can trigger a revolution, by turning into mass anger, that the people fear the ruler and the government in power.

But prison became a punishment against the enemies of the current ruler, a way of governing, a way of imposing a convenient order for the one in power, and a way of stigmatizing the enemies of the free media, of the president in power. Whether or not by-election.

In the case of Ecuador, those that the United States ambassador, the FBI, the DEA, the CIA, or the North American justice system want behind bars or do not want in an election.

The crime became a point of view, in which what the victim feels is less important than what the judge says, like when a raped woman rejects the pregnancy that the rapist caused her, which is like being infected with AIDS, but in AIDS, or AIDIS, the victim is the rapist who becomes the vector of the disease and the raped woman afterward, where in addition to being a victim of the disease she is the victim of the violence, mental illness, and cruelty of the rapist.

The crime became a point of view, in which what the victim feels is less important than what the judge says, like when a raped woman rejects the pregnancy that the rapist caused her, which is like being infected with AIDS, but in AIDS, or AIDIS, the victim is the rapist who becomes the vector of the disease and the raped woman afterward, where in addition to being a victim of the disease she is the victim of the violence, mental illness, and cruelty of the rapist.

In abortion, the victim is a child, a creature that in principle has no-fault, but it means the humiliation, the fear, to which a woman was subjected, who was infected with hatred and evil, the cruelty of the rapist, who acquires a human face in his own son, to become hatred, humiliation, fear, with a face, with the blood and the marks of the torturer, a form of torture converted into years, which is forced to endure the raped by the rest of her days, where the face of the villain who tried to kill her, strip her of her dignity, her self-esteem, her right to choose, becomes a form of torture, which she has to endure indefinitely, right under her nose. This was something that before the 21st century, in which women finally have rights, and dignity, was simply a curse, for being born and being a woman, because being a woman was in itself a curse. So a woman is forced to raise and care for the rest of her life a baby with irreversible defects, or serious congenital malformations, to endure poverty, humiliation, martyrdom, using children as a means of torture, as a chain as a sentence against her, of a man who waters children, who made it a sport to impregnate and abandon his children. whom she uses to mark and subject women to her whims.

Prisons in Ecuador have become universities of crime, in which, like universities, knowledge is acquired, but above all relationships. In prisons, prisoners are forced to belong to a gang that competes with another for power inside the prison, which means humiliating, intimidating, forcing, and forcing others.

Upon leaving prison, the prisoner owes his life to those who protected him inside prison. This forces him to be part of the cartels, which are the ones that rule inside the prisons. In prison, one learns to kill without remorse of conscience, for which it is necessary to carry out prison riots, and massacres. These massacres are the ones that create eternal ties between assassins, just as wars create eternal ties between combatants, they are the ones that brainwash the prisoners, the ones that turn them into killing machines, with flesh and bones and above all with evil. possessed of his mind.

The prisons in Ecuador are temples of a bloodthirsty religion practiced in Mexico called Santa Muerte, which spreads across the continent, as the Catholic religion did one day, and which offers as a reward a lot of money, pleasures, and wealth if they convert towns, cities, and countries in hell, where they can live their delusions.

The prisons became the weapons with which the lawyers, the judges, the politicians, the rich, and the wicked can make their own, because, in Ecuador, the lawyers and judges learn in the university how to use the traps created by the laws and create cheating laws, especially to delay sentences.

In the prisons of Ecuador, there are more prisoners without sentences than those with sentences, but the worst thing is that those who are imprisoned for not paying child support, or a traffic violation, share cells with hitmen, murderers, or insane who corrupt their soul, recruit them

Feeding children, young and old in the country, with free and balanced lunches and breakfasts in study centers and asylums, and free medical care and medicines, is cheaper than feeding and keeping thousands of criminals in prison, which overcrowd the prisons. But drug trafficking, illegal abortion, and drug laundering allow for more police and soldiers, judges, prosecutors, or journalists, who ultimately serve to keep the current ruler in power. This was visible in the so-called special period in Cuba, in which violence did not prosper thanks to the fact that the government maintained education, housing, and health without a deterioration that triggered the insane violence experienced by Ecuador, Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras or Guatemala, and Colombia, the so-called Banana Republics, since the 1950s.

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