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sábado, 7 de mayo de 2022
The development of consciousness and the collective unconscious in southern Colombia and northern Ecuador
Ecuador was part of the Viceroyalty of New Granada or Santa Fe de Bogotá since 1576, but only in its northern part, which includes Quito, the capital of the Real Audiencia of the same name.
Since then, the south of Colombia and the north of Ecuador have been one, the border between the two countries is actually an imaginary line, which is noticeable only by the presence of soldiers from both countries.
On the coast, Afro-Ecuadorians and Afro-Colombians are the same, so much so that it is difficult to differentiate them, almost nothing makes them different, only some very Colombian words, which are not used in Ecuador, identify them.
In the Andes, the Pastusos, as those from the province of Carchi are known, speak and have all the similarities with the Pastusos of Colombia, who are from the Department of Nariño with the city of Pasto as the capital. It is necessary to go deeper and travel further north to find differences in the dialect. In the Amazon, not to mention, because the number of Colombians who live on the two banks of the Putumayo River makes it difficult to know where Colombia is and where Ecuador is.
The collective subconscious in the south of Colombia, as well as in the north of Ecuador, are very similar, with the great difference that in the south of Colombia, the guerrillas, the paramilitaries and the Colombian army are the ones that create the unconscious reactions.
In the collective subconscious, in southern Colombia, fear is the germ of behavior. This fear comes from the fact that it has been a disputed territory for the guerrillas, drug traffickers, or the corrupt Colombian army, which is the clear representation of what Colombian politicians are, since its independence in 1819.
The independence of Colombia, unlike the independence of Ecuador, was the continuation of the aristocracy of the Viceroyalty, descendants of the conquerors and the officials of the crown, who made this Viceroyalty the most erudite in South America. Since then, 40 families have been in control and are vying for power through blood and fire.
The center of Colombia's governability problem is that when it achieves its independence it becomes the capital of Gran Colombia, which was the new and richest country in South America, with access to the Pacific and the Atlantic, and a large population. In those same years, it powered the United States, Mexico and Brazil in America, Russia in Europe, China in Asia.
The powerful British Empire, which lost its 13 colonies on the Atlantic coast of what is now the United States, before defeating Napoleon at Waterloo, and expanding through India or China, after disrupting the Spanish Empire, an ally of Napoleon, before to rebel against his brother, Pepe Botellas.
But to disintegrate Spain, he supported armies like that of Simón Bolívar with ships, weapons, horses, and troops. But once the independence of the Latin American countries was achieved, it prevented the existence of Gran Colombia, encouraging and financing its dissolution. This gave rise to three countries, Venezuela, Ecuador and Colombia, where Bolívar's generals, such as Santander in Colombia, Páez in Venezuela and Flores in Ecuador who were behind the assassination of Marshal Antonio José de Sucre, Bolívar's successor, who suffered end-stage tuberculosis.
This murder was the key to originate three new fiefdoms or countries of these generals who tried to create a republican system, of unitary states, not federal, where those who could vote were only the rich, women, young people, blacks were excluded. , mestizos, indigenous and mulattoes, those who did not know how to read and write, but also had to have higher education. at a time when there were universities in Bogotá, Quito or Caracas. having military rank, a lot of land, or big business, especially for exports, this meant being suppliers of England, which seized the ports of the three countries and administered them, as part of the payment for the doubts of Independence, which Ecuador canceled in 1974.
Since then and until now, the universities of the rich, are the ones that appoint rulers, in both countries, as well as the landowners or the exporters, but since then those who have higher studies in universities in Europe or United States, they are bankers, or people with a political career, that is, they are part of political cartels, which, like drug cartels, are grouped together. they create hierarchies, distribute positions and appoint successors.
But the historical trauma that defines the collective unconscious of Colombia occurs when it loses Panama and the United States makes it the main country in its backyard in South America.
Faced with Colombia's refusal to sell Panama to the United States, this country financed a civil war, providing both sides with automatic weapons, financing, training, ships, explosives. This originated the War of the Thousand Days, and the Colombian president was forced by the North American army to admit the independence of Panama, like Mexico the independence of California or Texas. This strategy allowed the United States to buy for 100 years the territory through which the Panama Canal now crosses and create a free trade zone, where companies do not have to pay anything to the Panamanian government.
In the War of the THOUSAND DAYS, the Liberals finally lost and many emigrated to Ecuador, where a war was also being waged between Conservatives and Liberals that the Liberals won. In the fields of Colombia, peace has not been possible since then, because the Colombian landowners do not accept any agrarian reform until today, while in Ecuador there have been some.
To end the liberal and conservative political struggles, they agreed to take turns every 4 years. This is how in the same powerful families of Colombia, as in Ecuador, there is until today a liberal son, another conservative, a doctor, another lawyer, a priest, a nun and a free thinker. Finally, whether liberal or conservative governments remained in the same families.
In Ecuador, in rich families, not only is there a liberal, a conservative, but even a communist atheist, which allowed, unlike Colombia, that in Ecuador there are more than 250 parties, 120 presidents and 46 constitutions in 200 years, since independence on May 24, 1822, .
Since Fidel Castro's victory in Cuba in 1959, the Colombian guerrillas have become part of the country's political problem. Ecuador became the refuge for the families of the guerrillas, who are harassed or killed by the Colombian army to this day, through so-called false positives, or by the paramilitaries, such as the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia AUC, the Rastrojos or the Black Eagles. .
In the 1980s, Colombia became the world's leading drug exporter, thanks to the United States' war with the Sandinistas, using the Contras, to whom it supplied weapons, selling Pablo Escobar's drugs in California.
The drug traffickers not only became the richest in that country, but they were also able to create private armies, capable of confronting the Colombian army, through mercenaries, who are called assassins. The Colombian army and government had to associate with the North American army, the DEA, the CIA, and the Ecuadorian army to confront them, in a war called the War on Drugs, which continues to this day.
Since the end of the USSR, the guerrillas lost their main financier, this forced them to look for sources of financing in kidnapping, vaccines or extortion and drug trafficking, which encouraged the so-called DIRTY WAR, which Colombia is experiencing until now.
Ecuador was part of the so-called Plan Colombia in 2000, financed by the government of George W. Bush, later it became a refuge for thousands of displaced Colombian peasants and indigenous people, today it is the place where the children and wives of the guerrillas, they receive education, medical care, they can work, and they are not killed, while their parents continue in a war, which aims to take away the large haciendas from Colombian landowners since 1900.
The Peace Agreement is a failure, because the assassinations of leftists, peasant or indigenous leaders do not stop. It was thought that it would be the way to reverse the violence in Colombia, which became an export product to the whole world, along with drugs, through hired assassins, which created a fashion for murderers on motorcycles and narco-terrorism with car bombs.
Thanks to the pandemic, the economic crisis, and the protests, Colombia wants to change the government of the 40 families, the sinister Colombian army, the owners of the newspapers and the media, the drug money launderers, the allies of the American embassy, through elections, giving Colombians the opportunity to elect someone who is not the same as always, to leave behind the trite and bloody grind, which has not stopped for 122 years.
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